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my 4th trip to Brazil

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The session with Chris was hot, but I am still somehow frustrated not to have enjoyed a good bottom. I feel too tired today to have another session, but can still prepare tomorrow's meetings ... It is already late and some boys have already left. Show of gogoboys is ending. I invite a cute lad to share a drink with me. He is nice. Seems shy. Good chat. I tell him at the very beginning that I am not going to have another session today, but tomorrow, why not ? Good chat.

After some time, I meet in the corridors a tall guy that I spotted a couple of times in the showers. Rather muscular lad, great macho face, some hair chest, lovely bubble ass. Renan is his name. We chat in the corridors. He can be passive, but he is mostly active. As I speak to him, I am more and more aroused by him. Certainly worth trying ... He leaves me after some time with a very promising : "if there is anything I can help you with, do not hesitate to tell me" ...

Time for a final sauna. When I go to the shower, a stunning boy is showering. Woowww. What a body ..

It is the one that Tomcal calls the Cousin. Lovely lad !

Perfect proportions. Nice dick. Nice bush.

I go to the bar for a final drink. A lad is already at the bar. He comes next to me and start teasing me. I tell him that I do not plan to have another session today. He keeps teasing :" it is the end of a summer. Hot summer night. It is Friday. Don't you want to come with a cute lad who is going to suck you as you have never been sucked ? Who is going to be a perfect bottom for you ? I like to feel the hot sperma going down my throat... " are his words ... I keep on saying that I am too tired. After some time, though, I invite him to a drink. He keeps on teasing, with the same comments, while stroking his big cock displayed out of his towel. It is more and more difficult for me to resist to him in these conditions ... When he mentions that he is ready to make a session for only 50 R$, I stop fighting against me and off we go to a cabin.

Sex is indeed ok. He is nice, good sucker. Good bottom. Not a clock watcher, despite the time of the night. When the session is over, he wants me not to tell anyone that he is bottoming and not to mention to anyone the bargain he made.... I will keep the secret for myself, not revealing his name here.

22.30 pm. Time to leave Mezzaninu. I am among the last customers to leave. I go to Mixx bar which is good picking up place in Porto Alegre.

Mixx Bar is in fact a house with all rooms easily interconnected. One room at the entrance is for the bar. The largest room is the one with the stage. Another one is used for TV showing porn movies. Another one can be used as a dancing area. And there are two private rooms.

When I enter the place, there are many twinks. Lots of them. I am soon approached by a couple of lads. I do not fancy them and after some chat, they leave me. I am mezmerized by a lovely young lad with a cap, diding part of this face. He is not muscular, but has well defined muscles, a lovely sun tanned skin. We keep having regular eye contacts. He is currently sharing a beer with a couple. When the show starts, it is only a transvestite show, I leave the room and we soon meet with the cute lad in the dancing area which is deserted. We start chatting. He is even more lovely than I had seen from a distance. David is his name. He is from Santa Caterina. 21 years old. We chat of usual subjects: where I am from, what he is going in Porto Alegre. He is soon proposing some action. I am tired, but he looks so lovely. He proposes a cuddliing and sucking session for 40 R$. And we can go to the private bedroom. Deal !

When he removes his cap, he is even nicer that I had seen. Great face. Lovely body.Then I am sure that I already met him in sauna Mezzaninu last December. He explains that it must he some looking like him since he never went to this place.

I do not insist since it might be his twin brother or his cousin. They are so similar. Same face, same smile, same body ...

Sex is good. I did not think I could do anything, but he is so sexy .... The room is not a five star hotel room, but ok.

After the session, time to go back to the main room. Show is over, many customers have already left. Time for me to leave. I was thinking to go to Indiscretus Cabaret, but it it too late (1.30 am) and it is more reasonnable to go back to the hotel.

When I checked my notes from last December, the name of the boys from Santa Catarina that I met in Mezzaninu was David ... From the pictures I took, it is exactly the same boy, including some birth marks on his face. It has to be the same boy. I remember that he told me that it was his first time in Mezzaninu. And that day, he had a lot of drinks. He was not even able to remember his phone number. He had to phone a friend to ask him his own phone number in order to give it to me. Unfortunately, I lost it ! From the pictures I took last december, he is still as cute and sexy as he was last time. Really worth the 40 R$ !!

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Mezzaninu. Lots of boys and customers. It it Bingo Night. Here, the rule for the boys is that they can come whenever they want, but they must stay 5 hours. If they leave earlier, there is a fine to be paid.

