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Everything posted by EmmetK

  1. New Emerson poll out today.. Trump leads Biden in all seven swing states.. Cue for the forum's lefty losers to post more stupid anti-Trump GIFs and JPEGs... lol. When you have nothing else... post stupid GIFs Trump Holds Edge Over Biden in Seven Key Swing State Polls https://emersoncollegepolling.com/trump-holds-edge-over-biden-in-seven-key-swing-state-polls/ Thanks, Biden Cult, for just electing Donald Trump. Trump Holds Edge Over Biden in Seven Key Swing State Polls
  2. If you bought Trump stock two weeks ago (when it bottomed out at $22 on April 17) - and shame on you if you didn't - you more than doubled your money as it is now over $48... Who gets the last laugh? It isn't that useless idiot Jimmy Kimmel or the left-wingers here who predicted doom for Trump Media stock! TRUMP 2024 MAGA
  3. I don't open up links to left-wing, fake media news sites.
  4. This message was brought to you by a person who couldn't get hired anywhere..... with the exception of being a mailroom clerk at msn.com.
  5. The left-wing gay culture warriors' heads must be exploding..... Donald Trump's Winning Over Some LGBTQ+ Voters https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-winning-over-lgbtq-voters-1892803 Gays and lesbians will vote for Trump for the same reason all Americans will - the poor Biden Economy and Biden's open border policy. President Trump has always been pro-gay and pro-abortion. He was always a social liberal. He went to a gay friends wedding just a few months before his election. Trump signed an executive order sanctioning countries that criminalized homosexuality. Fact is, I do not understand the bias from the gay community except ignorance on Trumps gay rights stance.
  6. Trump's sell stuff. Dementia Joe sell us. And Hunter sells Dementia Joe. With 10% for the Big Guy. The left-wing media will try to mock this for sure, say that she's grifting cheap jewelry to the country bumpkins. But you know what? Melania looks darn good in her jewelry line, and any lady would be proud to wear it. And it will also make a great Mother's Day present for mom and Grandma. The same lefties who will mock this probably defended Winnie Mandela's necklaces. The ones made from tires and gasoline. She gave a speech praising the use of the 'necklace'. Winnie was an Evil witch!!!
  7. Roy Cohn? lol. He's been dead for 50 years!! from msn.com: Gay Republican Group Sees 'Explosion' In Membership | Watch (msn.com) Gay Republican Group Sees 'Explosion' in Membership It will be refreshing to once again see Melania, a First Lady who doesn’t have to act like First Nurse Jill who has to capture the president before he wanders off or stepping in to prevent him from answering questions from the media. So much class and beauty. It will be great to see Melania tonight back on the campaign trail.
  8. Another left-wing msn.com yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwner..... Does @Bingo T Dog own stock in msn.com? Talk about a one-trick pony... lol. “The mainstream media and even the gay media doesn’t report on this now because there’s this narrative that exists that Donald Trump is anti-gay,” Moran said, adding that Trump was the first president to support gay marriage before being sworn into office. “Let’s not forget to look at who Donald Trump is as an individual. This is a man who has a long history, philanthropically, business-wise, and politically — supporting LGBT inclusion. He talks publicly about how he went to Studio 54 back in the day, and how he had a lot of gay friends in New York social circles, and in the ’80s, he had a lot of friends that died because of HIV/AIDS.” https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/2971471/trump-inroads-lgbtq-voters-november/ Can't wait to see Melania at tonight's Log Cabin fundraiser. A First Lady we can be proud of.
  9. Here is the video from the local CBS affiliate showing Trump ordering the milkshakes and chicken. It's CBS. NOT biased left-wing trash like msn.com
  10. "But it was later revealed...." lmfao! Revealed? lol. Revealed by whom? msn.com! Show me an unbiased source that isn't a mouthpiece for the DNC.
  11. Fox News? Yeah that's one of them. A few others: The Wall Street Journal (center-right), the Hill (non-partisan), Washington Post (left-wing), the Guardian (far left-wing), PBS (left-wing), ABC News (center-left), USA Today (center-left), Axios (non-partisan), and I could go on and on.... https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/biden-trump-black-men-support-election-2024-poll-a7d9da22 https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4587742-biden-losing-support-among-black-voters-in-swing-states-survey/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/03/30/biden-trump-race/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/07/black-hispanic-voters-democrat-republican-biden https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/top-democrats-worry-about-bidens-support-among-black-voters-in-georgia-and-michigan https://abcnews.go.com/538/biden-losing-support-people-color/story?id=105272263 https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/01/01/biden-trump-poll-odds-black-hispanic-young-voters/72072111007/ https://www.axios.com/2024/03/13/why-democrats-black-hispanic-vote-republican Democrats' big vulnerability: Why they're losing Black, Hispanic voters the above is from Axios
  12. Really? Every poll shows that Dementia Joe is bleeding black and Latino support. I will take the word of the scientific polls. And you are free to put all of your eggs in the basket of an editorial written in some little read, left wing website that nobody ever heard of.
