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Posts posted by AdamSmith

  1. 4 hours ago, Latbear4blk said:

    The dems strategy about the SC composition drives me crazy. They should respond when they are asked whether or not they will pack the SC. Kamala Harris had a good beginning in the debate, when she flipped the question to point to how the GOP is actually packing the court. But they should not stop there. They should openly say that if the GOP chooses a judge now, they will increase the numbers of judges if they win Senate majority. If Republicans respect the criteria they set 4 years ago, then Dems will respect the traditional size for the SC. Just as there is nothing ilegal or unconstitutional on voting a new SC member now, there is nothing ilegal or unconstitutional in increasing the number of judges. They need to start playing the bully game as the GOP does.

    Agree in full. If Biden wins, feels like think the country will flip on the presidency today and he will get 2 terms, if he wants the second one. Then I think 2 more terms with Kamala as pres.

    If that comes about, and if control of the Senate flips this election (or even possibly next cycle), the Court can be entirely remade.

  2. Of Mere Being

    The palm at the end of the mind,
    Beyond the last thought, rises
    In the bronze decor,
    A gold-feathered bird
    Sings in the palm, without human meaning,
    Without human feeling, a foreign song.
    You know then that it is not the reason
    That makes us happy or unhappy.
    The bird sings. Its feathers shine.
    The palm stands on the edge of space.
    The wind moves slowly in the branches.
    The bird's fire-fangled feathers dangle down.
    Wallace Stevens, "Of Mere Being" from The Palm at the End of the Mind: Selected Poems and a Play. Copyright © 1967, 1969, 1971 by Holly Stevens.  Used by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, an imprint of the Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, a division of Random House LLC. All rights reserved.
    Source: The Palm at the End of the Mind: Selected Poems and a Play by Wallace Stevens (Alfred A. Knopf, 1971)
    More About this Poem


  3. 3 hours ago, RockHardNYC said:


    My quote should read: "Racism is the biggest issue associated with Trump voters. Until we tackle that as a country, there will always be room for Trumpism in America."

    Your quote reads: "I had forgotten criticism is the biggest issue associated with Trump voters. Until we tackle that as a country, there will always be room for Trumpism in America."

    Not sure what is going on if we're seeing two different things.

    Sorry for this stupidity. An auto-correct function here strangely changed my echoing of your language to the nonsensical ‘criticism,’ must have been some spelling error on my part.

  4. 20 hours ago, RockHardNYC said:

    Dear Adam,

    Perhaps your struggles with the software are causing deeper problems than I imagine. Here is your post:


    The quote from me is not as I wrote it. If you didn't alter the words, and it's a software glitch, then I apologize.

    My repost of your post matches the original, on checking.

    What differences do you see?

  5. 9 hours ago, RockHardNYC said:


    The quote feature on a forum is not intended to give you license to change another member's words. I don't mind correcting grammar or misspellings, but to change entire words and their meaning or intent is false, rude, and inappropriate. Please don't ever do that again.

    I rail against that all the time.

    Please post a link where I did that or tried to.

    WTF? I am a professional journalist by trade. If I did that once, I would be in the cemetery.

  6. 8 hours ago, RockHardNYC said:

    Playing "daddy" never turned me on. If I fall in love with a 25-year-old, I prefer to offer him a job instead of intimacy. But that's me. I already have a son, and our love runs very deep.

    I get & respect what you say here.

    What I was expressing had nothing whatever to do with ‘playing daddy.’ Rather treating everybody as the equals we all are.

  7. 5 hours ago, RockHardNYC said:

    There are a lot of younger guys who enjoy playing with older men, especially when the older men appear to be fit and care about their health. Caring about your health can be a sexual turn-on, even if it's just a perception.

    This is a tangential line of thought, which we have mentioned before, but to repeat. A good number of intelligent  sensitive younger guys enjoy hanging (& more) with middle-aged guys who treat them as full people & adults. And want to genuinely know them, not in any exploitative aspect.

    Numerous escorts I have been with have been surprisingly shocked by that.

  8. 5 hours ago, Buddy2 said:

    I am jealous that you never see Marylander's threads Yesterday he actually yelled at me for starting two threads about Trump's covid illness.

    Mary 1940 has likely started 800 + threads over there and perhaps a few here too

    Tell him to go fuck himself.

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