When I came that saturday, I had in mind to find a muscular lad, with blond hair and blue or green eyes. I was also hoping to meet Eduardo with whom I spend all time last November/December. The problem with this kind of objective is that you tend to wait for your Mr Right and when you realize that there is noone corresponding to your definition, it is too late and all good boys are gone. As for the blond hair, it was easy: noone with blond hair was present that day. There were many twinks that day and I was not thinking to go with a twink, but ... After some time of having drinks, sometimes approached by boys that I did not fancy, and after having wandered in the corridors and in the sundeck on top of the building, I came to a short list: Ismael, Renan, Rick.

I was not willing to go again with Christofer, and the other Cristofer, the Cousin, was not present. Ismael is a priori not my type of boy. Too short, but great face, gorgeous blue eyes, dark hair, sexy smile, well defined body, lovely happy trail leading to his good size dick. I started chatting with him and I was not sure to go. We went to have a drink and I discovered that he was a pleasant partner, willing to please and I had no doubt that he would be a good partner in bed. So we decided to go to a cabin. Mmmmm. Lovely session. He was really eager to please. I think we stayed in that cabin during 75 minutes, having fun, showering, chatting, cuddling.

After sex we went to have something to eat, a drink and continue chatting. I must say that I have respect for boys like Ismael. He is only 19, but married and his wife is pregnant. He is working as a waiter in a bar, working in Mixx or Indiscretus for shows, and working in Mezzaninu Sauna. That day, he had been at Indiscretus until 5 am (he had to wait for the first train to go back home), then came at Mezzaninu around 4 pm, left around 10 pm for Mixx where he will have to stay until the last customer leaves, around 3 am, go back home and get up at 7 am for taking his job as a waiter at 8 am. It is pleasant to chat with him. He is also advertising as escort on the local newspaper (Diario Gaucho).

What I loved also is the comment he made after our session in the cabin, looking me in the eyes : "I really enjoyed it with you". Of course, it is standard expression that he might say to each customer, but it is so pleasant to hear and to believe ! After Bingo, he left for Mixx while Renan came to my table in preparation of Sunday. Renan is a completely different type. Muscular, tall, nice body and face. Some chest hair. he is going to be a fitness trainer and has good level of education. Interesting chat with him. He does like men and women and sex must be very enjoyable with him. We plan to meet tomorrow in the sauna.

10 pm: time for me to leave for Mixx Bar

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Mixx Club


The doorman recognizes me from the day before. I chat with him. We bet the number of customers who will be coming today. When I enter the bar, there are already maybe 30 customers and many boys. Rodrigo is here. He was with my friend last December everytime we went to sauna Mezzaninu. He recognizes me and we chat. He looks really good.

A man in his thirties comes to speak with me. PLain face. Beer belly. At first I thought he was a waiter. It is a customer. When he puts his hand on my leg, I gently put it back on his. He does not stay long. He was only looking for a bear. I like admirers, but they have to be younger !

Ismael is here. He is only wearing white undies and big white wings in his back. He is supposed to be an angel. He goes from one customer to another, speaking with each of them, letting customers stroke his cock or carress his body. He is really good looking ! He comes to me of course, says he is glad that I came and asks me if there is a guy I fancy that he could contact on my behalf. Strange question .. Then I notice the he has pencil and papers in his hand. During my wandering in the room, I have noticed a couple of guys who are cute and one who is great looking, tall, black hair, blue eyes, natural muscles. He is the waiter in Mezzaninu sauna and currently stroking the leg of an older gentleman. I always prefer to be served by him. I did not imagin that he was also escorting. I forgot that I was in Brazil where most boys are available and particularly a good looking waiter in a male sauna with garotos de programa... I answer Ismael that I fancy the waiter. "I will go ask him" is his answer. Only in Brazil ... I am surprised and Ismael explains that he will give him a "biletinho" (small paper) from me. It is no problem. After some time, he comes back saying that the waiter is occupied with a customer for the night. Unfortunately, I cannot continue the discussion through Ismael since the waiter and his customer leave soon. Surprisingly, before leaving, the waiter has come in my direction, but did not exchange a single eye contact with me. Unfortunately, I am leaving early morning monday and even if I meet him in the sauna on Sunday while he works, a meeting will be difficult to arrange ... I will talk to him in the sauna.

