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The Pain of Knowing An Addict

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Guest hitoallusa

Well if you cheat with Scarlette and other guys with just a kiss once or twice because of my constant nagging and demands then I would understand but more than that then who knows whether I will turn into Kate Bates in "Misery". ^_^

No wonder guys run away from me... Sigh...

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It does appear that I erred in thinking that Adam Smith's heaven remark was directed at me, and I accept responsibility for the error.

But the other error is Adam Smith thinking this thread was about him. We use the message boards for a variety of reasons, often to vent. I have a situation with a friend and I came here to vent on that, knowing that he doesn't even know this site exists. Little did I think Adam Smith would jump in and claim I was writing about him. If he really thought so, he could have simply asked rather than assume. I had already made it clear to him that I had no interest in being part of his recovery, so it surprises me that he would then think I would write about it here.

So I am done with the topic. I feel my comfort in coming here to vent on something that bothered me has been unfairly abridged.

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Guest hitoallusa

Lucky I hope your situation with your friend gets better. It is not easy to deal with other people's monsters inside when we also are vulnerable. I send good wishes for your friend and think of him from time to time..

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Lucky I hope your situation with your friend gets better. It is not easy to deal with other people's monsters inside when we also are vulnerable. I send good wishes for your friend and think of him from time to time..

Thanks, hitoalluse. My friend started therapy last week, and our hopes are up because this is something he really needs.

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Addiction and personality disorders often go hand in hand in many individuals within our society today. It's one reason why recovery from one is a seemingly never ending process. And often, with little to no supportive results.

As an example:

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder in which the individual is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity.

Symptoms of this disorder include:

Reacting to criticism with anger

Taking advantage of others to reach their own goals

Exaggerating their own importance, achievements, and talents

Imagining unrealistic fantasies of success, beauty, power, intelligence, or romance

Requiring constant attention and positive reinforcement from others

Becoming jealous easily

Lacking empathy and disregarding the feelings of others

Being obsessed with oneself

Pursuing mainly selfish goals

Becoming easily hurt and rejected

Combined with an addiction of any varied type, one can understand how terribly difficult and challenging addiction can be. Not to mention a healthy recovery from it.

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Guest hitoallusa

Mcamp... I need to see my therapist because if I score myself based on the criteria given above...

I'm speechless... I get easily hurt and rejected... I try not to but it happens... Reacting criticism to anger... I do that a lot at work...exaggerating myself...

I wonder if I lived life at a farming community would my life be different? There are so many conflicts and fights in our lives... Sometimes it is hard to breathe but I try to think that since I can't control everything in my life so I go with the flow.. As I show sympathy to myself I want to show it to others... Who knows we might meet again in the after life..???

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The other day MCamp treated us to a bromide that he had apparently taken out of a fortune cookie:

The ugliness of one’s soul is commonly revealed by the act of public betrayal against another’s private entrustment.

And now today he is Dr. MCamp, diagnosing fellow posters with his deep training and extended education on psychological disorders. Either that or he lifted the whole remark from Wikipedia and claimed it as his own writing. Escorts aren't supposed to do that! They could get in trouble for plagiarism.

See the Wikipedia entry for yourself: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissistic_personality_disorder

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So I am done with the topic.

The other day MCamp treated us to a bromide that he had apparently taken out of a fortune cookie:

The ugliness of one’s soul is commonly revealed by the act of public betrayal against another’s private entrustment.

I wrote that in my personal journal while in tears after my world ended when I was 19 years old on June 19th 2011 at 4:27 AM after I had broken up with my very first and only boyfriend. It was the only thing that I was feeling at the time. It somehow felt poignant here. So I shared it.

And now today he is Dr. MCamp, diagnosing fellow posters with his deep training and extended education on psychological disorders.

Diagnosing fellow posters? I have never interacted, mentioned or entertained this posters name, ever, in any of my posts. Ever. Except to respond to a cut and paste request of his for his own words, in a post, which he denied ever saying.

I do not know why this poster is so angry with me. And I'm unclear as to whom he believes I was diagnosing.

He had this to say about me just days ago, which I thought was really nice:

What's nice about these forums is that we have a wealth of experience and a variety of unique perspectives and viewpoints. When the forum is jumping, we share and help others benefit from what we have learned. Younger posters can offer a unique perspective that makes the older, poster stop and think, often reevaluating what he thinks in light of the new information.so, if we can avoid the urge to tell others how to live their lives, and admit that each of us has something to offer, we could. Get some great discussions going. That's what excites me most about the arrival of Mcamp. He is obviously smart and well-spoken, and with his viewpoints added to the mix, perhaps others will feel safe in sharing some of their own experiences.

Many of us are in long tem relationships. How we got there and how we keep them going could make for a good discussion just as much as a discussion of how relationships fail

It's 5 a.m., so maybe I didn't express that so well, butI am optimistic that we may be turning a corner here and that Mcamp will be an important part of that.

I do not know why this poster is so angry with me. I have never interacted with him ever before. I have never mentioned him before by name in any of my posts and have no idea what has driven him to become so publicly angry and disingenous about me.

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I feel my comfort in coming here to vent on something that bothered me has been unfairly abridged.

One can, in concluding thoughts here, say: Thanks for your open words from the heart to all addicts, and your display of the loving, generous, giving, nonjudgmental, evolved spirit we can all aspire to become.

My deepest hopes for you and yours, now and to come.

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Inspired by this thread, but required for my own personal final internship paper, I have defined and identified my subject matter as being The Cleansing of Absence.

It has nothing to do with the personal and internal struggles of addiction, but more so with the external forces which seemingly are always present, judging and suffocating those who face and embrace their own challenge and outcome through their own personal courage and determination.

The cleansing of absence feels right for me here. If absence grows the heart fonder toward one another, as some say, shouldn't it then also lend it's hand up to those reaching out?

I'd like to publish my final paper here when it is done because for me it feels like an appropriate place to do so.Trumped only by my professor's/director's desk (and grade) before that of course. Just kidding.

The Cleansing of Absence. Just curious what that might mean to any of you here, now. If anything at all.

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It's a very interesting thought. I would love to do read it when it's ready. :smile:

When you recognize your own current "plumbing" problems for what they are in your need present, and your sincere need to outreach to others as to what to do about it, then and only then, will you be able to fully appreciate what my paper will be about.

Sure, some people could come along here and tell you how horrible and untrustworthy you are because you have allowed this problem to get as bad as it has for you. Some might even call you irresponsible and someone which they would never trust again.

Perhaps, even calling you names.

People who are in need of other people's humanity should be embraced by people, not castrated from society because of where they might currently be in their life.

Lucky is just an adjective. It never moves anyone, anywhere for the common good of anyone. It just is. And for most, I suspect, it goes nowhere.

If the LGBT society has not learned this by now people have not learned anything about themselves through the decades of struggle you have all been through and passed along to guys like me.

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