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  1. ggobkk

    Time to return

    After the above panegyric to FreshBoys, my remaining days/nights in Bangkok settled into a routine. Thursday dinner at Mango Tree, then jazz club, the return to FreshBoys, I like to be with people who are enjoying life on the stage a in the audience, and performers in the audience. Thursday, the break from routine was to schedule as off with Nam for Friday afternoon. Friday afternoon, Nam came to the hotel. He arrived at early for our meet up. He stayed until almost 6! Don’t jumble to any conclusions! The intermingling of limbs was about the length of a massage. After he had expended himself, he rested his head on my arm, then he started snoring, turned over, stopped snoring. Woke up when CoCo arrived bringing his Pattaya backpack. Nam took a shower, three of us chatted about nothing. Nam left, CoCo and I went back for more German food. I said good bye to Pao, Jazz Club, Fresh Boys still full house. Seated tonight on opposite side of house. At end of show rotation, there were 22 boys in place of the 40 at opening. Numerous offs. CoCo and back to hotel for practice for Pattaya. Up in time to find driver from Mike’s arriving early (as anticipated). Arrived Pattaya to find that is the first day of a two day religious festival. No liquor can be sold, no entertainment venues are operating. We go to Dongtan, more folks on the sands. Hotel arranged for dinner for us two. After dinner we walked the darkened and empty Jomtien. I had been complaining from the drive began from Bangkok of a heavy deep chest cough. While not noticed at the beach, it came back with a vengeance once back at The Poseidon. Then came some chills and my mind goes “Damn I’m getting sick again in Thailand” and well damn it. Coco verified I had a termperature. My body made me sleep, cold sweats. My companion responded with hot and cold compresses, went out a found a pharmacy around 2 in the morning. This was repeated on Sunday. Monday the religious holiday was over and we visited Pattaya, the Walking Street, Boys Town, went back to the beach. Still not at 50%. Up Tuesday morning at 4 to catch my flight to Tokyo on my way to Osaka, where I’m writing this. with time changes, it was over 12 hours on airports and planes and waiting. I said a sorrowful good by. Coco was a health hero. I might get sentimental so I’ll stop. Tonight one of the “Japanese Boy Brothels” will enter my experience databank. Will report in the forum.
    9 points
  2. ggobkk