Some boys come to discuss with me, but noone is my type. Most are twinks. When the show starts, it is only a transvestite. No strippers tonight again... My portuguese is improving and I am now understanding many of the jokes ("piadas") that he does.

When I go to the video room, where a porn movie is broadcasted, I am not even surprised to see a tall lad wanking his big cock, while other customers look at him. After two weeks in the saunas in brazil, this appears quite normal. I will have difficulties back in Europe not to see aroused hunks wanking their cocks in public ....

1.30 am. Time to go back to the hotel. I do not go to Indiscretus since the show is just strippers and I have seen a lot in these days. I would have gone if there was the homen erectus (stripper with hard on that you can stroke), but it was on friday night.

The taxi of the club, the same as the day before, takes me back to my hotel. We chat during the whole trip of the dangers of the city by night, of various things. Back in front of the hotel. It is almost 2 am. Time to sleep. Tomorrow is another day !

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Posted 01 April 2012 - 03:08 PM

As in many countries in the world, in Brasil today is "dia da mentira". If you do not understand the meaning, let me say that I had a great time today in Mezzaninu sauna with Justin. Justin B. says that he wants to forget about Selena Gomez and come to live with me.

Now you know what is the dia da mentira !

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You should have seen Mezzaninu sauna today ! Unbelievable !

So many gorgeous lads. So many twinks. I arrived early today. The lad at reception knows me very well. In addition he will be going to France at the end of the year, so we chatted a lot about his trip.

After a final review, I did not consider that the waiter was so cute as I imagined (no blue eyes). So i could focus on the boys !

I started by a sauna. I was joined by Giuliano. Twink. 19 years old. Lovely twinkish body with defined muscles. Good dick. Lovely bush. Followed me in the sauna to introduce himself. We chatted while he was stroking his cock. The temperature in the sauna was increasing, or was it me because I was looking at him ? One small tattoo he had, on the arm. Lovely face.

I went to the sun deck and he came soon with a friend. Twink ! More skinny than Giuliano, but lovely blue eyes. Sooo sexy. Also stroking in the open. There were many customers and many boys today. Many of them are not regular. I was waiting for Renan. Not sure he would be coming. At 6.30 pm, I decided to find a back up plan. I started to discuss with Diogo. 23 years old. Skate Champion. Good body. Certainly not the best in the club, but Ok for me. His personnality and smile compensate easily. Lovely face. Juicy lips. Good dick. We went to the cabin and had fun during a good hour. Diogo loves chatting, licking, sucking. Incredible. How can the boys remain so friendly after some months in the sauna. It is true that Diogo does not come regularly to the sauna to which he was introduced one year ago. Maybe he comes here once a month. For the money and for the change and excitement he says ... whatever that means. After sex, we stayed in the cabin, cuddling and chatting. Then he stayed with me in the main room for a drink, some food and the show, live music on stage. Excellent. Of course the fact that Diogo was stroking my leg and my back and that I was doing the same with him even improved the impression of the quality of the music. Soon a friend of him, living in the same building joined us. Willam (or Willer). Super twink. Unbelievable. All members would love to have a session with William, I am sure. Shy smile, lean body, sexy face and mouth, super size dick that he started stroking after joining us. So frienly. I had chatted with him the first day I came to Mezzaninu and we had fun chatting. I was even thinking to go with him. When he came to see Diogo, he kissed me hello on the mouth, stayed with us. So I was surrounded by 2 lovely boys, Diogo on my right and William on my left, and listening to good music. Maybe that is Heaven ?

In the meantime, Renan had joined but had found a customer and I was not thinking of any other session today. I looked at him. How sexy this Renan is. Muscular back, muscular chest, lovely face and juicy lips. Big dick. I took a shower with him. He was right to me and made efforts to open his ass in front of me to clean it, to soap and clean his semi erect cock during a long time. What an ass, what a dick, what a face !!!!

I insisted on the twinks, but also came late the guy called Christopher, The cousin. Not tall, but nice face, lovely dick and pubes. Perfect abs. I regret not to have had occasion to go with him.

There were maybe 40 boys. Some muscular lads also. One that I met the day before in Mixx Club who come to me chatting about the show in Mixx, perfect abs.

A few black guys. One of them was staying on the stairs, wanking. His dick was so big, more than 12 inches, that it was simple not possible to climb the stairs. It was either passing under or above (steeple chase), or gently pushing the "gate", which I did. So hard. Unbelievable !

