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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2012 in all areas

  1. Doomsday hell And global fights Can now be done With bits and bytes
    1 point
  2. Was to be expected, now that you point it out. Black markets for weapons of whatever type have most always proved lucrative to capable purveyors, be they individuals (or rings thereof) or governments of whatever stripe. (That great crack from just after the start of our entertainments in Iraq: "Of course the U.S. knew Saddam had WMDs -- we had the receipts!") No reason malware, as it matures as an industry, should be any different. The Germany twist in this story is just too darkly hilarious a riff on one angle off onto which the Teutonic collective mind can veer, when it loses sight. ...Thinnin' on that, imagine life for the rest of us should it ever occur to Israel and Switzerland to coordinate their complementary strengths to fix the global nuttiness once and for all to their joint security liking. These tools -- referencing of course Israel's (and Siemens'!) role in the Stuxnet business -- could conceivably confer Neuromancer-like powers to go fairly far in that direction.
    1 point
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