    Time to return

    It’s now Thursday night and we convene on soi 4. Arrive in time to see Bananas manageres change the base drink price at Banana to 380 THB. Directly across the soi at G’s German Restaurant, Coco and I each choose the pork knuckle special which is a mini-mountain of food. Mostly meat. Good beers, conversation is light and I pick up some of the CoCo background information that I posted early in a reply to vinapu. We joust with Banana’s grabber and catch up on how his son is doing and growing. G’s owner has headed off to Pattaya I so didn’t get more time with him to take in his opinions. Skipping the strudel, we head to the jazz club for an hour of piano and singer melding into classics (e.g“Stardust” ). While at Groovin’ High, the jazz bar, we discussed where to go next. Three clubs still on my list to checkout: Stranger Bar, FreshBoys, & Hot Male. The Stranger Bar has moved from its narrow show case next to (?) Adam Massage to a much bigger appearing from the outside to the left of Jupiter. Decided to start at FreshBoys and depart in time to see Hot Male’s 2nd show. It’s been more than a year since I was at FreshBoys, I have many happy memories and a string of offs from the club’s locations and incarnations on both sides of Surawong. Minh is in his usual spot near to the stairs. I learn that the reason there ares shirtless boys at the top of the steps is both marketing and a cast holding area for the 40 boys in rotation. Inside it’s the same room, same layout, strong sound level, stage filled with boys in alphanumeric rotation 1 to 40 in order, unless someone has been called over for a drink or more. Mamasan sees me and orders boys off the sofa area immediately inside the entrance. We effusively greet one another and she does the same with CoCo. Once seated, I scan the rotation, by the end of a round I realize that over the past four or five years I’ve offed four of the boys and two of the waiters! The vibe in FreshBoys has an energy I haven’t encountered until now. The main seating area appears to be full of both paying customers and boys who are being treated to boy drinks. Seated where we are I see a constant coming and going of drink waiters. Number 40 in rotation is smiling broadly as he moves past. Since he’s handsome borderline cute with a big smile I indicate interest and mamasan has him on the sofa next to me. He’s from VietNam! Drink offered, drink accepted. His name is Nam (I’ll probably be able to remember it). Mamasan is very involved in how the show runs, interacts with the boys and is constantly chatting up the customers (of which there will be a steady flow in the next two hours. Once the rotation ends and the first of the 2 divas comes on stage, many of my ex offs stop by, I’m having a good time, Nam leaves to be in different acts, returns after each, he is first a dancer with a flower lei, then in the two guys and a diva number with each molesting and committing rapine, as clothes are shed. He will also be an a two guys in a shower scene but that will be later, and he’s one of the 9 in the big cock hit the pole festival. Yes, it reads as the same, rotation, diva, act with some sex, rotation, act with naked sex, diva, rotation, shower scene with more but soapy sex, ring the pole, pole ringers circulate for a top to touch their tips, diva and end the show with a rotation for the midnight show. During all this Nam returns to cuddle and unleash his smile. Hands encouraged to wander. I’m capitvated by the room’s vibrant vibe. I think that someone in Management took a pause, looked at what was on hand, and thought about making it flow and come alive. The mamasan is part of that as she is constantly on the move, encouraging the audience to chheer the boys when needed, to leading sing alongside with the grander diva numbers. There is still a crowd when lights come up to signal the end of the first show. Drinks have been mixed and served during the two hours we’ve been there. There might be money being made here. Maybe six boys leaving with customers. CoCo and I say our good byes…shirtless honor guard to the door and outside. Head to Hot Male since it’s right next door. I walk past the entrance - it was too well lit! Inside there are one mamasan and two managers and 20 boys in red trunks and maybe Hot Male logo T-shirt. Notice I have not mentioned the audience numbers. There were none! Guys are good looking, etc. Note: to vinapu, #10 the blonde god we both noticed and exchanged comments about was there! Even knowing I wasn’t going to be caught being the only customers , #IO called him over as he had spotted me when I spotted him (maybe before). A glorious piece of god’s craftsmanship!. I explained I couldn’t stay and gave him a remembrance vinapu tuck. Coco and I leave as the boys begins to perform the show (Indian temple dancers, remember?) One customer has arrived. We go back for a remedial stamp session as I process the last few hours.
    9 points
  3. From Bangkok Post New landmark in Dusit district to serve as another ‘green lung’ for the capital, as well as a reminder of King Rama IX’s contributions to forest protection and water resource management Thais are looking forward to the completion of a public park in remembrance of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great, which is expected to become a major new landmark in Bangkok. Designed as a forest park covering 279 rai in Dusit district, thousands of new trees will provide the capital with another much-needed “green lung” where people from near and far can unwind from the hustle and bustle of the city and get in touch with nature. The park will be dotted with reminders of King Rama IX and Her Majesty Queen Sirikit the Queen Mother, which will give visitors an opportunity to learn about their contributions to forest and water resource management. The park will be a welcome addition to Bangkok’s green landscape, alongside Lumpini Park in Pathumwan district and Benjakitti Park in Klong Toey district, observers say. In November 2021, the Bureau of the Royal Household unveiled a virtual design for the public park, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.
    7 points
  4. We now know who was responsible.
    7 points
  5. They were probably shocked by the amount of other people's DNA that registered.... thank goodness there wasn't a throat swab 🙈
    6 points
  6. Everywhere is located near the metro. Have you never seen a Tokyo subway map? 🤣 PS If you need to get cash from an ATM, the 7Bank ones inside 7-11 stores don't charge for using foreign cards.
    6 points
  7. vinapu