  13. While you are being envious, you can be envious of Michaelah Montgomery. She speaks for a lot of young urban blacks, sick of being taken for granted by Dementia Joe Biden. She speaks to the DNC's worst nightmare that Blacks are now abandoning the democrat plantation. She got a free Trump milk shake, a free Trump chicken sandwich, a Trump hug, and an Fox News Channel interview with Lawrence Jones.. And @Bingo T Dog got nothing... No need to fret. You will always have your msn.com website... lol. Life doesn't get much better........ https://www.foxnews.com/video/6350774209112 Trump 2024!
  14. Someone jealous that he didn't get a free Trump milk shake?
  15. Try telling the patrons and staff at this Georgia Chik-Fil-A that Donald Trump is NOT popular. Far more popular than Taylor Swift. He was given the rock star treatment by the mostly black audience while handing out milk shakes. Georgia loves TRUMP! MAGA 2024!
  16. And an editorial demonizing the LCR's from your only news source, the uber-left msn.com is meaningful? Actually yes. If msn.com doesn't like the Log Cabin Republicans, they must be doing something right. The LCR's are the normal Republicans. Those of us who care about pocketbook issues, a strong economy (unlike the Dementia Joe Presidency, with its record high inflation), security of the homeland, and justice for the victims of crime rather than the criminals. LCR's represent a wide swath of gays across the nation. How unlike the far left, msn.com backed lefty gay groups. Keep posting links to msn/com. I could always use a good chuckle... or two! I will give the past and future FLOTUS regards from the boys at gayguides.com!
  17. I don't respond to your lies anymore. You can repeat them over and over again and they are still lies. You have lied before. In fact, many times. Melania was never paid by the Log Cabin Republicans. That is a documented fact.
  18. "Ignorant gay guys" lol. The Log Cabin Republicans represent mainstream American values. The leftist radicals will never understand that there are are those in the LGBTQ community who are proud Americans who simply don’t care for open border destruction, out of control inflation, and WW3. Melania has hosted numerous fundraisers for the Log Cabin Republicans in the past. She and President Trump have been long time supporters of gay rights. Rick Grenell was a top diplomat during the Trump administration. Grenell was an excellent diplomat who had important positions under Trump. Grenell is extremely competent and for no other reason. In contrast, the Biden administration appointed a completely incompetent trans person who steals the luggage of women at airport baggage returns, but helped their diversity quotas. Melania Trump is magnificent and such a classy, intelligent, warm and genuine First Lady. The best so far. She always made us proud to call her FLOTUS…. unlike before or since. God bless Melania and congratulations on recognition so very long overdue. We all love her for her grace and dignity in her service to her adopted country. Melania Trump being honored by the Log Cabin Republicans again is splendid and well deserved. Our FLOTUS Melania exemplified the true meaning of a modern day First Lady of USA. She personified intelligence, diversification, grace and beauty....She was what I refer to as the whole package.....Beautiful on the inside and out. Congratulations to our past and next First Lady Melania Trump. Melania has been so unfairly treated by the left and the Rinos. I’m glad someone finally has the courage to acknowledge her and give her credit for what she has done quietly and with grace. Melania, who is by nature shy and of course elegant and gracious, is the best First Lady ever and deserves hundreds of awards. So pleased that one of our classiest, most well informed, well rounded and beautiful first ladies is finally getting some of the accolades she so richly deserves. No surprise that dems hate women like her. I will be there! And Barron will break a few hearts!
  19. It's not there in black and white. It's only there in your dreams and delusional fantasies
  20. Still waiting for your proof that the Log Cabins paid her $250,000.. Fact: There is no proof. Fact: She appeared at a fundraiser. She was NOT compensated. Fact: This isn't your first lie. It won't be your last.
  21. WRONG! Melania was not paid by the Log Cabin Republicans. Just another one of your scurrilous lies. If she was, you would provide proof. You can't. Why? Because you lie! How do I know? Because I am a member of the Log Cabin Republicans. I see their financial statement every year. Melania was NEVER paid by them.
  22. NO YOU DIDN'T. You posted a statement without any link to a site other than the Log Cabin Republican site which merely thanked Melania. Not surprising that you make a spurious accusation without any back-up. Go back to msn.com
  23. Really? Then Prove it! And if you are going to quote msn.com or another left-wing Trump-hating site show the link.
  24. I know that you can't buy your ticket for this year's event until the news breaks at msn.com.... lol.
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