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Posts posted by RA1

  1. 21 hours ago, RockHardNYC said:

    If you feel so confident in that statement (which I see as blatantly false, again) please share your "some" with me, privately if you prefer. I will be more than happy to share the truth with you.

    I don't expect you to be forthcoming, because I know how this game is played in the shade. Nonetheless, if you care about credibility (which I doubt you do), I am happy to respond honestly about the people I have met in person from these boards.

    Let me communicate with them for their permission and I will get back to you.

    Best regards,


  2. 1 minute ago, RockHardNYC said:

    I'm not as secretive as most. But I know how to protect what needs to be protected. In any case, since you don't actually know me, you should refrain from making statements like: "Actually you don't pay attention to anything that you have not deemed either black or white."

    Not only is your statement false, it makes you appear ignorant.

    It is certainly true that I do not know you but I do know some who do know you.  Enough said.

    Best regards,


  3. 1 hour ago, RockHardNYC said:

    Another member who has no clue who I am.

    I can't count the number of posts I've made through the years asking members not to see the world in simple black and white. I fully defend the gray areas, since that defines most of my unusual life.

    Like many other crackpots, I get that RA1 hates government and lumps all politicians into the same garbage bag. With that attitude and sentiment, all governments are doomed to FAIL. This ideology is self-fulfilling. And I don't agree with it.


    I think I am among several to many members who do not see who you are.  Nonetheless, best of luck.

    Best regards,


  4. On 3/26/2020 at 3:44 PM, RockHardNYC said:

    I have plenty of doctors in my circle. I don't pay attention to armchair medical assumptions on the internet. Furthermore, most asthma and high-allergy patients on inhalers are required to hold their medicines in their lungs at least for ten seconds.


    Actually you don't pay attention to anything that you have not deemed either black or white. I like to think that I mostly see gray.

    Best regards,


  5. 4 minutes ago, RockHardNYC said:

    Can't most people do this?

    Perhaps a good out for Trump. For a man who is most known in his home town for fucking people over, one can only wonder what's going through his head now. Why on earth would a guy like Trump want to be president during a crisis like this? And if he pushes people to stop social distancing for Easter, because suddenly he's a Christian and wants to celebrate a resurrection, millions more will get infected. Who the fuck wants that on the historical record?

    The actual suggestion is to take a deep breath and hold it for 10 seconds.  The point is that those with lung infestations cannot do this without coughing.  Of course this ad hoc test does not prove lack of illness, only a possible marker.

    Best regards,


  6. 12 hours ago, RockHardNYC said:

    I'm confident RA1 will see Vogue magazine as the work of the devil, or at the very least a Commie rag. No matter. Anna decided to give props to Andrew.

    Why We Are Crushing on Andrew Cuomo Right Now

    I loved author Molly Jong-Fast's opening line:

    "I never much cared for Andrew Cuomo. Even though, like most New Yorkers, I voted for him three times to be governor of New York, I just didn’t fall in love with the guy."

    I could have written the exact same line. I voted for him, but I never donated. That could change.

    It is just the writer's opinion and most everyone has one.  I don't love any pols, like very few and trust none.

    Best regards,


  7. 57 minutes ago, Buddy2 said:

    Then watch C-SPAN.  Governor Cuomo is now on most all news channels. Much crucial information for everyone, not just New York state.

    Cuomo is much better informed that some federal officials. It is your loss, RA1, if you don't watch.

    Thanks for the encouragement.  I think I get plenty of news and information from many sources.  Some of it only barely biased.  :)  

    Best regards,


  8. 2 minutes ago, Buddy2 said:

    Try reading about the coronavirus on line or watch CNN.

    Italy, France and Spain are devastated, with no end in sight. A bright point, seven thousand doctors have come out of retirement in Milan to help. And Russia is offering help to Italy.

    I don't really watch the Communist News Network.  I am very unhappy for those who are now infected and for all those who will be.  That is the truth.