    Dick's Cafe Jomtien

    Chicken with nuts plate looks yummy. Vote Trump advice generates urge to vomit though ( not related to dish just consumed)
    6 points
  8. Recife Recife, the capital of Pernambuco in Northeast Brazil, is often referred to as the "Venice of Brazil" due to its waterways and bridges. While in Recife, one is likely to visit Marco Zero and from there it only cost 10rs to take a water taxi to Parque de Esculturas Francisco Brennand, a small island featuring works of the famous Brazilian sculptor. I spent three days in this city with a Brazilian friend, with the main purpose of the trip being to meet him and lift his spirits. Depression and poverty can be a dangerous combination. Unfortunately, that also meant cutting back on my visits to saunas. I only visited Termas Boa Vista on my last night in the city, despite being a week night, the visit was a success. Uber is a must in this region of Brazil, the sun sets early in July, the touristic neighborhood of Recife felt okay but on the way to TBV, I passed through some questionable neighbors that look dangerous especially at night. TBV itself felt secured, clean, and the management is welcoming. The bar area in TBV had live music and the acoustics was pleasant. The drinks were about 1/2 the price of SP and Rio and the suite was superior in comparison. There were only about seven GPs working, in general the men in NE brazil felt very masculine, more tan, and don't flash their smile as freely as Cariocas. Despite with only 7 GP on premise, I had 3-4 candidates in mind. I came to an agreement with J very quickly and we went to the presidential suite. I was blown away by the amount of passion that came from J inside the suite, easily the best kisser I ever encountered in Brazil. As @ShivRoy stated in his report, the GPs accept 100r without haggling. It was the right choice to visit TBV on my last night and I wish I had more days in Recife because during the weekend, TBV stays open until 6 AM! Overall, I can see Recife becoming a repeat destination in the future.
    6 points
  9. I choose massage over offs most of the time and I reserve at lest 10 minutes to reverse roles and massage the masseur. On occasion some guys present particularly well-muscled bodies that cause me to to extend the time I allow myself this pleasure. And it not just the hunks who can present me with this type of passive satisfaction.,. Twinks and twunks can also come with solid muscle tone that cries out to be touched. I've also found that the recipient not infrequently becomes more affectionate as a result of the experience that they normally don't find themselves receiving. But be forewarned: this can lead to sex.🙂
    6 points
  10. JD has successfully made it "cool" for MAGA racist and lunatic men to wear eyeliner.... Tons of MAGA alpha bros have been seen flocking to Walgreens and CVS to make the decision between dark brown or deep black.....EYELINER.... You can read all about his journey to avid eyeliner lover in his new book "Eyeliner Elegy"..... Its just another great "conversion" for the avid MAGA zealot..... MAGA MEGA, MEGA, MEGA (Make Eyeliner Great Again) Hail to the MEGA MAGA......
    5 points
  11. Unfortunately the article is behind a pay wall (at least in my neck of the woods). https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/3271496/singapore-named-safest-city-travellers-manila-1-riskiest In February, Spartacus published its annual "Gay Travel Index" of cities with the best legal and living conditions for gays that appears constructed not by actual travel experience but rather on an 18-point check list that determines rankings of countries worldwide. Canada, Malta, New Zealand, Portugal and Spain round out the top five. But you have to travel down to #54 to find Thailand, #58 Vietnam, #64 is a tie between Singapore and South Korea, followed by #70 Japan and #84 Cambodia. And if that puzzles you, Colombia and Taiwan tied at #13. As I think Vinapu would say, "go and see for yourself." https://spartacus.gayguide.travel/gaytravelindex.pdf
    5 points
  12. Her speech in Wisconsin was great. The Trumpards must be worried.
    5 points
  13. I did that with my e-visa last time to Indonesia, submitted without verifying everything, even after I printed it. When I used autofill on one field, it changed one of the other fields, I didn't notice.... had to pay for another one at arrival because everything has to be 100% right or it's invalid....was only $30usd, but I was pissed at how careless I was. I have trips booked until the end of the year, and some travel dates are the same but in different months. it gets confusing 🙄 #firstworldproblems
    5 points
  14. The buildings have not changed. They have remained the same for decades. What you are looking at is a view of the Boyztown other entrance on Soi 13/4. Both views below were taken from in front of the Penthouse Hotel. The building on the right with the ornate wrought iron railings used to be the New Orleans Restaurant. The tall building in the background is still there.
    5 points
  15. 15M Massage has been featuring a guy in recent posts that I find difficult to forget: "Harn". Not that it's particularly easy to forget any of them IMO. ======== Nearby Phetboy Spa has posted a link to videos on Tik Tok. https://www.tiktok.com/@phetboyspa?_t=8n6PAB7TEiA&_r=1 Its continually updated lists of masseurs is available at https://phetboyspa.blogspot.com/2024/02/phetboy-spa.html
