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Everything posted by njf

  1. It is a conjecture that Russian will continue to expand if it wins in Ukraine. The reality is that Russia is not winning. The reality is also that Russia cannot lose so it will resort to nucleus weapons to prevent a loss. So the greater and more immediate nucleus risk at the moment is to push for a total victory against Russia.
  2. Please elaborate. Why would Russia resort to nuclear weapons after winning the war? And what are inaccurate and biased in Freeman’s speech?
  3. I certainly hope that Tribe is right. A summary judgment for Dominion will deter future misbehaviors of Murdoch’s propaganda machines.
  4. Here is why Biden's foreign policy is worse: 1. Sleep walking toward a nuclear conflict with Russia The Munich security conference is very active this year. The Chinese side made an unusual eye-catching statement about an interest in being an mediator between Russia and Ukraine. That is followed by Blinken's new media blitz with accusations of potential Chinese military aid to Russia. These are worrisome signs of drastic escalation of the Ukraine war in the near future. The Chinese side emphasize that a nuclear war is unacceptable. It is quite likely that a serious risk of a nuclear conflict motivates them to get involved more. 2. The current US-China relationship I cannot match the thoughtfulness and eloquence of Chas Freeman Jr., a career US diplomat on this subject. So here is the link to his recent speech: https://chasfreeman.net/2505-2/ The title of the speech, "U.S. China Policy: A Case of Self-Harm", lays out the problem with Biden's policy clearly.
  5. I would agree that Biden may be the safest choice for democrat in 2024. However, the potential cost is the democrats would lost really big in 2028. A more senile Biden will probably cause a fracturing of the global economy and an economic disaster worse than the Great Depression. The dollar is dying because the Biden administration foolishly used it as a weapon against Russia and many countries are quietly selling US dollar afterward. Decoupling with China will cause hyper-inflation not seen since the Carter years. Europeans may break away from US when the conflict between US and China breaks out. I see that second term of Biden as a disaster in waiting and democrats may have a difficult time recovering after that.
  6. Isolationist may be a a poor word choice of mine. However, the following quote is from Jimmy Carter in a speech in 2018: "So, we have been almost constantly at war and China has been constantly at peace since 1980. That’s been a lot of difference because we have spent probably 4 trillion to 6 trillion dollars in our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. That is about as much as our total budget for a year. In the meantime, China has spent all that money invested in their great and growing infrastructure. " The full speech is at https://www.cartercenter.org/news/editorials_speeches/carter-emory-lecture-china-north-korea.html It is really sad that Biden is worse at foreign policies than his erratic predecessor.
  7. I don’t know what’s the plan B is yet. But isn’t that the goal of a primary? I can tell you what I am looking for. A populist in economics and a moderate on social issues, and an isolationist in international issues. I don’t want fringes on the right or the left. There are some inherent contradictions of what I want. I maybe ask too much lol.
  8. Well, they either have to ban those people eventually or revive the Politics section lol. I doubt that the moderator’s job will be easier as they hoped.
  9. You are from the south so it should not really be a surprise to you in a sense that MTG easily won reelection. She is one of them.
  10. Oh dear August, the first one on my ignore list at the other site.
  11. You maybe overly optimistic. As I have posted on the other site, those people used to spewing venoms in the Politics section there now have lost their outlets and it is bound to spill over into other parts of that site. My suspicion is money may be at the root of the differential treatment for certain posters at the other site. If you are a major donor, the site owner probably will be more tolerant toward infractions of rules.
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