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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2013 in Posts

  1. JW Marriott | Avenida Atlantica, 2600, | Copacabana · Rio de Janeiro | 55-21-2545-6500 | http://www.marriott....rio-de-janeiro/ The Marriott is located directly on Copacabana Beach. It is a 5 star hotel with full staff, a rooftop pool and full service spa. The hotel is kept up to JW standards with great rooms and restaurants inside the hotel. The rooms are a bit on the small side but they are very well decorated and clean. This hotel gets high marks for service and luxury. Also, be sure you are able to bring a guest up to your room. I was able to do this by booking a room for 2 and then just checking my guest in. However, some of the higher end hotels do not like guests in the rooms.
    1 point
  2. Here are some photos of the 4th brother, previously only rumored about in very hushed tones. I have done my personal interviews with him. I have inspected him quite carefully from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. Paid special attention to his succulent nether regions. I can honestly attest that he responds quite well to oral ministrations to the rectal, taintal and scrotal portions of his very delectable corpus deliciosus. In fact as his anus was receiving a quite thorough tongue lashing, his nice 17cm manpole grew an extra centimeter in length and a bit more in girth. Oh, even firmer as well.
    1 point
  3. We have now completed the Gay Porto Alegre area of the site. The listings are also in the forum area called City Guides. We hope this helps some of you that want to visit this amazing to better understand the city and make good choices. If we left off major things that you want to see, please let me know and we'll add them. http://gayportoalegre.boytoy.com/
    1 point
  4. Just when you think the GOP can't get any more hilariously loony-tunes... RNC threatens boycott of CNN and NBC over Hillary Clinton showsReince Priebus told networks RNC will not partner with them for 2016 primary debates unless Hillary Clinton films are canceled Adam Gabbatt in New York theguardian.com, Monday 5 August 2013 15.01 EDT Priebus also accused the networks of 'thinly-veiled attempts at putting a thumb on the scales of the 2016 presidential election'. Photograph: Getty Images The Republican National Committee has threatened a boycott of CNN and NBC in the runup to the next presidential election unless the networks cancel films they have planned on Hillary Clinton. Reince Priebus, chair of the RNC, wrote to the heads of CNN and NBC on Monday. He warned both networks that he would seek a binding committee vote next week to "neither partner with you in 2016 primary debates nor sanction primary debates which you sponsor", unless they cancel the Clinton shows. Last week NBC announced plans for a four-hour mini-series on Clinton, with Diane Lane in the starring role. Two days later CNN revealed it had commissioned its films division to make a big-budget documentary on Clinton to air in 2014. "I'm writing to express my deep disappointment in your company's decision to air a miniseries promoting former Secretary Hillary Clinton ahead of her likely candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president in 2016," Priebus wrote to NBC Entertainment chairman Robert Greenblatt. The opening of his letter to CNN president Jeff Zucker substituted "miniseries" for "film" but was otherwise identical. Priebus accused both networks of a "thinly-veiled attempt at putting a thumb on the scales of the 2016 presidential election". The programming would be unfair to others who might compete for the Democratic nomination, he said, "and to the Republican nominee, should Clinton compete in the general election". His letter to NBC, made public on Monday, also drew attention to the fundraising efforts of employees at Comcast, NBC's parent company. "David Cohen, Comcast's EVP, raised over $1.4m for President Obama's re-election efforts and hosted a fundraiser for the president. Comcast employees have donated $522,966 to the president and donated $161,640 to Secretary Clinton's previous campaigns," Priebus said. The Republican Party has previously accepted donations from News Corp, which owns Fox News, without complaint. Both letters ended with a clear threat. "If you have not agreed to pull this programming prior to the start of the RNC's summer meeting on August 14, I will seek a binding vote of the RNC stating that the committee will neither partner with you in 2016 primary debates nor sanction primary debates which you sponsor." NBC News said it was independent of the network's entertainment division, which is making the Clinton miniseries, and would not comment further. CNN said: "Instead of making premature decisions about a project that is in the very early stages of development and months from completion, we would encourage the members of the Republican National Committee to reserve judgment until they know more. Should they decide not to participate in debates on CNN, we would find it curious, as limiting their debate participation seems to be the ultimate disservice to voters." After NBC's