    4 points
  16. From CNN President Joe Biden has thrown his support behind Vice President Kamala Harris to become the next Democratic nominee for president after announcing Sunday he is dropping out of the race. Should Harris officially become the party’s standard-bearer, she would be the first Black woman and first Asian American to lead the ticket of a major political party. The historic endorsement comes after weeks of disarray within the Democratic Party, following a disastrous debate performance by Biden that called into question his ability to win a second term and govern for another four years. Biden ended his campaign Sunday amid growing calls from members of his party to step aside. Logistically, Harris is the natural heir to the ticket as Biden’s running mate. She would inherit the Biden campaign’s massive political operation and war chest. Recent polling has also shown her performing better against former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, than Biden and other potential Democratic contenders.
    4 points
  17. Like to think I'm obsessive when making travel reservations. Yesterday proved me wrong when booking January trip. Shortly after pushing the "pay now' tab on the airline website, I received the confirming email and learned that I had the correct return day but the wrong month! Immediately got on the phone and after a long wait got to a rep and confessed my error. He repriced the itinerary, found no fare difference, and rebooked me on correct date. I was lucky. Lesson learned: read, reread and read again before paying.
    4 points
  18. Australia is hearing all of this as it happens. The loudest message we are receiving here is about abortion. This is not just a women's issue. Men need to realise that without abortion or Mifepristone then we are headed for perhaps ten million extra men paying child support for the next eighteen or so years. Let that sink in. As a footnote I heard a snarky comment regarding the MAGA morons wearing a maxi pad on their ear. What are they going to do when he has a colonoscopy or a prostate exam.
    4 points
  19. From Bloomberg Over the past 30 years, Airbus SE has continuously eked out more range from its A321 aircraft, making the model a bestseller as customers pair the economic benefits of a narrowbody airliner with the reach and capacity approaching a widebody jet. Now Airbus is approaching certification of its latest variant — the A321XLR — which may get sign-off from regulators as soon as this month and will effectively double the range from the original model that entered service at the start of 1994. Airbus plans to showcase the plane, for which it has more than 550 orders, at the Farnborough Air Show. The XLR’s entry into service, delayed by a year due to the pandemic and concerns about a fire risk from an extra fuel tank, pushes its range to 4,700 nautical miles, or 11 hours of flight. It’s a radius that promises to take single-aisle planes to destinations that were previously the domain of fuel-guzzling twin-aisle planes, changing the operating calculus for carriers that ordered the plane. Icelandair has ordered 13 XLRs to replace its aging fleet of the out-of-production Boeing Co. 757, which has a shorter maximum range of about 3,900 nautical miles. The XLRs, which burn 30% less fuel than its predecessors, will let the carrier add destinations in California, Texas, Dubai and across Europe, its chief executive officer said. “In many cases we are competing with a widebody aircraft, which are not as fuel efficient and not that environmentally friendly,” said Bogi Nils Bogason. “So that is definitely an advantage and we see opportunities for us in that respect.”
    4 points
  20. The most famous gay area in Tokyo is called Shinjuku ni-chome ("knee-chormay"). I've previously stayed at the City Hotel Lonestar, which is situated within the gay area. However, you can not bring guests back to your room. The trip from the airport depends on whether you arrive at Narita Airport - an hour out of the city - or Haneda Airport which is in Tokyo itself. Download an app called Rome2rio. It gives all the options of getting from point A to point B.
    4 points
  21. It was recently brought to my attention that Vietnam is contemplating (announced back in February 2024) to extend residence visas to 36 months with multiple entries - including for us retirees. The current offering is for a tourist 90 day visa. The PM asked his colleagues to study this idea and to report back to him with their findings by the end of the 2nd quarter 2024. https://visaguide.world/news/vietnam-plans-to-introduce-visas-on-arrival-36-month-multiple-entry-visas/#google_vignette https://vietnamnews.vn/society/1650991/visa-on-arrival-36-month-multiple-entry-visa-on-the-table-gov-t.html Hopefully, soon the Vietnamese government will announce what they decided.
    4 points
  22. "God wanted Donald Trump to live so he could lose to a Black woman" ~ bumper sticker I saw ~
    4 points
  23. Visitors to Chiang Mai might like to try New Circle Club Chiang Mai - its in the Chang Phuek area not too far from Adams Apple and a short ride from the old town - there is a Facebook page with photos of available lads. Also there are lads at both Orion and Connections bars in Soi 6 of the Night Bazaar - same soi as Ram Bar. Services negotiable at both bars.
    4 points
  24. vinapu