    Best regards,


  9. 16 hours ago, RockHardNYC said:

    The truth is: Trump is a RACIST. When he improperly calls COVID-19 the "Chinese virus" at the presidential lectern, he is stoking racism. That's what he does to deflect blame. No one is denying the truth about where the virus likely originated. The truth is: the virus could have originated from numerous places. "Wet markets" exist all over the world.

    "The consensus among researchers studying the spread of the virus pinpoints COVID-19’s likely origin to a “wet market,” or live animal market, in Wuhan, China. Though experts have not ruled out the possibility that the pathogen could have been brought to the market by an already infected person, there is no evidence to suggest COVID-19 originated outside the country.

    The origin theory for the virus is supplemented by preliminary research into the disease’s genome, as well as the origins of similar diseases. Researchers at the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre published the genome of COVID-19 two weeks after cases were reported in late December 2019. Gene sequencing analysis strongly suggests the virus originated in bats and was transferred to humans through a yet-unidentified intermediary species. In early February, Chinese researchers published work suggesting the intermediary species may have been the pangolin (also called a scaly anteater), though this work has not yet undergone a peer-reviewed study."

    RA1, I am sorry to say you have now certified your "asshole" status with me.

    Governor Cuomo is behaving exactly the way a LEADER is supposed to behave, with sincere compassion, truth, and resolve. He is openly attempting to save every life in New York State. If New York survives this disaster, Andrew Cuomo will go down in history as a great leader for his time.

    Thank God the Doctor Is In.  Peeking out our windows, we see America shriveling.

    "Donald Trump, the ultimate “me” guy, is in a “we” crisis and it isn’t pretty. The president is so consumed by his desire to get back his binky, a soaring stock market, that he continues to taffy-twist the facts, leaving us to look elsewhere — to Dr. Fauci and governors like Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom — for leadership during this grim odyssey."

    I feel pretty free right now as in the truth shall set you free.

    Best regards,


  10. 16 minutes ago, Buddy2 said:

    Just now President Trump called the coronavirus the "Chinese Virus."


    He is not up to Governor Cuomo. Now Trump is reading from notes, something Mr. Cuomo's knowledge doesn't need.

    I realize some think it politically improper to refer to the virus as the Chinese virus but that is where it originated.  The truth shall set you free.

    Governor Cuomo is a political hack.  Next he will announce military control.  Ego + power over come a lot.

    Best regards,


  11. 11 minutes ago, RockHardNYC said:

    I've been inundated with COVID-19 emails from travel companies that store my registration. They want me to know they care about my health, and to assure me that they're doing everything possible to protect me when I return to using their products or services.

    I can't help but envisioning all CEOs getting on the phone and saying, "Hey, it's time to contact our customers and let them know we still exist, even though the markets are saying otherwise." First it was the airlines, then it was the hotels, now it's the car rentals. With every letter I smelled rubbing alcohol, as they promised me a germ-free environment next time I book with them.

    This can't be any easy time for any service business. I wonder how long it will take to recoup all this damage? And who might not survive? For those that do survive, will any of these businesses attempt to show an improvement in customer appreciation? Service has been sorely lacking in the past few years, especially in the airline industry.

    Absence has a way of making the heart grow fonder.

    They want your business.

    Best regards,


  12. 12 hours ago, AdamSmith said:

    The vagueness in the Constitution of how power is allocated among the 3 branches in particular worried Madison. He himself eventually, 20 years on, came up with this notion of ‘checks and balances’ [/]deriving from competition for power among the branches.

    But from all my reading, he never really believed that.

    And so here we are today.

    Especially in light of today's political struggles I don't see how in the world the Constitutional Congress was able to adopt anything, but, they did.  Artful use of compromise for sure but also no doubt much arm twisting also.  

    Best regards,


  13. 3 hours ago, AdamSmith said:

    The Constitution, while still the best available, nonetheless has some serious loopholes & lapses. Madison, its principal author of course, went to his grave plagued by these gaps & weaknesses.

    I still applaud and honor both the ship and the document.