I am so sorry to leave Porto Alegre. For me the quality and friendship of the boys here has nothing to do with what can be found in Rio. Of course, you can find good boys in Rio. But Porto Alegre, and in particular Mezzaninu sauna is a treat !

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Back to Rio for the last week.

I have a meeting with Luis in Meio Mundo. Will he be there ?

According to the taxi driver that I took this morning, Porto Alegre is rather dangerous, particularly to walk alone at night. He showed me the prostitution street. I would certainly not wander here at night, even if I was desperate to have sex. You can find everything you want in this street, and I mean everything ...

I had another experience with the taxi driver who took me back from Mezzaninu sunday night. The mezzaninu owner does not want him as a taxi. He used to be a boy in Mezzaninu. He has a great experience of boy in various saunas, in Sao Paulo, even Buenos Aires (it seems it used to be possible some time ago in one sauna to have boys). As a taxi driver, he still has to learn: driving was ok. But he had to ask 4 times to other taxi drivers the way to go back to my hotel. Had I known him better, I would have asked to take me through that prostitution street to have a look ...

So back in Rio. In new appartment in same street. More quiet. Wider. Very good service from this rental agency.

So I went to Meio Mundo since Monday night is one of the bests. This monday was exceptional since it is beginning of the month and people have got their monthy wage. Lots of boys indeed and lots of customers. I arrived rather early

Even if, as a rule, I do not like so much the boys in MM, there are always many that I would certainly not kick out of my bed. Rapidly a black guy came so seat close to me in the bar. As most boys do, he started wanking. I think his cock is the next stage before elephantiasis. After, you need to rent a wheelbarrow to walk. Incredible cock. Long, thick, huge. Impossible to swallow. The guy was nice. We had a drink and chatted. He proposed the usual "brincadeira gostosa", mentionned that he "faço tudo" (does everything, meaning that he is active and passive). I said that passive customers must have great welcoming capacity to get such a cock and I added that if I were passive, I would certainly love to go with him. He understood that I was active and repeated that he does everything, to which I answered. "You sure ? mine is even bigger than yours". At first, he did not understand, then understood the joke and could not stop laughing. Nice lad. Good body. Then he left with his wheelbarrow.

Soon my regular in Meio Mundo, Junior, came to cuddle and to chat. Junior has a hairy body and a macho face that I like and a bottom that I love. Up we went to a suite to have some fun.

I was still waiting for Luis and was approached by Anderson. Anderson is a strong butch guy with a very nice face. His real name is Rafealo. He is always wandering completely nude in Meio Mundo, with his towel on the shoulder. I think he is the only one like this. It remembers the time when there was a non towel night (for the boys only ...)

At 6.30 pm, Luis came. Even after having seen the boys in Porto Alegre, I am not bored to see him. He is gorgeous. White skin, nice face, white mark of bathing trunks on buns, friendly. He comes to me as soon as he enters. It is good, because most customers are looking at him with interest. We have a shower, a sauna and we go to the room. Luis is a great kisser, good sucker and has that student type of body that I love (also ...).

Great session. He is a little bit in a hurry, because he knows that some other business is waiting for him. Wprth a repeat (another one)

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Actually there were a few nights per week that were "sem toalha/sem sunga" or "no towel/no bathing suit". The house rule was that a boy could only enter the bar upstairs naked with only the little diaper that they handed out to sit on and for a bit of modesty. Some guys got inventive and would extend it around their waists and secure them with the stretchy rubber loop from the locker key. If I remember correctly, their was general dislike of this by the boys and Acyr changed the rules.

It was a novelty when it first started the once weekly, but got tired when it was expanded to thrice.

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I plan to have a break today and not go to any sauna. It is wednesday and it is very slow anyway. Instead, I plan to invite my brasilian friend to a Churrascaria (grilled meat). When he arrives around 8.30 pm, I propose him to take him to a nearby churrascaria, but he has a proposal: take me you to see the boys and meet his friend in the favela. We leave Copacabana on his motorbike since he did not come with his car. I am wearing a helmet and off we go to one of the many favelas of Rio. There are a lot of cars and I am not totally at ease on a motorbike (when was the last time I was on one ?) ... After half an hour, we finally arrive. We leave the motorway, take with great care an entrance to the motorway (not an exit) and arrive in a place where there a lot of people. We step off the bike and my friend tells me to remove my helmet. I think we have reached our final destination. No ! It is only that it is not at all advised to enter the favela with an helmet. Then we resume our journey inside the favela, to a place where we park the motorbike. It is almost 9.30 pm and there are a lot of people everywhere. Shops of course, and many little churrrascarias. We stop at one and have something to eat (grilled meat and vegetables) and something to drink.