    Biden endorses Harris

    I bet they are and they should. Now they have their pick who is old, possibly fragile , with doubts sown of how he will perform at end if his demanding term when he will be even older.
    4 points
  25. vinapu

    Biden endorses Harris

    proof that one can be business genius and still idiot
    4 points
  26. Conversation between a friend of mine and their departing guest while in a car well on the way to the airport: "which terminal, North or South?" "No, Four". It's a good thing LHR and LGW label their terminals differently, or the mistake might not have been noticed until much too late.
    4 points
  27. I think the motives people have for becoming Trumpsters have little to do with affection for the man himself. There's a minority group of wealthy individuals who are interested solely in a candidate who may be good for their business interests. The second and most dominant group are white, working class Americans who seek instant inclusion in a political movement that satisfies their need for being among like-minded individuals. Acceptance is instantaneous and gives their life renewed purpose. It's a waste of time for Democrats to try to present candidates that might attract Trumpsters. The Dems need first to excite their base. Without the votes of the base it's impossible for them to win. They also should seek the dwindling number of undecided voters but the emphasis has to be on the bread and butter democrats. They represent the the population most likely to go to the polls. If early indicators are correct--and I believe they are--Kamala Harris is the best person to do it. I trust her to select a running mate that will boost her party's appeal.
    4 points
  28. Having just returned from my trip to Barcelona last week I am happy to report that Thermas was not a disappointment, and I can certainly recommend a look. My first visit was on a Thursday afternoon at about 2.30 pm. There weren't many clients there at that time. Upon arrival in the mid afternoon I was approached and received a very warm welcome from 3 or 4 working guys, who were all very eager to please. These were a handsome young Venezuelan named Oliver and his horse hung cousin, who were very free with their conversation and seemed really nice guys. There was also an especially charming Nigerian named Christian with a great body and cock, who spoke perfect English. There was then a steady flow of fresh talent who arrived throughout the later afternoon, all of whom were handsome, hung and personable. In the end I chose to spend some private time with a gorgeous South American guy named Enrique, who certainly knew how to top. I visited again at 3pm on the following Sunday, but the premises were temporarily closed to the public for the clean up after a private party from Saturday, which had rolled on into Sunday, and I chose not to return later that day. I again attended at about 3pm on Monday afternoon, and there were fewer guys, but still a good choice. I had a great session with Christian the Nigerian. Most of the working guys at Thermas were handsome South Americans, both Latinos and a few black guys, one was called Tony with blonde died hair (tasty too), and they were all very chatty and personable. They all had their ample goods on full perky display. If you like guys in their thirties look out for Juan. There was also a Bulgarian, but not many Europeans. The going rate is €50. Entry fee €22. The premises were very clean and the staff friendly and helpful. A final word about the other Saunas, Bruc and Condal. I visited both of these but only saw older guys there, so neither place appealed to my tastes.
    4 points
