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Thailand issues "good behavior" manual to Chinese tourists

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When you read through the narrative of the manual, either the Thai's are insulting the Chinese or the Chinese are not good tourists.

Based on all the good things I have read about Thailand, I assume the manual does not apply to the behavior of American tourists in Thailand.


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When you read through the narrative of the manual, either the Thai's are insulting the Chinese or the Chinese are not good tourists.

Based on all the good things I have read about Thailand, I assume the manual does not apply to the behavior of American tourists in Thailand.


Locals accused them of defecating in the citys moat, causing accidents by driving recklessly, and defacing several tourist attractions, according to the Bangkok Post.

Apparently, the Chinese have rather more casual views on excretory functions than most Westerners do. From birth, children are taught that taking a whiz or a dump in public is quite acceptable.





And, after reading this little blurb on Chinese public toilets, I can see why pooping in a moat in a Thai garden might seem like a welcome upgrade from the typical Chinese loo. Most of them are squat toilets with little, if any, screening, no hooks for coats or packages, and a floor that has not been washed since Chairman Mao put the finishing touches on his Little Red Book. :rolleyes:


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