It is analysis of AI, dear.
once again: this is a public forum, dear - I publish whatever I want, and I don't need anyone's consent for this... if you don't like it - don't read it and ignore it...
You can't still deny what Cambodia at that time was Democratic Kampuchea. And Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge was overthrown by communist Vietnam. And that the overthrow of Pol Pot is the merit of communist Vietnam and the USSR.
You can't deny what country was named at that time Democratic Kampuchea. Should we call it democracy then?
By the way, the West was so afraid of the growing influence of Vietnam and the USSR in the region at that time that it supported Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge - see the link to this in that same Wiki article that you cited in your post. And Thailand was the base for Pol Pot's guerrilla camps and it was to Thailand that Mao and the US supplied them with weapons (see the same Wiki article)
There is no one word "communist" in the law. Again propagandists tricks?
Full text:ច្បាប់-ស្តីពី-ការប្រឆាំ-2/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp
But if we remember history, the Pol Pot regime was overthrown by troops from communist and pro-USSR Vietnam.