  29. From Thai PBS World Thai cybercrime police, working with the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission and internet and mobile phone service providers, have launched a joint operation, codenamed “Blasting the Bandit’s Bridge”, to crack down on call centre scam gangs in Myanmar and Laos, operating in the King’s Roman entertainment complex, located in the Golden Triangle. According to Pol Lt-Gen Tatchai Pitanilabutr, the assistant national police chief, the King’s Roman complex contains casinos, hotels, other entertainment venues and an airport to handle tourists from Thailand, Laos, Myanmar and China. The complex and its surrounding areas are known as safe havens for scammers, particularly Chinese, operating call centres defrauding victims in Thailand and China. Thais and other nationalities have been lured by promises of high pay to work in casinos, hotels and other entertainment establishments, but were eventually forced to work as slave labour in call centres. Pol Lt-Gen Tatchai said that the officials will use special signal jamming devices to disrupt internet and phone traffic sent to the area, but with limited impacts on legitimate service users, adding that mobile phone service providers will also cut the signals of suspicious phone numbers. He noted that telecom cables should be confined within Thai territory and should not be extended into neighbouring countries, which would be helping the illegal activities of the call centres. The assistant police chief warned that SIM card retail outlets, which sell SIM cards without proper registration, could face legal action and be banned from selling them again. Commenting on a report that some scammers have resorted to the use of the Starlink service, to bypass ordinary mobile phone services, Tatchai said the Starlink service is not as stable as the use of SIM cards with the mobile phone services provided by the four existing providers. Meanwhile, in Chiang Mai province, police have arrested a Hang Dong district police officer, Pol Lt-Col “Bandhit”, who allegedly ran a call centre in the province. “Bandhit” was booked early this morning at a temple, where he entered monkhood in an attempt to evade arrest. He was rapidly defrocked and escorted to Chang Phuek police station for questioning. The suspect claimed that he was just a member of the call centre, which was actually run by Chinese businessmen.
    4 points
  30. From Thai PBS World AirAsia announced on its Facebook page that the outage of Microsoft Azure has affected its reservation and check-in systems at all airports. As a result, the airline has had to resort to a manual system, causing delays for passengers. Passengers are therefore advised to arrive at the airport three hours before departure time.
    4 points
  31. caeron

    Trump Shot at Rally

    Evangelicals have the memories of goldfish. It used to be they "knew" the antichrist would be shot in the head and survive. But they're too busy whoring themselves out to remember their own imagined theology.
    4 points
  32. typical pro-lifer, they oppose abortion in the morning , in the afternoon are all for death penalty, day after day
    3 points
  33. I am a mature cis Canadian gay guy who recently moved to Bangkok. I am curious about the gay scene, but a bit shy to venture out alone in Silom reading so many comments about mamasans and MBs who pressure you to drink and spend. I drink alcohol but I am not a big drinker. I am seeking friends over 50 like me to experience the Silom scene, and maybe chill out once in a while (I am not seeking a s*x partner as I like younger guys). I did put a similar post in Facebook and received a lot of nasty comments for being gay, so not trying that again. But I found this forum and hope to have better luck here. I live in central Bangkok.
    3 points
  34. This was my first time using BKK as a transit connection (from Vietnam). Procedure is relatively simple if you follow signs carefully to "Connecting Flights". At entrance to Connecting Flights point you'll be asked to show passport, boarding pass for your inbound flight and documentation for outbound flight. Although they accepted copy off phone, strongly suggest you have printed itinerary available. Once cleared, your bags are inspected and then you take escalator one level to departure concourse air side. Took only a few minutes. Once air side, look for your airline service desk to do standard check in (they're all close by but usually don't open until about 3-4 hours prior to flight). Many of the international airline lounges are located in the general area.
    3 points
  35. vinapu

