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Posts posted by markgordon

  1. It is just a fashion that has gone mainstream at the moment, likely crossing over from Latino culture. Probably not the best fashion accessory considering its strong associations for many, but it may not have that much religious significance to the wearer. I sometimes wear a gold ankh, but have only an academic interest in the ancient Egyptian gods.

  2. A few years ago, I was driving around the Scottish Highlands with my bf. It was getting late and we were having no luck finding accomodation at the B&Bs we stopped at in various little villages. I was starting to get paranoid and think that it might be because we were 2 men and they suspected we were gay. So, the next B&B we stopped at, I sent my bf in alone. He came back to the car to report that they had told him they had 2 rooms available: 1 with a double bed and one with 2 single beds. I told him to take the 1 with 2 single beds in case management changed their minds when they saw we were 2 men and we ended up having to sleep in the car. So, up we went to push our twin beds together, discreetly pulling them back apart again in the morning. Well, the next morning at breakfast, we were joined by what was clearly another gay male couple. In the course of our conversation, we learned that they had accepted the double bedded room and that the landlady had not batted an eyelid. We shared our story and all had a good laugh!

  3. Marriages of convenience, or sometimes of decided inconvenience, are still happening in the West as well, particularly amongst certain ethnic communities. I had a client in London, a young man of Indian descent, 100% gay, who was forced into an arranged marriage with a woman who had been brought over from India for the purpose. Needless to say, the marriage was never consummated, the marriage broke down within weeks, and divorce ensued. He now feels he has a few years respite before he will be pressured to marry again. I have heard of a few others in his situation in the UK South Asian community, but on the other hand you can go to Birmingham Pride and see hundreds of out gay South Asians.

  4. Personal experience has left me with very little sympathy for the struggles of the gay press. Over the years, I put thousands into their coffers, but found that they screwed up my ads in every way imaginable and treated their escort advertisers with contempt. As the market has shifted towards the internet and escort specific sites, it has given me some satisfaction no longer having to help support magazines that offer such poor customer service.

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