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Everything posted by Thumper1

  1. didn't care for the first ep., does it get better?
  2. Thanks! I ask only because my brief time in 117 was so frenzied, in a great way, I've always been amazed you can have your fun AND (the capital is for emphasis) get the photos for yourself and us. The couple times I asked if I could take photos or video with my phone the boys seemed very nervous (understandable, they don't know me), and given the language barrier trying to explain that the photos were for me was too great and so I became too scared of scaring them off (after all I was there to fuck, not photograph and chat lol) so I gave up. But I wish I had photos of the fun and the boys I had those two nights. I couldn't even imagine trying to explain that I wanted them to pick which photos were to promote them online. You can get it all done, Kudos to you! :-)
  3. Question Tomcal, I've always wondered, and I apologize if you've answered this: when you are with the "boys" do you tell them EXACTLY which photos are going to be on the web and which ones aren't, and does that question, "may I post photos of you online?", scare some out of the cubicle?
  4. They're getting rid of the guy from Girls (and Mormon) already? WOW those ticket sales musta tanked.
  5. If you are buying someone a drink, why begrudge them a Red Bull (I've never had one) if that's what they want? Nothing feels worse than seeing a wrinkled nose at your order after being offered to order what you want. It's been 8 years, but I remember liking the coffee at Cafeina, and I'm a coffee connoisseur. I've been obsessed with it for 40 years, starting drinking it around 4 years old (farm family). Starbucks CAN be good, but you need to order carefully. Pike is terrible. Sumatra is their best. Sulawesi, Kenya, French, and Italian are good enough to get the job done. One good strategy is to add a shot of espresso, decaf or caf it doesn't matter (same flavor enhancement) to any of those five brews above. Adding a caffeine shot is called a Red Eye (a decaf shot added to a regular coffee, according to URTH cafe in WeHo and Bev Hills, is a Rude Awakening, which is amusing name). The point is that it GREATLY enhances the flavor of your cup of coffee. Adding 2 shots of espresso to a drip coffee is a Black Eye. If a Starbucks offers "Clover" coffee (ask them) ask for CLOVER sumatra, it's remarkably good, no espresso "add shot" needed (but, why not? :-) ). Takes awhile to brew, you'll be glad you waited. Clover Kona is damn good too. NEVER get "iced coffee" at starbucks. They use Pike or their House coffee, weak and wretched and too acidic, no boldness. Rather, order an "Iced Americano" and this is important WITH an add shot (of espresso). Their Iced americanos are good, but only with an additional shot, regardless if it's Tall, Grande or Venti, you need the extra shot. The iced americano with an extra shot tastes like the BEST iced coffee you'll ever have. It's actually better than iced espresso by itself. (hot or cold an americano is water added to espresso, which is why you need the extra shot, otherwise a bit to weak) If you like Milk in your cold drinks, get an Iced Latte again WITH an add shot (very important) BUT you must get the iced Latte with Whole milk. Otherwise, it's much too watered down. If you're concerned about drinking fatty milk, the solution is to not do it that often. Do not forget the extra shot. Actually, that's good advice in all coffee shops and in life: Do Not Forget the extra shot.
  6. my understanding is that if you tweak your FB setting so that some friends can't see other friends (unless they are mutual friends (there is no way of hiding mutual friends from each other)) then all your friends will only be able to see mutual friends. In other words, if you want to hide your "naughty" friends, all friends will be unable to see each other unless they are mutual friends. It makes things easier if you can just say to one friend, "Tom is one of my FB friends, so just find him in my profile and message him, he knows more about Brazil than I do." even if friend one and Tom aren't mutual friends. Tom, have you found another way? Because I've long wanted to friend escorts, but not if in order to make their friendship secret, I'd have to deny my friends in general from seeing each other (unless they are mutual). p.s. WOOF photos, BTW
  7. I was in my 30s when I visited Sauna 117, my first time and so far only time in Brazil, for the one free night I had, and I did have a VERY hard time getting boys to come to me. They'd always sit with someone else. So I just started approaching them, and in one evening I fucked 5 guys, and in a half evening on the way to the airport I fucked four guys. But I'm aggressive, particularly when horny, and my POINT is that if I'd simply waited for the guys to come to me, to my table, I may have had a dry night. Be aggressive. Be Be Aggressive :-)
  8. Any recommendations for a fun bottom? I'm having a very difficult time finding someone, good, there for my upcoming visit. THANKS!
  9. WOW! #2. I need need NEED to get back to Brazil.
  10. Diamox. Google it. Don't try any homeopathic/natural stuff. Just see your doctor, get a prescription for Diamox, start it several days before you travel to altitude, and you'll have 0 altitude sickness. The most common side effect of Diamox is a slight tingling in limbs the first day or two on it, nothing uncomfortable, and a slight metallic taste from effervescent drinks like coke. That also goes away quickly. That's it. ENJOY! p.s. I take half the prescribed dose (125mg) to limit side effects and it works just as well (I learned this from the alpine institute website)
  11. I liked it too, BUT you can't bring back overnight guests :-(
  12. Is this on the (same side of the) street as Cafeina?
  13. In #2 is the guy on the right the same as the guy on the right in my photo? he was fun.
  14. All of them, but especially #8, where does he work? THANK YOU!
  15. Don't like that Alexi photo, but hanks for posting all of the beautiful men!
  16. I want to put every part of my body inside Alexi. Where does he work?
  17. All you need say is, "Passivo O Activo?" :-) Pronounced just as it looks.
  18. I hope you are right. But Giuliani is pure evil, and evil distills.
  19. I told you I was scared of this kind of thing when I heard Rio got the Olympics. Damn Fuck Shit Hell Damn.
  20. How do you get there and if flying, how much is a lst minute ticket from Rio, generally?
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