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TotallyOz last won the day on July 11 2023

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About TotallyOz

  • Birthday 03/26/1970

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    Bangkok, Thailand

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    6 foot 2
  • Weight
    121-130 kg
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    Salt and Pepper
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    Independent Films

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  1. Suckrates, America has as many ignorant people as every other country. People vote based on their biases, needs, thoughts, news, friends, family, and often times they do not care what the issue is. To many Trump is king, because he does things his way. So fucking what. He wants to be a dictator and IMHO, anyone that votes for him is naive at the best and just plain not thinking with their head on straight. But, I have tons of friend who are voting for him and love him and adore him. I don't get it. It is incomprehensible to me.
  2. It has been years since I have been there. I'll let others with more experience chime in.
  3. Agree, but, what I think it is obvious is that we should not eliminate someone because they are gay. Pete is qualified and a great candidate. The fact he is gay should be irrelevant to all.
  4. Great article here: https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/joe-bidens-act-of-selflessnesshttps://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/joe-bidens-act-of-selflessness
  5. Moved this to main forum so all can see in current post area. This is huge. I think she will be excellent and I do think Pete would be a great running mate and unite the party.
  6. Marriage is not for everyone. But, some love it. I have loved it a few times in my life and maybe give it another go.
  7. Thailand will become the first nation in Southeast Asia to legalize same-sex marriage after the kingdom’s Senate approved a marriage equality bill on Tuesday, with supporters calling it a “monumental step forward for LGBTQ+ rights.” The Senate voted overwhelmingly in favor of passing the bill following a final reading, with 130 senators voting in favor. Only four members opposed the bill. The bill still requires endorsement from the king before marriage equality can become reality in Thailand, but this process is considered a formality. The law will then come into effect 120 days after it is published in the royal gazette. The result of the vote means that Thailand will become only the third place in Asia to allow for marriage equality after Taiwan legalized same-sex marriage in 2019 and Nepal in 2023. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/18/asia/thailand-same-sex-marriage-intl-hnk/index.html
  8. I have deleted on entire thread and removed multiple posts from another. Each poster reported issues with the threads and each pointed fingers. Don't be silly. I will not moderate between two adult for long and if it continues, both will be banned!
  9. Not sure. I messaged them in English and was asked 1,000 baht.
  10. Good information but again nutty pricing. 150 for Thai people and 1,000 for western.
  11. I have loved the events. But, every app I have is Rainbow and even PizzaCompany knows I am gay and offering pride specials. Thailand is treating this like American's treat Xmas.
  12. They did not ask for money but I did buy them gifts. There were offers from mb online as well and they were twinkier and cute but I was happy with what I found. The hotel is not easy for most and away from main part of the city, but fabulous.
  13. I love their boys bods. When I line them, I get, "sorry, we can't discuss what they do" Scam?
  14. and chubby. Age does that to all of us. But, he is still my honey. Luckily, I have the Love of my Life I met in Tawan also with me. The ultimate twink. A perfect combo!
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