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Earl of Granville

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Somehow the significance of this escaped me. Perhaps I am living right? ^_^ However, I was intrigued by the listing of the Earl of Wilmingtom which turned out to be a typo. So much of life turns out to be a typo. :(

Best regards,


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I have often offered the idea that leaving bread crumbs so that we could find our way back would be excellent. However, at most if not all times in the past, I have found that birds or squirrels or other animals seem to obliterate the trail I intended to leave behind. In the days before GPS this was serious indeed. Today, a good driver in the courtesy van can cure a multitude of navigation problems.

Best regards,


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Whoops, one or two or three ^_^ things intervened to distract from finishing this line of thought.

I had completely forgotten the Sark appelation. Lord Carteret was the one more used in Caroline. Most grateful.

The relevance of my original post (vain notion!) is only that he was the grantor to my forebears of their little tobacco-bearing (much later marijuana, but that is a different tale, involving the eventual drowning of the nervous potentially tattling wife in the property's pond, but those light bagatelles can wait for a fuller recounting here) patch of the Granville District.

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And all this time I thought you were related to the Dukes of Hazard or maybe the Duke of Earl. :smile:

Amazing how much Americans seek out royalty after the years of effort to divorce ourselves from same and a slight conflict called the American Revolution. :smile:

Best regards,


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