We are in the heart of Favela Vila do Joao. This favela was built in the beginning of the 1980s. It used to havve 2600 houses at the beginning. Now there are approximaty 4000 and 12000 persons are living in this favela. Its name comes from the person who was president of Brazilian republic at that time, General Joao Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo.

At the beginning all houses were similar, but many additions have being made to the original houses (and new houses constructed) and they seem all very different.

This Favela is or course located in North Zone and part of Complexe du Maré, together with others such as Timbau or Baixo do Sapateiro, ... Total population: around 150.000 persons.

Boywise, my friend told me that almost all boys here are available. They are all types. From black to latinos to whites (who are not the majority). After diner, we are joined by a local friend, living in the favela, who is the key (at least for me) to the inside of the favela. He knows everyone here and in particular knows all the boys. He has a house where you can have a room for a session and introduces boys over 18 willing to make some money. The session anything between 10 and 20 R$. We stop in another shop where we have another drink and exchange. We are now in the middle of the favela. Still many people around the streets. Incredible wire web of electricity lines above us. Sometimes, in front of us a motorbike without any plate (ie stolen) goes by or an armed guard. I have been told not to look too directly to the guard, but it is sufficient to see that they are heavily armed. Favela Vila do Joao has still not being pacified by the police and the army, so drug dealers are making the law here. If an inhabitant is stolen by his neighbour, he does not complain to the police, but to the gang in charge of the favela. If proven guilty the neighbour might lose his hand or his life ...

The favela resident comments one of his visit to the Boite Casa Grande in Bantu (where there are lots of transvestites). He is clearly passive and decided that day to wear a wig. As soon as he entered the dark room, one of the black guy there decided to fuck him. Since he was 28 cm, he declined but the other, who was a muscular tall lad forced him and fucked him in a such a brutal maner that he passed out ... He was later found out by a friend who was also attending. A bit a rude place.

We speak about my taste in terms of boys and soon they propose Artur, a branquinho, with a muscular chest and a good dick, doing all, and particularly good at sucking and licking ass. Then mention other names also. Whenever a white lad or a clear latino passes in the "street", they tell me "seu numero" (same as if I had won a bingo game).

We plan to come back the following day to have me meet Artur and some other lads.

Time to go back to Copacabana, South Zone, the exact opposite of the place I am currently in .... my brasilian friend asks if he can wear helmets and his friend answers that no, better not to ... So we leave the place. Out of the favela, we wear again the helmet and head towards Copacabana. It is almost 11.30 pm and there are much less trafic, so the journey only takes 20 minutes.


I canceled my appointment with Luis in order to go again to the favela. But my brasilian friend called me and said that he had to meet a friend from Sao Paulo and could not do it. It is clear that I cannot go there alone. I am a little frustated, but that's life.

So I go to the beach, then early to the sauna 117. I have a massage, non sexual,even though the massagist, Andrea, is much cuter that the usual one, less experienced also ... Massage is not as good, but much more energic.

After the massage, I find Luis and we go to have a drink, chat, have fun in the bar first. When he asks me where I have been the night before, I explain him that I went to favela Vila do Joao. He almost spills out his drink saying that it is very dangerous, it has not yet being pacified (adding also that he does not believe in the pacification of the favela). Of course, he is a soldier and police and army had really hard time in pacifying the favelas Alemao or Rocinha, which is the largest favela in South America ....

I tell him that I need to relieve the tension and up we go to the room. What a session. This guy is lovely and his ass is 5 star. It is hard to believe that he starting beeing passive in the Club 117, with a first customer to whom he explained that it was his first time. We have a great chemisty together. WHile inside him, I speak gently to his ear that "gosto muito da tua bunda" (I like very much your ass) to which he answers that he 'gosto tambem muito do seu pau" 'I like also very much your dick". After sex, we remain in the room. There are not so many people today and there is no waiting time for the cabins. I like him resting on my chest, gently stroking my arms and legs, while I do the same with him.... Some romantic time ...

After session, shower, sauna, final drink together. Maybe I will never meet Luiz Henrique again, but he was truly a great experience !