    GOP- Nice Boys

    Great to heat Gop is alive but questions lingers - who was cremated on that Wednesday mentioned in OP. I know dead body but whose ?
    3 points
  36. size of your endowment perhaps ? Not trying to be smart, while leaving one of Bangkok hotels for breakfast there was short exchange between my boy and night time receptionist and boy told me later receptionist asked if farang was generous. Diplomatically I did not ask what answer was
    3 points
  37. From Bangkok Post Mark Gooding (left), the British Ambassador to Thailand, and Remco van Wijingaarden, the Netherlands Ambassador, share their experiences at the Bangkok Post Pride Every Day forum on Wednesday at Lido Connect. (Photo: Somchai Poomlard) Despite the tremendous success of Thailand in passing the same-sex marriage bill, the nation still needs to work on other LGBTQ+ issues to ensure equality and pride on a sustained basis. That was the message sent by two ambassadors to Thailand — Mark Gooding of the United Kingdom and Remco van Wijingaarden of the Netherlands — at the Bangkok Post Pride Every Day forum. Their countries enacted similar laws years before Thailand became a leader in Southeast Asia by following suit. The diplomats shared their experiences at the forum that took place on Wednesday at Lido Connect Hall in Siam Square. Both men agreed that Thailand passing such bills would benefit the country in various ways, but added this was only a starting point and there are still many things that need to be done to ensure LGBTQ+ people in Thailand enjoy full rights and legal protections. Mr Gooding said that despite the passage of the Marriage Equality Bill in 2013, which took effect in 2014, the LGBTQ+ community in the UK still faces various challenges. Therefore, it is important to embody the issue of inclusion every day because LGBTQ+ life is not a one-month event during Pride in June, he said. “Marriage equality is a very important step towards equality, but in the UK, we have to focus on various challenges such as the daily discrimination, homophobic bullies in school, access to healthcare for LGBTQ+ people, as well as hate crimes,” Mr Gooding said. “Therefore, it is not specifically in the month of June when the Pride month is [held worldwide](#). I think by working together to exchange views openly about what the challenges are — and that needs to include government — the LGBTQ+ group, government and civil society can concentrate on addressing those challenges.” Mr Gooding said Thailand passing the marriage equality bill was a major step forward. Now, he suggested the focus must be on implementing it effectively. He also pointed out that to further spread equality, all sectors must collaborate as equality requires multi-sectoral dialogue. “Equal marriage legislation is absolutely fantastic. But I would say, that passing legislation is not the end,” he said. “The next thing is the implementation and the key first step is to make sure all the circulation of regulations is in place so the people will get the benefit after it becomes law. We do not want the people to be delayed by some piece of paper.” He said he was delighted to be informed that Thailand would join the Equal Rights Coalition (ERC) as the 44th country in the framework. The ERC is a coalition of countries that come together to exchange and discuss promoting LGBTQ+ rights across the globe. “Thailand has become the leader in Southeast Asia in passing the equal marriage law and I think there will be more we can do together,” said Mr Gooding. “There are many places in the world that face serious drawbacks of LGBTQ+ rights and other rights, including women’s rights. So, I do think we need to work together to ensure international human rights to make sure that our values are protected.” Even though the Netherlands took the lead as the first country in the world to pass same-sex marriage legislation in 2001, Mr Wijingaarden pointed out that passing the bill was only the first step in achieving equality. The bill needs to be translated into adoption law, social security, insurance, inheritance and other areas related to same-sex relationships, he said. Continues at https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2835097/pride-and-prejudice-in-land-of-smiles
    3 points
  38. yes and in some places don't forget to pack your baseball bat
    3 points
  39. vinapu

