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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2013 in Posts

  1. HITO, beware! Beware! Don't get your hopes up. With those trapezius muscles, you can be sure he's been hitting the anabolics way too much. I doubt that the plumbing is functioning very well. An he probably has a couples of testes the size of "Le Sewer" peas. Not too potent nor after these 15 minutes too impotent, err important
    2 points
  2. Yes hito, he is waiting for his next PAYCHECK !!!!!!
    2 points
  3. Beautiful pictures. But this world youth day/journey (week-long event) is really annoying. The city's mass transit system cannot cope with all of these extra people, and the streets of Copacabana are so full that the people are flooding into the roadways, obstructing traffic. They temporarily closed down the metro system Tuesday afternoon, apparently because of the swarms of people. I can see why the regular folk are angry at being subjected to such inconvenience (much less me, as a foreigner), and being forced to foot the bill, when so many of their needs go unmet. I have no interest in what the pope says or does. But the crowds of people singing religious songs, while oblivious to the fact that they're forcing others off the sidewalk, make me want to barf.
    2 points
  4. Scalia is a pig. I can't stand him and wish.... well, I had better not say it. But, he needs a fuck more than any white man on earth.
    2 points
  5. Not sure what to say. One more of the Baixada Boys. They cum, er come by bus, van and trem to sell there wares at Clube New Meio Mundo. I have been missing fooling around with him for about a year or more. I suppose he has a decent business as a painter, ne doesn't seem to be at the sauna too often. And he is much nicer than the photos. Damn camera phone. Or I think so when he doesn't totally shave himself down, which is the style here. We've been going back and forth about what he was comfortable performing. Ativo or Ativo Liberal or Completo. Is he going to kiss or not. Oral without or with a condom. Everytime I tried to kiss him he wold turn away. I knew it wasn't my breath. So I never got to find out until I forced him to kiss me and he did a bit, which was nice, and said not in front of everybody. Anyway, he was phenomenal. And no problems at all not only getting a stiffy or maintaining it. More of a problem to keep from ejaculating. He kept pushing me off of him. So many guys ooh and aah. I thought it was just more of the very, very bad telenovela acting that they learn from toddler age. Not with Rodrigo. And none of the bullshit comments that he was saving his "leite"or "milkey"for three days for me and for another 20Reais who would cum wherever I wanted. All of it for me for the bargain cabine price of 20Reais. Fun times on Monday night. I guess this was Fran's first miracle on his road to sainthood. A fucking fantastic programa.
    1 point
  6. This started as a response to Four Aces's thread about morning show talking head diet of the week, but I wanted as many to see it as might need to... Calories in VS. calories burned. That's it. There is no miracle diet advice that will magically make us able to eat 4k+ calories a day and lose weight, save spending 16 hours a day killing ourselves at the gym. And watching morning shows is especially unproductive. They specialize in bullshit diet advice and "breakthroughs" that contradict each other day to day. It's not about anything remotely like providing medical advice, their only drive in the world is ratings--so that their advertisers will buy slots to sell you high-calorie over-processed crap every break. When you've really had enough and can't see your health deteriorate any further, it's time to take major action. For me the action was throwing out every food in my house and committing to a medically supervised diet for ~6 months. What really helped was I sick of food--there was nothing I just couldn't go 6+ months without eating again because I'd already eaten so much of all my favorites so often. It was also nice because the meals were already in the house, nothing to overindulge in or make too much of or get dressed and go out for. At times it will be hard, but let your lazyness work for you... And if that isn't enoough you can try the various diet prescriptions, they may help (a bit, again, no magic bullet) to curb your cravings (and they can boost your energy to be active). If hardcore diet alone won't work or you know you can't stay on the path once you've shed the pounds then look at the surgeries. My take was always fuck Lap Band, too much of a band-aid, easy to eat around. Full laproscopic bypass was where I'd figured I'd go if the diet and subsequent lifestyle change didn't work for me. But neither are a magic bullet and many people end up managing to negate them and gain weight back PLUS get the added bonus of a lifetime of complications from the surgery. Even with surgery you have to want it more than you want that crappy week-old doughnut at 7-11. And if you honestly think you *need* that doughnut... well, time to go ahead and pre-order the super-sized coffin. Either way, as the pounds come off, you'll be able to do more and more physically. You'll also find watching TV to be torture, because every ad is a big juicy burger that you clearly see even in fast forward. So go do something instead. Try everything. You'll suck at it at first and be easily tired, but keep going back, make it a habit, and fuck being self conscious. You're bettering yourself and will have probably already lost more than the bitch whom you *think* is judging you has probably ever weighed. Meetup has some great hiking and other miscellaneous fitness groups, by the way. Sadly, there is no 'end' or 'goal' after which you can go back to anything approaching your old ways. When you weigh a lot you burn a lot more calories (1000+ a day additional)--even just sitting around--than when you've gotten down to a healthier weight. So if you ever start to eat like when you were big the weight comes back SO MUCH faster than you've put on additional weight in the past. But, good news is that after as little and as bland as you eat while losing the weight even the healthiest thing at your favorite place will be 10X more tasty than your favorite thing there was when you were eating yourself to death. Start to eat healthy foods (in moderation--despite what any talking head or diet fad book says--you can eat too much of almost anything) and you'll start to crave healthy foods. And one of the most helpful things I ever heard: If I don't fucking love it, I don't eat it. Once you're maintaining a healthy weight you'll have the occasional bad thing, some plans (I do like Tim Ferris's 4 Hour Body--though despite what he says you can go too far on cheat day) even encourage an occasional day off. But don't stuff yourself full of anything that isn't orgasmic. And that's in the future, don't read about and fixate on food you will/can eat in the future while you're working on losing weight NOW.
    1 point
  7. Whenever will he have his stroke? July 22, 2013, 12:43 pm Scalia’s Latest Outburst By JULIET LAPIDOS Brendan Smialowski/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images Justice Antonin Scalia posed for a photo during the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner on April 27, 2013 in Washington, DC. An impartial observer, one just calling balls and strikes, might deem Justice Antonin Scalia a fair-weather fan of judicial restraint. On June 25, he helped strike down section 4 of the Voting Rights Act. On June 26, he railed against the majority’s decision to strike down section 3 of DOMA, arguing that the Supreme Court has “no power under the Constitution to invalidate this democratically adopted legislation.” But in theory, at least, he’s vehemently opposed to judicial activism. Via Talking Points Memo, Justice Scalia brought Godwin’s Law to Snowmass, suggesting in an address to the Utah State Bar Association that activist judges helped bring about the Holocaust. According to The Aspen Times: Scalia opened his talk with a reference to the Holocaust, which happened to occur in a society that was, at the time, “the most advanced country in the world.” One of the many mistakes that Germany made in the 1930s was that judges began to interpret the law in ways that reflected “the spirit of the age.” When judges accept this sort of moral authority, as Scalia claims they’re doing now in the U.S., they get themselves and society into trouble. The title of Justice Scalia’s talk was “Mullahs of the West: Judges as Moral Arbiters.” http://takingnote.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/07/22/scalias-latest-outburst/?hp
    1 point
  8. I'm not sure hito would want a "vaginal conception" ?? He probably wants to use a surrogate, and I don't really think he is interested in the size of the guys testicles, unless they were wearing a cute pair of shoes !
    1 point
  9. RA1

