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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. Elon Musk is NOT a natural born citizen of the US, one of the few qualifications needed for President and VP. . So Musk is out, but maybe Tucker Carlson ?
  2. Clearly he cant separate the issue of Abortion from post-birth childcare. The GOP believes that after chikdren are born, you can forget about them until they get shot in school.... And then they'll offer their thoughts and prayers.
  3. It probably would depend on what side of the bed the rightwing Court justices woke up on on the day they needed to make that decision ? However I would think the buyer would at least have to BE a judge ? Otherwise it makes no sense
  4. I'm just wondering if when Vance made his "single childless catlady" comment if he was also referring to childless MEN ? He did include Mayor Booty in his list of childless examples (also untrue since Mayor Booty has TWINS) BUT I wasnt sure if he did so to include childless men OR if he was throwing shade and calling Mayor Booty "one of the LADIES" ? I'd bet it was the latter. Some advise for JD, he should NEVER talk about LGBTQ, since He is the one that was PURCHASED by GAY Republican Peter Thiel. and has been his "Bottom Boy" ever since. It always the self hating Gays, living in the Closet that violently OPPOSE their own tribe, and adopt a MEGA alpha persona to mask their perceived stereotypical gayness. Except for Miss Graham. who is anything BUT Mega Alpha.
  5. You can be 1000% certain that IF Trump is elected King, he will immediately do something so Bad, so horrible and dangerous so that Americans will FEAR him ! The first step of Dictatorial rule. He wants SUBJECTS, not citizens.....
  6. It appears, due to embarrassment, fear and extreme stress and anxiety, our own EmmetK von Trump has gone into hiding..... No crazy delusional posts, no Trump leading polls, no Cackle comments,,, NADA ! Lets hope he has enough tranquilizers with him to carry him thru the next 3 months ? Same thing happened when Trump lost 2020. He goes into hiding when he has nothing to GLOAT about. Wil he emerge for Cackles innauguration, or wont we hear from him until 2028 ? As Trump would say "SO SAD".....
  7. But according to source reports EmmetK, GOD was the one that created and sent him here on a mission. So What's Up with That ? Doesnt he have Gods backing and support ? 🤔
  8. The only question that remains for me post-RNC is WHY Melania was there, aside from the fact she collected a paycheck ? Was she letting us know she was still alive ? So far, its pretty clear she is not participating in his campaign. Will she assume a First Lady role should he win ? (thats off the table now). Their son Barron made a fist pumping appearance at a rally prior to the RNC, but hasnt been seen since... Contrast that with the tight-knit committment of Doug, and the loving close knit family the Harris's have.
  9. Trump 2024, LYING Bigger and better and stronger......
  10. BOUGHT and Paid for by Peter Thiel....Venture Capitalist Billionaire (and the TOP)......
  11. Vance is a lot of things, but the one thing that will prove a problem for Trump is that he's too VISIBLE, and the things he says often command a news cycle. THATS a BIG problem for Trump who must always have the spotlight......I hope he saved those Jan 6th gallows, cause pretty soon its gonna be HANG JD....... "HUH ? that dont look like the right neck size !"
  12. Your post asks the question WHY KAMALA ? The answer is quite simple, we have 2 realistic choices, and she's NOT the AUTOCRAT DICTATOR.... Period !
  13. Nope, but when you dont HAVE an answer to a question just babble and confuse saying nothing but making a lot of noise. They try to make you think you are the problem for asking the question in the first place.... I know his answer, so he really doesnt have to say it ! You can just review his historical posts and extract the answer from those.
  14. Gee, he kinda looks like Donny Osmond ? I LOVE Donnie ! 🤣
  15. Even IF a person were a DEI hire, they still have to "meet performance goals" to keep their positions. It has always been the case that people of color need "to work twice as hard to get half as far"..... Cackles has proven herself at EVERY level, and the fact that she runs rings around ANY GOP member is making them VERY VERY Afraid....and attacking her is only working for their MAGA base, a small part of the electorate, so Dumb and distorted they buy anything Trump sells them.... And when you do a side by side of Cackles resume against Trumps.....well who the Fuck are they kidding by disparaging her and making her "less? Tune out the GOP White Noise..... Harris / ????? 2024
  16. Actually I AM, and it will probably include some defense of Russia and Putin as an autocratic ruler.
  17. Former first lady Melania Trump is releasing her first-ever memoir, revealing stories and photos "never before shared with the public." Wow. i'll betcha that will be a page turner? I wonder if she talks about having to read White House classified docs while sitting on the toilet at Mar-A-Lago ? How many LIES will it contain? Will she donate the proceeds to pay Donalds legal fees ?
  18. So before you complained that Biden was too OLD..... So now we have someone younger..who is more than well qualified..... So are you now suggesting that a crook and convicted Felon is the better choice than a federal prosecutor who served 4 years as VP. Those are the only 2 choices we have, so i dont understand your argument ? Or is the idea of a Dictator in America more appealing to you and your countries agenda ?
  19. Is it my imagination, or has EmmetK been particularly QUIET since Cackles ascension. ? He hasnt even posted a cherry picked poll which shows Trump leading Cackles... Probably because there arent any because Trump is behind, not by much, but behind..... Just goes to show that the way to handle a bully is with an unprecedented "smackdown"..... Bullys are usually weaklings, and I love humiliating them..... Next time EmmetK, you might want to modulate your confidence and arrogance. ?... HARRIS / ??? 2024
  20. When Trump loses 2024, besides denying his loss, he will undoubtedly blame JD Vance for being too radical for public consumption. Eventhough he will fight to overturn his loss result, JD will go under the bus.... If Trump was smart, he would just slink away..... BUT Trump is not smart, and even as a loser 2.0, he wants to stay top-of-news... His courts cases will allow him to stay in the news.....Nothing will SAVE his dignity, not even condolences from EmmetK. "JD made me Lose !"
  21. Its already started so I wanted to start this thread where we can list ALL the things the Trump Gestapo is doing to obstruct Kamala and the 2024 election 1) Files a motion to BLOCK Bidens war chest funds from transferring to Harris 2) FlipFlop Haley sent cease and desist letter to the group "Haley Voters for Harris", formerly for Biden demanding they do not use her name in supporting Harris... ** Please add to this thread as things develop....I am sure it will be a very long list as The GOP are running scared and shitting their pants.
  22. Trump supporters wear MAGA diapers at Rallies to show their allegiance. VonShitzinPantz better "double up" and eat lots of fiber cause Cackles is coming for ya....
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