When he leaves, I look at the other boys present. There are 3 that I like. Diego is one of them, dark blue eyes in a sun tanned face, muscular but not too much muscular. André is another one. Great face, great body. Promises me a great session and up we go again for a cabin. Not as good as with Luis, but great session. André is "activo liberal" meaning that he is not passive but sucks and kisses. He also has another job, selling nike shoes in a shop.

9 pm. I do not feel like staying for the show and head back home. I need a good night sleep ...

This trip is coming to its end. But I am so much enjoying my time in Rio and Porto Alegre, that I already booked my next trip, from June 12 to 23, going directly to Porto Alegre, then coming back for a week in Rio. It seems that other members of this forum will be in Rio, but not exactly at the same time as I will. too bad !

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Guest lurkerspeaks

thanks for your great journal from Rio.. I am glad to hear you are having a fantastic time. It looks like we will just miss each other in June. I leave Rio on June 13. I hope to have even half as much fun as you have had.

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Pauleiro, We all owe you a muito obrigato for your posts. You have an eye for the telling details that let us feel almost like we're accompaning you on your adventures.

Have you ever considered publishing a gay travelogue? Damron ought to include excerpts from your posts here. :thumbsup:

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thanks for your great journal from Rio.. I am glad to hear you are having a fantastic time. It looks like we will just miss each other in June. I leave Rio on June 13. I hope to have even half as much fun as you have had.

I saw that you were coming and thought about staying in Rio first and then to Porto Alegre, but I decided to spend a full week end in Porto Alegre. So I will fly direct from Paris to Porto Alegre (via Rio) and then spend the following week in Rio. I am a bit concerned to be in these town after you and Tomcal. The boys might be exhausted and willing to stay home ... Hope you will have as much fun as I had this time !

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Guest FourAces

As I mentioned before I just love your detiled reports. Pictures would be nice bu I understand you might not be comfortable with that. anyway between what you wrote and others here I think the hustler bar in PA would be one of my favorite places lol.

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Guest tomcal

"... I think the hustler bar in PA would be one of my favorite places lol. "

FourAces I agree with you!! I like the two hustler bars more than the saunas(and I LOVE the saunas!) but it's a reminder of what we had but will never see again here in the U.S. or other countries and probably not in Brazil for too many more years. A casualty of of the internet! Here is a pic of the 18yr. old I met at BarMixx and took back to one of their rooms! He is a very accurate example of what you will find there!

Paulerio, great reports!!

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Guest FourAces

wow he is a hot one :D

While I love the Internet I agree it has robbed of us a few of our favorite pasttimes, well at least mine. The hustler bar is at the top of the list :P I hope it hangs on in PA as long as possible.

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Last post for this stay :

We arranged with my brasilian friend, also into garotos de programa, a visit to a sauna on the other side of Rio, called Ponto de Encontro in San Gonçalvo. This sauna is normally open only on sundays, but since a few weeks, the owner decided to try to open it also on saturdays. So we went on a saturday.

When we left Rio with my friend, it was raining very hard and water was accumulating in some streets creating big traffic jams. It was bad, because when it rains, boys tend to stay at home and do not bother to go to saunas. When we arrived, it is really hard to say that what is the entrance to the sauna ... Only a poster mentionning that Ponto de Encontro is the best gay place in San Gonçalvo ... In San Gonçalvo, may be, but no more.

The sauna is in an old house, partially ruined. Surprisingly the sauna itself is clean and pleasant. It is the only thing which has been renovated. From what my friend told me, on a sunday, there are typically 15- 25 boys and 20 - 40 customers. The boys are not at all the same than the ones going to the saunas in Rio and it is the only interest of the place, together with the price.These boys are more natural, not at all on steroids, ... Entrance is 20 R$. Boys are 40 R$ and renting a room is 5R$ (not worth more in my opinion, but it is not so different from some cabins you rent in Meio Mundo).

When we arrived with my friend, we were the only 2 customers .... Two boys were there: Rodrigo and Carlos. Rodrigo is 19, a great looking black guy. Big cock. Big tongue. Nice smile. Nice face. Carlos is at least 25, always smiling. I am rapidly attracted to Rodrigo and my friend confirms that he is a good sucker and generally speaking, very good with his tongue. We rent a room and to the room we go. Rodrigo is a born kisser, sucker and rimmer. He pefectly knows how to use his tongue. Great session. Pity he is not passive, but it was clear since the very beginning. The trip could have been a disaster. It turned out to be a good experience.