    Best regards,


  14. 12 hours ago, AdamSmith said:

    You well know it was not a ‘verdict.’

    It was a political self-interest calculation by 100 variously opposed ‘Congresscriters’, as you yourself correctly name them.

    Come on now.

    Exactly as various have done with Hillary and others (self interest political calculation).  However what else would you call the result of a trial (by the Senate)?

    Best regards,


  15. 10 hours ago, caeron said:


    You assert personal knowledge of the criminality of someone who has been investigated repeatedly to no effect. Why would you not think that people doubt you?


    There are many reasons as well as many differences among "not guilty", "innocent" and "declining to indict".  I am sure many Democrats think that Trump is not innocent even though the verdict was not guilty.

    Best regards,


  16. 4 hours ago, caeron said:


    Forgive us if we don't believe you, some random poster on an internet forum, has the magic smoking gun of evil that Hillary has hid from all the republican investigators to date. Well except for your all knowing self.

    I'm sure you keep that proof right next to your deed to the brooklyn bridge.

    Are you speaking for this entire site?  I see your sarcasm but do not necessarily understand it.  I have little to no axe to grind other than the truth.

    Best regards,


  17. 12 hours ago, RockHardNYC said:

    I'd rather have one night with Benjamin Nicholas than endure another conversation with a Trump voter, even if the conversation is amicable.

    How is that different from what I for one would always prefer?

    Best regards,


  18. 11 hours ago, RockHardNYC said:

    I don't think "scary proposals" are what instigate fear among Democrats about Bernie. "Scary proposals" are a Republican talking point. Bernie shares a political style similar to Trump's. He's stubborn, recalcitrant, and a my-way-or-the-highway type of negotiator. Bernie is also not a Democrat. If Bernie were to win, the historical balance of a two-party system in America may forever change. And this change could hurt The Democratic Party for ages to come. That is what scares some people.

    If I had a dollar for every time someone called a politician a "crook," people would address me as Michael Bloomberg. Some voters think the simple command of taxing people to pay for community services warrants the label "crook." Frankly, I don't think it's possible to pursue politics or work in public service and NOT have someone call you a crook, especially when the intent is partisan.

    But let's talk about the dangers and ramifications of HYPOCRISY.

    When you vote for a well known, highly certifiable Mafia don as your leader and put him into the White House, you never again, NEVER get to enjoy the whining, complaining pleasure of calling someone else a crook.

    It really is that simple.

    Oh RA1, I wish you didn't make me laugh so hard during dinner. I get food all over my silk pj's.

    These are just several links from the first page of a Google search:

    How Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric Trump Have Profited Off Their Dad's Presidency

    All the President's Profiting

    G-7 at Trump's Doral resort? The original sin of this presidency is failure to divest.

    Trump’s children take in millions overseas as president slams Biden’s son

    A Look At President Trump's History Of Profiting Off His Presidency

    Ka-Ching. Donald Trump is raking in big bucks from emoluments foreign and domestic.

    The sad thing about this reality: there are pages and pages on Google when searching for Trump family profiteering from the presidency. There is no such evidence from Joe Biden, so no matter how much the Republicans wish it to be true, voters aren't going to buy into Trump/Kellyanne talking points. Not this election.

    The will of the American people. The mandate for any president.

    I was not calling Hillary a crook.  I was making a statement of fact known personally to me.

    Mandates are nice but not necessarily the political will of the people.

    I think it is pretty amazing that folks point to the other party when they should be pointing to themselves.  

    I really don't know what to wish for during this election season.  Certainly not the pie in the sky points that Bernie makes.  I have said before, I am not happy with a lot of what Trump says and some of what he does, however, I did not make the one sided comments about Obama that some are making about Trump.  Even though I thought Obama a lousy President.

    Best regards,



  19. 36 minutes ago, caeron said:


    If Hillary is a crook, I'm really sad she isn't president.

    Because apparently she's such an amazingly good crook that despite endless investigations by the republicans attacking her, THEY NEVER FOUND ANYTHING.