    Biden endorses Harris

    Plainly, you are in wrong crowd
    3 points
  40. I will go to The Philippines around Christmas time for 1 month as part of my 4-4-4 plan to minimize my time in Thailand to be under 180 days each year. I will use this one month to explore different places where I would want to live for 4 months each year - where I would live for 4 months in Thailand, 4 months in Vietnam, and perhaps 4 months in The Philippines. I have already ruled out Manila - Makati - for the same reasons that I do not live in Bangkok - too big, too polluted, too noisy, not on the sea, etcetra. So, I am thinking to start in Cebu City and then explore other Philippine cities that are on the sea. Anyone have any good experiences outside of Manila / Makati - that they believe that they could live in ? A city on the sea like Da Nang is in Vietnam would be PERFECT for me, as Da Nang offers: a big enough population, on a sea that is clean and beautiful, enough local guys to play with, a small gay life with a couple of gay bars and gay massage places, access to the nature (mountains, hiking, motorbike riding, etcetra), easy access to other nearby interesting places (Hoi An, Hue, Ba Na hills), international airport.
    3 points
  41. TotallyOz

    Biden endorses Harris

    Moved this to main forum so all can see in current post area. This is huge. I think she will be excellent and I do think Pete would be a great running mate and unite the party.
    3 points
  42. Good lord! May it be so... I would pay good money to see Mayor Pete take apart JD Vance in a debate!!
    3 points
  43. Meh...Wouldn't make a special trip for the guys. If you've never been and want to see Cuba go, but don't expect a hopping night scene like years ago. I ended up with a Cuban National League baseball player....he was hot and good in bed, with a big dick and and even bigger ego, lol But the malecon and la Rampa were dead, nothing like before. Las Vegas gay bar was dead, even the Hotel Nacional and Habana Libre didn't have things in stock.....it's sad.
    3 points
  44. reader

    60-days on arrival waiver

    Mr. Fisher wasn't screwed over; he's getting exactly what he contracted for. I think his real bitch is that he doesn't like the idea that the lowlifes (most of us) are getting a better deal if we choose to take advantage of it.
    3 points
  45. My experience over a half century strongly suggests there are straight guys EVERYWHERE willing to get sucked. Count on it.
    3 points
  46. Well boys think many gringos are a hassle for trying to down pay while clearly having more money than locals. Most boys are not found of that. For myself I never ever go with a boy asking more than the “current price”. Most will lower the price after a no, but I tend to keep my negative as they will often perform bad when that happens. I say clearly to them that asking an overprice upfront is a red flag to me and boys that do that won’t perform well . But likewise I tend to tip very well when the boys performs great - and as boys talks about clients between themselves, word of mouth goes around and when you are somewhat regular this “strategy” works great - they don’t ask higher prices (so I don’t lose money if they don’t perform) but they try to impress expecting a better tip.
    3 points
  47. I second omega's comment about CM's distinctive vibe. More targeted towards locals than tourists. More relaxed. More casual....although I'm not sure what I mean by that. I have a memory of Adam's Apple in the late 90s when the premises was packed....an undeniable fire hazard back then! Most of the audience were CMU students or other youngish guys. And no less attractive than the performers. I'd explored Bangkok, Phuket and Pattaya but CM was different, pleasantly so. However, I can also understand floridabob's post. The gay scene was spread-out over the city; it wasn't the place for bar-crawling. i also recall the late opening hours. I found the early evenings difficult to fill.
    3 points
  48. I love Salt & Pepper, behind up the road from Tukcom , the owner is quite talkative and friendly indian background Thai guy ,hobby is making trains and ships out of matches
    3 points
  49. I’ve been in Pakistan very recently. Pakistani love bottoms, specially if you’re smooth. TIP: Pakistanis love foreigners. If you see a man you like, approach him and ask him any question about directions or whatever. The conversation will lead onto exchanging info. You can contact him later by messaging him and making some suggestive comments. 90% of the time works. You could have sex everyday. They will not ask for money. They are just so horny and just want to get off.
    3 points
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