When we leave the place, Carlos comes to see us so that we help him : not only did he not have business (my friend also went with Rodrigo), but he has to pay the entrance ! 10 R$. We share his entrance fee with my friend. A smile appears on his face, but it is a sad smile ... Maybe he has been travelling part of the day to come here under the heavy rain and not get any business and even risk to lose money ..

When we leave we meet the owner. Old gay guy with long black died hair showing at least 1 cm of white hair. He wants to make money with his sauna. Does not care about the boys. Makes advertisement in many sites about his sauna in Rio, but does not care in improving the reality ...

My friend has discussed with Rodrigo who is interested in coming back with us. In the car, he sits in the seat at the back and from time to time, wanks his cock for us. We are allowed to touch his cock. It is his way to pay his lift in the car. In Rio, we buy some food and go altogether to my friend's appartment to have a diner and then go to Bantu to Boite Casa Grande. Rodrigo appears to be an intelligent guy and much pleasant than a quick romp in a cabin can let imagin. He came all the way from Bantu to the sauna that day ! maybe a 5 hours trip one way. So he is very pleased to know that we will take him close to his house that night. After dinner, we go to Boite Casa Grande in Bantu. We drop him in the middle of nowhere (where he asks) and continue to Bantu. On our way back, Rodrigo had phoned to my friend a couple of times. My friend calls back and learn that Rodrigo has been attacked by a man with a gun who took all his money. Rodrigo says that he is still walking to his home... My friend is not at all convinced that it is true since he had the clear impression that Rodrigo was sleeping when he called ... It it not only in Prague that the boys lie, it seems ...

I might go back to San Gonçalvo on a Sunday in a next trip, to see the more natural boys ...

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Couple small corrections for anyone looking for these places.

Sao Goncalo is the second largest city in metropolitan Rio. On the other side of the bay from Rio and north of the bridge that crosses Guanabara Bay.

Boite Casa Grande is in Bangu, not Bantu. Here is there website:


As to Rodrigo and his stroy of being robbed, it is possible. I dated someone in Santa Cruz, a bit past Bangu by train. He always warned me that it wasn't safe to be near the train line in Bangu or Realengo. Nor safe to be on it later at night near those stations. Homeless favelados do sleep on the margins of the tracks there. So, depending on where you had dropped him off, and then on where he needed to walk to....possibilities do exist for theft.

And by the way, a very large prison also calls Bangu home.

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Thanks, ihpguy, for the corrections.

As for the sauna in Sao Gonçalo, there is advertisement on netgay.com.br. They claim to have 6 dark rooms. I do not know what it means. I did not see any dark room. I saw 4 rooms to rent (maybe there are 6). The sauna is opened on Sundays from 5 pm. Going to Sao Gonçalo is not easy but seems to be achievable for a visitor daring to take bus (ônibus). Sao Gonçalo is approximately 25 km from Central Rio.

As for Boite Casa Grande in Bangu, it is only interesting from 11 pm on. I have no idea how to get there at that time. Bangu is located west of Central Rio at approximately 35 km.

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On my way to Porto Alegre (June 13 - 18) and then Rio (June 18 - 23) ! Already my 5th trip to Brazil ! Anyone around ?

Sorry, Pauliero. I'll be in both cities next month. Otherwise, I would have loved to have gone out with you. Is anyone going to be in either Rio or Porto Alegre in July. I'd love to hook up with other members while there.

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In Porto Alegre since wednesday.

Wednesday I wondered if I would go to Mezzaninu sauna or rest at the hotel, but I decided to go. Incredible number of boys. Maybe 35. Wednesday at Mezzaninu is a very good day. It is Bingo night. Everyone wins what he needs or wants : Boys win money, Customers win drinks or boys ...

I had great time with Eduardo who remembered me from last time. He is now passive, while he told me last time that he would never ever have anyone fuck his ass ... Conclusion : Never consider "no" as an answer ! (but ask gently with some insistance).

On the other hand, Thursday was rather quiet, with no more than 15 boys and not the stars ! Had some good time though with Jonas. I like his badboy aspect (tattoes, 3 day beard) and his very frienly and smiling attitude !

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I prepared for myself a kind of program. I introduced recent comments from ihpguy. Maybe you will find it useful for your next trip to Brazil. Do not hesitate to comment and propose modifications. I did not put anything in Pointe 202 since I am not going there sufficiently and I do not have reliable information from visitors.


Tonight, I plan to confirm situation at Mezzaninu, Mixx and Indiscretus ...

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