    Amazing how pols protect each other, isn't it?

    Best regards,


  20. VPN's do provide some protection.  Just sign up and enter the access information on your choice of VPN site.  

    I have noticed two problems with them.  One, for some unknown to me reason, they drop your device.  Just access the site to quickly get back on.  Two, a cell phone paired with your car will lose that hand shake with a VPN in use.

    Best regards,


  21. 17 hours ago, RockHardNYC said:

    No I don't.

    In 2016, Republican party favorite (at least among the backers), Jeb Bush, ended his campaign on Feb 20. Ted Cruz and John Kasich remained in the primary along with Trump all the way until May 3. They continually split their primary vote among three men, allowing Trump to win more primaries with just ⅓ of the vote. Had it only been a two-man race early on, there's no telling what might have happened, given the number of never-Trumpers out there at that time. In 2020, the Democrats will not let this mistake happen, and I predict they will coalesce to Biden, which is already happening. And it's only March 5th.

    Obviously, some Trump acolytes don't think it was a mistake to get in bed with the Mafia don devil. Against Hillary, they saw Trump as their only chance to win. They believed no one but the devil could beat Hillary. (I'm certainly not saying Hillary was a saint, but she's no Trump, and IMO, she's a much better human being.)

    Hillary won the popular vote in 2016 by almost 3 million people, a FACT that Trump acolytes love to ignore. Considering the shit that went down in the 2016 election (the Russians, WikiLeaks, the server, Comey, and Anthony Weiner), Hillary still broke popular vote records against Trump. But her campaign failed by taking Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan votes for granted. Losing these three states by such narrow margins was the biggest mistake of her campaign.

    I always thought the hatred towards Hillary was irrational, extremely partisan, and very sexist and misogynistic. Very much like Obama, I believed Hillary had the potential to make a terrific president. I also believed she was the most qualified candidate this country has seen in my lifetime, despite her obvious flaws. However, she handled her in-home server scandal horribly, which gave her hate-filled opposition plenty of ammunition to destroy her presidential bid. And that's precisely what they did.

    I think you are correct that a lot of the powers that be in the Democrat party are getting behind Biden which I assume is partly because Bernie's proposals are very scary.  If he won a thought is that much of what he wants can not be passed.  That in an of itself is a scary thought but one I have heard from local Democrats.

    Hillary is a crook, a fact which I happen to personally know.  I don't see how Biden can be viewed otherwise either for at least using undue influence to help his son.

    Not sure what the popular vote has to do with your argument.  This still is a republic.

    Best regards,


  22. 6 hours ago, RockHardNYC said:

    I'm surprised anyone intelligent would have a need to ask this question.

    The Democrats are dead serious about ousting Trump. They see Trump as a threat to truth, the Constitution, and democracy. While I think the behind-the-scenes conversations would be interesting to know, I am thrilled, like many fellow voters, that the Democrats are not going to make the same mistake that the Republicans made in 2016.

    Getting behind Biden in early March, with the Bloomberg apparatus supporting Biden, is the way you keep your eye on the prize.

    And what exactly is Trump doing on the Wednesday morning shitter? Poking more fun at Elizabeth Warren, which is just one more nail in his coffin.

    Everything Trump touches dies. It's time for him to go to hell where he belongs.

    Don't you mean the same mistake the Democrats made in 2016?  Some conservatives were smacking their lips (as you seem to report about Bloomberg dropping out) to think that Bernie would be the opposition.  I think it is a mistake to discount anyone.  Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.  

    I certainly agree that the party that gets the best turnout will likely elect the next President.  But, lot of water to go under the bridge between now and November.

    Best regards,


  23. 1 hour ago, TotallyOz said:

    What a fascinating Super Tuesday this was.

    Followed by an equally interesting Wednesday.  I would like to know why Mayor Pete, Amy and Bloomberg all dropped out.  Difficult to believe the "stated" reasons for any of them.  

    Best regards,


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