mini-series plan was announced on 27 July Greenblatt said the show would avoid campaign laws that require equal screen time be given to presidential candidates. "She's not going to probably declare her candidacy for two more years," NBC Entertainment chairman Robert Greenblatt said, "so this could well have aired before that." Priebus appeared to take specific issue with those comments, saying that NBC's hope that the series would avoid equal time laws "suggests a deliberate attempt at influencing American political opinion in favor of a preferred candidate". The RNC will hold its three-day summer meeting in Boston from 14 August. The meeting was moved to Massachusetts to show support for the city of Boston following the marathon bombing. "It's appalling to know executives at major networks like NBC and CNN who have donated to Democrats and Hillary Clinton have taken it upon themselves to be Hillary Clinton's campaign operatives," Priebus said in a statement published on the RNC's website. "I hope Americans will question the credibility of these networks and that NBC and CNN will reconsider their partisan actions and cancel these political ads masked as unbiased entertainment." Both CNN and NBC hosted some of the 20 Republican primary debates held during the 2012 election. On Monday some pundits were quick to speculate that Reibus's threat may actually be a deliberate ploy to restrict the number of debates held in the 2016 cycle. The 2012 debates were not seen as a resounding success in promoting the image of the Republican party. During one debate Texas governor Rick Perry famously forgot one of the three departments he would cut if elected president, while eventual nominee Mitt Romney was attacked as out of touch after offering a $10,000 wager in another. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/05/rnc-boycott-threat-cnn-nbc-hillary-clinton
    1 point
  5. We have just finished out our article on Gay Moscow. i thought you might like a glance before we put it in our City Guides area on the front part of this site. What do you think? Did I go too far? Gay Moscow: Where Traitors Are Welcome, But Gays Are Not At Boytoy, we sort of have a thing for outlaws. After all, it wasn't that long ago that getting your gay on was illegal in many parts of the U.S., and hiring male escorts is still an outlaw activity in most areas. So, when we found out that the notorious traitor Edward Snowden was being given asylum in Moscow after divulging state secrets to British journalists, we started wondering if it was time for us to take our own trip to the city. After all, the president's name is almost exactly the same as the word for “whore” in French – and you know how we feel about dirty whores! But, it turns out that Moscow is really a horrid hive of homophobic hillbillies. It's hard to imagine a non-Muslim country that is more anti-gay than Russia these days – though it's still possible to have fun. Therefore, we are not going to let our research go to waste and will now give you the good, the bad, and the ugly of taking a gaycation to Moscow. The Good Part Of Being Gay In Moscow Despite the fact that Moscow used to be the capitol of communism, it is now the most capitalist country in the world. Money will literally buy you anything you could possibly imagine. If you are rich, nobody will arrest you for anything. You could easily snort cocaine off the balls of seven rent boys at a time, as long as you have enough cash on you to bribe the right people. And if you are rich, your hotel will do the bribing for you. Therefore, if money is no object, then the city will have no problem with you being gay. Hey, they'd have no problem with you being a gay drug lord taking a crap in the middle of the street if you have hard currency. The flip side of this is that if you aren't rich, you are going to have a hard time. And they won't be very forgiving at all, and will be very aggressive in their homophobia. Now, it's true that some gay guys like the danger aspect – and if you are the type who gets turned on by the risk that you might get beaten up when you try to hook up, you might have a blast. On the other hand, if you are poor and value your personal safety, you'll have much less fun. The Bad Part Of Being Gay In Moscow In any other country, an often shirtless leader who goes hunting for bears on the weekend would be considered a gay icon. Here, he probably wants you killed. Or at least thrown in jail for a long time. Moscow used to have a gay neighborhood. But in 2009 the gay bars and clubs there were shut down for “promoting unnatural sexual congress.” Now the only way to find gay bars and clubs – since they can't advertise or put up a rainbow flag - is to bribe the concierge at your hotel. Then he will let you know where the secret clubs are. This year, Big Bad Vlad introduced a host of anti-gay laws. Currently, it is against the law for two men to hold hands in public. It is against the law to wear a rainbow flag. It is against the law to “dress in a way that would make people think you are a homosexual” - so leave your “Fat, Hairy Cocksucker” T-shirt at home. They have also made it illegal to use the word “gay” in