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Everything posted by Thumper1

  1. This place looks great. How are the boys? http://www.dragonclubfortaleza.com.br/
  2. I was wondering if anyone thinks that if Rio gets the 2016 Olympics there's a risk of the Spas closing down in an effort to clean up the city? The Giuliani effect.
  3. Can not fucking WAIT to be with the boys in that shower. Someday....SOON GODDAM IT!
  4. Thank you Tomcal. Next time I'm in Brazil I will keep my EYE out for him, and something else too!
  5. TomCal I MUST spend many hours inside #5s butt. Who is he and where can I find him?!
  6. I'd never ask a businessman what they want me to pay if I already know the average cost. Otherwise your bargaining is gonna start too high. Simply ask, "$50R, OK?"
  7. I loved the Ipanema Plaza, but their policy was that if one guy signs in during your stay, that's your guest. In other words, not one guy one night and another guy another night. And certainly not several "guests" at once.
  8. Thanks again Tom. I'm going to have some time before going to 117 on my last day and hoped you could private me contact information for a few great guys you know who might be interested in a hotel room inspection :-) that late morning/early afternoon. Just in case I don't get contact information from any of my favorite Spa Boys on that previous Friday night. I'd very very much appreciate it. (I tried to Private you but am having a difficult time (Safari for Mac.))
  9. Thanks Tomcal! Couple more questions. I'll be staying on the beach at the Tulip, not one of the recommended gay hotels. Not my choice. If I bring a spa boy or two whom I hit it off with and trust back to the Golden Tulip late night, would they be likely to let them in? And if so would the escort have to sign in and if so would he likely be willing to do so? I'd MUCH rather go back to Golden Tulip so I can sleep once the guys leave. But if that's not possible are there inexpensive hotels near club 117? Also, before I hit the spa the day I fly out it'd be fun to have an agency escort or two over to the hotel if I late check out, assuming the hotel is cool with it. Generally, I like shorter muscular bottom guys. It'd be great if he has a Brazillian look. I know the agency sites (Olimpos, Netgay, Gay Romeo), but was wondering what guys in my category you like these days? Link me if you can. THANK YOU for all your help, very much appreciate it. Private me instead if you like.
  10. 1 Night, 10 Guys, Which Rio Sauna? Hey all. Going to be in Rio in May. I will only be able to go to saunas, or have any escort experience, on the first night. The rest of the trip requires me to be a good boy. FUCK NIGHT will be a friday night. If you've read the reviews I've written you know I LOVE TO FUCK! So that first night, after napping a bit during the day, I want to arrive at one Sauna and get with as many of these hot guys as possible. Looking for Quantity AND Quality*. Afterward, if I click with someone I'll see about bringing him back to the hotel, or I'll use one of the many escort services you South America posters have so generously provided information about. But while I am in the Sauna I want Guys Guys Guys, one after the other. SO, I've read the Sauna FAQ threads, and think I have that under control. Boils down to: BE CLEAR! What I need to know is assuming I'll arrive at the Spa around 5p, or as early as you instruct me to, and leave just as the place closes (11, Midnight), which Spa should I go to where I can "get" with :-) as many men as possible in that short amount of time? I just want a night of marathon Fucking. It's a Friday in Rio after all. THANKS! I'm really excited!!! -Thumper p.s. My flight OUT of Rio leaves Tuesday 10p. Is there anyway I can hit a spa for a few hours and still get to airport by 8:10 and if so which should I go to and how early might the men show up? Would the front desk hold onto my backpack (only thing of value is a laptop) for me? p.p.s. What's the spa escort rate range these days? *I like all guys, muscular and/or handsome young and/or not. IDEALLY I'd like 'em muscular and with a Brazilian look. As long as they love to kiss, suck, and GET FUCKED ATHLETICALLY!
  11. I understand how to save an escort to my Favorties if I'm looking at his profile, but how do I save him to my favorites from his page of reviews? I don't see a "save to my favorites" option there. Like today, Leo_NYC, when I'm reading his reviews how do I save him to my favorites? THANKS!
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