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stevenkesslar last won the day on September 24 2020

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  1. Who's cackling now? Who's cackling now? Who's got the stupid and sexist eyebrows? Trump's sad and blue. And JD too. They're just two super weird dudes!
  2. As far as I am concerned his Megyn Kelly interview sucked. He still sounded like he thinks childless women are somehow inferior. He managed to imply that the children of immigrants, in general, are inferior to native born children. His wife is the child of immigrants. Huh? Maybe he is just dumb as rocks. But the part that fell the most flat to me as an explanation is this: Profoundly anti-child? Harris clearly plans to run on very popular policies that could be paid for by taxing billionaires. Like parental leave and child care. The expanded child tax credit cut child poverty in half for one year, until Manchin and Republicans killed it. It helped something like 50 million kids. While it was not the main point, it softened the blow of inflation on working class families when the whole world was going through post-COVID inflation. It would soften the blow of higher prices on working class families with children now. This is a set up question for both JD and Trump. If they are down on childless cat women, will they support pro-family and pro-child policies? Both these guys come off as sexist pigs who are dumb as rocks.
  3. Maybe he's just busy having sex with his couch? Maybe he and JD are even finding comfort together. It relieves the tension, you know. I mean, let's be honest. Just a week ago, @EmmetK thought this huge climax was in the bag Now Trump is just the old guy who can't get it up, And poor Emmet is fucked. May as well enjoy it.
  4. That's part of the problem. They said he's mostly absolutely immune, and if there are any questions left someone else can figure it out. I'm not a lawyer. But since appointing a SCOTUS nominee is an official act, he could probably sell it to Musk. Although that has to be approved by the Senate. Maybe a better example would be if he shot JD Vance on 5th Ave., just because Trump fucked up in hiring him but won't say so, and then paid Elon Musk to replace him. Picking a Veep is an official act.
  5. Border crossings lower than when Trump left, after trying to steal an election and having his mob beat the shit out of cops. Trump trashes compromise immigration bill conservative Lankford and moderate Sinema spent a year working on. Compromise? No. Pass laws? No. Break laws? Yes. Rape? Yes. Lie? Yes. Meanwhile, Kamala said don't come. America will choose rule of law, not the raping lying felon.
  6. Wait. I don't get it. Donald Trump is purposefully lying about Project 2025 for political reasons? Huh? Donald Trump never lies! How could this be? And the raping lying crook is not only lying about the future. He is lying about the past. The raping lying crook has been here before, and done this before. Now it will be even more extreme and anti-democratic. From Project 2025 website: These are some of the things the extremists at Heritage take credit for already doing in Trump 1.0 - Trump leaving Paris climate accords. No, there is no climate change. - Trump reducing federal funding for highways. Why do infrastructure instead of cutting taxes for the rich? - Trump defunding and delegitimizing Affordable Care Act implementation and trying to repeal it completely. - Trump defunding any group that provides abortion counseling. - Trump eliminate teen pregnancy prevention grants. (Women should stay at home and have babies, right JD?) - Trump undermining and kill federal safety protections for workers in OSHA. Many of the worst ideas in Trump 1.0 were not adopted because they did not have the votes, especially after the 2018 midterms. The proposals for Trump 2.0 are more extreme.
  7. Who is saying that? Trump to all the rapists and crooks in America? JD Vance to all the men who want to grab the pussies of childless women? Kamala Harris - if that is who you mean - literally said, "Don't come." Kamala Harris - if that is who you mean - backed a compromise immigration reform bill written by conservative Senator James Lankford that Trump killed. Trump is chaos. Trump is crime. Trump is rape, Trump is sexual assault. Trump is a crook. Murder jumped 30 % on Trump's watch in 2020. Guns flowed. Blood flowed. Harris and Biden reduced murder by about 20 % in the last two years. Harris stands for the rule of law. Trump is a rapist, a liar, a crook. Let change in. Let the rule of law in. Let the future in.
  8. Not sure I understand your point. What about Humphrey and McGovern?
  9. And here's where we are now. The choice of states is interesting. Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona were supposed to be in the bag. Instead, they were supposed to be going after Virginia, New Hampshire, and Minnesota. Here's the new Emerson swing state poll: Compare it to this poll, back in APRIL - in other words, when people thought Biden was doing okay and could win. Harris is doing better right now than Biden was doing in April. Arizona is her weakest state and immigration is her weakest issue. Which is why I hope she picks Mark Kelly. The other thing Kelly can do that I would not underestimate is go after Trump and Vance for being weak and feeble on America's defense. Arizona and Georgia have more electoral votes combined than Pennsylvania. Trump lacks the mental acuity to do anything other than lie, rant, and divide. But Susie and Chris obviously want to block Harris two ways: stop her in Pennsylvania, and stop her from replacing Pennsylvania with a Sun Belt strategy. Harris should go for all three states. There is every reason to think she can win all three. Gallego is ahead in Arizona. Casey is ahead in Pennsylvania. Biden won Georgia, as did Ossoff and Warnock. Trump is toast.