any language in any place where someone under 18 years of age can hear it. In fact, that law was recently used to file criminal charges against both Madonna and Lady Ga Ga for “promoting the gay lifestyle” during their concerts. While the U.S. is not likely to turn over either star to be jailed, that's still not a good sign. The Ugly Part Of Gay Life In Russia Ok, so the anti-gay laws are pretty bad. But, shockingly, it gets worse. First off, 43 percent of people in Russia thinks that all gays should be put in jail or psychiatric institutions. And many people are committed to psych wards when they tell their family members they are gay. And still it gets worse: Over the past few months, anti-gay groups have started a public campaign where they use social media to lure gay teens to a “date.” When the teens turn up they are tortured, pissed on, beaten up, and forced to admit that they are perverts. This is all videotaped, and then uploaded onto the Russian version of YouTube. Despite the fact that the groups admit doing this and their faces are clearly visible on the videos, Putin has ordered police not to investigate on the basis, in his opinion, that these exercises help scare the children away from being corrupted by the “gay lifestyle.” This has led other people to correctly believe that they can beat the shit out of men who seem to be gay, and not fear any police interference. Meanwhile, Big Bad Vlad is making statements about how barbaric Gitmo prison is. Deliver me. Things To Do In Moscow Check out Red Square. Pretend to like women. Dress really butch. Make anti-gay jokes. Fulfill your fantasies about getting pissed on by homophobes. Jerk off to shirtless pictures of Putin. See a ballet at the Bolshoi Theater before the entire male cast is thrown in jail. Spend some time in jail. Pray the person you are bribing doesn't beat the shit out of you. Go talk to Edward Snowden about how much more “free” his new country is than the one he betrayed. Or, you know, just go someplace that isn't run by the biggest closet case on the planet. cc 2013 boytoy.com
    1 point
  6. Atlantico Copacabana Hotel | Rua Siqueira Campos, 90 | Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro | 55 21- 2548-0011 http://www.atlantico...abanahotel.com/ The Atlantico Hotel is one of the mainstays of many on this site. It was very popular a few years back because of its close proximity to Point 202. It is within walking distance of the sauna. It is also an easy walk to the beach at Copacabana. There are many nice restaurants in the area and a subway station is 1 minute walk from the hotel. The rooms are a bit old and outdated and they don't seem to spend money on renovations or remodeling but if you are looking for a place right next door to Point 202, this is the place to stay.
    1 point
  7. Well done, although I don't consider Edward Snowden a traitor.
    1 point
  8. Russia used to treat political opponents like this but since they have become criminalistic, er, I mean capitalistic, I suppose they HAD to turn their attention elsewhere. Best regards, RA1
    1 point
  9. I have stayed at the Intercontinental Hotel (hundreds of nights) the JW Marriott Hotel and the Copacabana Palace. I was able to get guest in every hotel. But, I also always book a double and if they have issues, I register them with the hotel for the night. I'll then deregister them the next AM when they leave unless it is one of my long term guys. Admittedly, that is a PITA, but my one stay at the Atlantico lasted one night and the Internet was dead and not working and it was not worth it for me. I have friends that love the hotel and the convenience. I would have said the cheap rooms but those too are crazy rates IMHO. But, most hotels in Rio are. I guess you must pick and choose what is important to you. And, Lurker is right, if you must have guest that switch on and off, this hotel may be great for you. Or, do like many do and rent apartments.
    1 point
  10. We have now completed the Gay Rio de Janeiro area of the site. The listings are also in the forum area called City Guides. We hope this helps some of you that want to visit Rio to better understand the city and make good choices. If we left off major things that you want to see, please let me know and we'll add them. http://gayriodejaneiro.boytoy.com/
    1 point
  11. Kirobo the talking robot rockets into space. Kirobo, a knee-high talking robot with red boots and a black and white body, has blasted off from Japan for the International Space Station to test how machines can help astronauts with their work. The Japanese-speaking robot, equipped with voice- and facial-recognition technology, was packed into an unmanned cargo vessel along with tonnes of supplies and equipment for the crew of the orbital research base. . . . At a recent demonstration, Kirobo said it "hoped to create a future where humans and robots live together and get along". Oh, my!
    1 point
  12. Why it's Edward Snowden on the run instead of James Clapper is beyond me.
    1 point
  13. My NSA password to access all my neighbors records is NotSoAnonymous
    1 point
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