    It's a boy

    So you are saying Prince Phillip is Dutch? All this time I thought he was Greek and Danish. Silly me. Oh, well, "royal" just the same. Best regards, RA1
    1 point
  10. wayout

    It's a boy

    How boring....one would hope that they could have been a bit more creative or original. I used to work for a guy whose first name was Nimrod and that always has stuck in my mind as something rather unique...Prince Nimrod would have been very cool
    1 point
  11. really nice... congratulations
    1 point
  12. Geraldo in 10 years.
    1 point
  13. Just imagine that you lived here and were not just a visitor. Putting on a great show for the Papa and tomorrow's WYD. Yes. But let's imagine that you are ill and you go to one of the public hospital or clinics for treatment of an infection and they give you a perscription for treatment and you don't get better. So you go to a private doctor and you discover that oops, you were given a medication which does not treat the problem as presented. So why did this happen? The hospital did not have the correct medication initially. The MD/s substituted with something else. Or to skimp a bit the supplied a dosage that was too low to actually cure the illness. Yep, this happened to me twice. Ditto schools. Ditto theft by politicians. Ditto give-aways to the rich. And the governement here is spending 53million US for the Papa. Supposedly the foreign visitors are spending large sums of money. The question is if the populace actually gains any of it. I can remember travelling on "the cheap" when young. Probably the same this time.
    1 point
  14. L'Apres-Midi de Timothy Leary
    1 point
  15. Welcome to the hitoall Reality Exclusion Zone.
    1 point
  16. I hope my fitness instructors don't see the Pizza boxes on my table from the party last night when we do our Skype session today. @toolazytocleanup
    1 point
  17. You have an amazing will power. Congrats on your major accomplishment. I agree with your statement about what you put into your body. It is often so hard for most of us to just turn down food we don't love. I know many times if I treat myself to desert I'll say, "well it is not great but it is ok." I guess I need more will power and just say it isn't worth it. Expat: you are so right about Starbucks. My large Vanilla Latte became a skinny vanilla latte really quick when I was in the states. People often forget that drinks can be so calorie full.
    1 point
  18. Oh PLEASE...That Player aint no virgin. That's just the image he is milking for his extended 15 minutes of fame. If he said he stuck his dick into every pussy in town, who would care about him ? I only watched him on the Bachelor cause he had a hot body, but I NEVER believed his outlandish charade !
    1 point
  19. The "Itcheepusee" is not only the name of Hyundai's newest model. Me thinks Sean Lowe's fiancee is sliding up and down that stairway bannister just a bit too often.
    1 point
  20. True, if I ask for it. But, I much prefer someone just pushing me down on the bed and having their way with me.
    1 point
  21. Suckrates

    It's a boy

    Thank God its OVER with...... Enuf already ! hito, just send off a gift and NEVER mention it again
    1 point
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