  10. Trump is in full melt down mode. Here's Trump's best comeback to Harris spelling out his actual crooked behavior: sexual abuse, fraud, cheating. Trump says it is "disgusting" and "real garbage" and "disgraceful" and "Third World". It is all a Democratic attack. Trump Responds To Kamala Harris: "Would Love To Be Nice, But I'm Dealing Against Real Garbage" To quote the First Gentleman, is that seriously the best he's got? E. Jean Carroll and a jury of his peers are a Democratic attack? Trump just rants and lies. He lacks mental acuity. What is wrong with this stupid crook? I'm going to keep posting that. 2 in 3 Americans do not think this is "real garbage". They are seriously concerned that Trump is a real crook. In the most recent polls,57 % of Americans want Trump to step aside as candidate. Not because he is too old. Because he is a crook. Yes, I'm glad the Republicans are talking about firing the sexist liar Vance. But first they should fire the crooked rapist Trump.
  11. Well, you had me until the last line, @lookin. I think we're long past that.
  12. I think some of what Vance's accomplices in crime are saying is actually helpful. A JD Vance-aligned think tank is stirring the pot with conservatives The American Compass think tank, tied to Sens. JD Vance and Marco Rubio, is challenging conservative thinking on free markets. There's an easy way to attack this. Which is it is just more preening and posing and bullshitting for votes. The simple word, which Team Trump knows well, is "lie". They lie to working class people about how the things THEY did 15 years ago turned out awful. So after we fucked you, and fucked you, and fucked you, trust us. Because now we are the good guys. Until we fuck you again. I hope Harris and whoever she picks as Veep dives into this and tears the lies apart. This is like the diet version of being against unions and workers. It's still Mountain Dew, JD. You fake liar. The nice thing about this is that even some conservatives are admitting tax cuts don't work. Oren Cass is interesting. He wants a Republican Party that is friendlier to workers. But he was one of the guys involved in Project 2025, which recommends further corporate tax cuts. It is lipstick on a pig. Romney hits Obama on free trade Back in 2012, Romney attacked Obama for not going far enough on free trade. Cass was Romney's domestic policy adviser, and literally his right hand man in the photo above. So what Cass is basically saying now is we fucked up back then, by encouraging China to take good paying factory jobs away. So now we want to fix that by putting a 10 % tax on whatever you buy that is imported, so that more things will be made in the US. Cass actually admits that the immediate impact of 10 % tariffs is prices will go UP, not down. But just like how globalization was all going to work out fine in the end, this is going to work out, too. These people all have the radicalism and extremism of recent converts. JD is a convert to Catholicism and to Trumpism. I suppose you could say he is a convert to treating women and cats decently, as well. He is totally full of shit. Biden actually has receipts on this issue. All through the Naughties, when the US was shedding millions of factory jobs under Republican rule, Biden was attacking W.'s policies and calling for FAIR trade. Trump wants to raise prices on Americans. It was Republican trade policies that fucked over factory workers to start with. The US lost 6 million factory jobs from Jan.2001 to Jan.2009 with W. and his Republican free trade policies. Trump's corporate tax cuts fucked workers over again. In 2019, when the tax cuts were supposed to bring factory jobs back, the US LOST 40,000 factory jobs. Now they want to add insult to injury by raising prices. Harris and her Veep should explain the trail of failed Republican policies that hurt workers and unions, and tear their lying asses apart.
  13. Actually, Kamala is doing a lot better with Independents than Biden. From a new CNN poll, which shows Trump leading her by 3 points, 49/46. And that's about the worst Kamala does in the new polls. Two pollsters have her leading: Reuters by +2 and Morning Consult by +1. Two other polls show Trump leading: NYT and NPR both shows Trump at +1. These polls were all done after Biden resigned. So basically the race is tied. The first swing state poll by Emerson shows Wisconsin is tied, and Trump is leading +1 in Michigan and +2 in Pennsylvania. All of that is because Independents, women, Blacks, Hispanics, and young voters are moving to Harris. Oh, and the Gays like Harris, too! Poor Genocide Man he was so hoping Trump would win.
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