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Everything posted by caeron

  1. caeron


    We just recently did this, about 2 weeks ago. So far, I'm doing fine without all the TV. I used to surf a fair bit, but I didn't really need all the channels, and haven't really missed them. We switched to fiber with the local phone company for internet and all is going well. Now we just pay for netflix on-demand and hulu plus.
  2. If you've ever worked with AI software, you'd know that this is just the nature of the beast. It is REALLY hard to get one that works right with natural language questions, and to presume that it giving you bad answers is a 'plot' is just really stupid. It giving you bad answers is what AI software regularly does.
  3. If it tastes like ass in a glass, it will taste like ass in the food. If you like that flavor....
  4. I read this as really two different questions. 1) Do I want to be somebody other than who I am? 2) Do I wish I didn't have to deal with all the shit that gets shoveled at us for being gay? Of course the answer to the second question is no. Hell no even. But If I weren't gay, I'd be somebody else. Maybe that person would be interesting, but I like who I am, warts and all. I don't want to be somebody else. Being gay made me who I am.
  5. I had an amazing crush on Rob Lowe in his early days: And also Jan-Michael Vincent: The latter however has aged about as well as I have! If I was feeling more adventurous, I'd suggest sex with Jesus! Surely he couldn't boot an ex-trick out of heaven, could he?
  6. I am completely baffled that the people involved didn't call the police, from the grad student on up. For the love of mike, he says he saw the guy fucking this 10 year old kid! And he just went to the university people? I would be dialing 911!
  7. That's Matt Hughes. Hung like a horse and hot as hell.
  8. Pity, I'm sure you can do some pretty good bottoms up analysis!
  9. You may hate MS software (I do!), but JKane is right. The Gates foundation is doing amazing work and Bill has really stepped up. Hate his software, but admire him.
  10. As I said, P. T. Barnum.
  11. caeron

    TIN TIN ??

    I loved Tin Tin! How about Asterix and Obelix?
  12. I think a lot of people are of the "don't speak ill of the dead school." I prefer Voltaire's view: "To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth."
  13. caeron

    Blue Friends

    GC, I'm a computer gamer, an RPGer, and a geek, and I'm nearly 50. I actually play dungeons and dragons still, and good for me! I feel no need to apologize for my interests and have a number of friends my age who share those interests. You don't need to apologize for what you like. If you look around, you can find gamers your age. Most major places have gaming groups. And there are plenty of resources online too: http://gaygamer.net/ Other than that, I think I agree with Charlie (and also OZ), despite your reaction. The point about wanting to be friends with a class of people rather than individuals is what struck me. The real danger for those of us who hire escorts is to forget that what we're buying is an illusion. The transaction is fundamentally a business one, about the money. The escort has his own life and wouldn't be spending time with you if you weren't paying him. It's his job. Some who hire do so not for sex, but for intimacy. They want the emotional connection they're missing in their life. They let the illusion the escort offers become their reality. That's really dangerous, because you can't fill that particular hole at $150+/hour, because it is an on-going need. Over the years on these forums we've read about people who have dumped huge amounts of money on escorts because that's what they really wanted. They were trying to buy a friend instead of an escort. I am not suggesting that this is the case for you. I hardly know you well enough to analyze your motives. But that's what it reads like to me. If you're looking for friends, there are better places to look than to an escort.
  14. The main reason I no longer post/participate at Daddy's is because of all the nastiness that place generated for reasons that completely escape me. (It seems less these days, with a few flareups, but the place is kinda permanently tainted to me.) I have no idea why people felt the need to get that worked up, create false ids, smear other people. It was just crazy. I would chalk it up to one of the crazies over there, and let it go. Engaging with a person who thinks it's their business to email escorts about you isn't a good idea. They've already demonstrated that they're wrapped a little too tight. You don't want to engage that kinda crazy any further.
  15. This website probably, and most of the web is run on unix originated software. UNIX and C, both of which spawned huge further innovations, touch far more people than Apple, it is just the majority of people don't know what's behind the curtain.
  16. caeron

    Frank Kameny

    I sent a donation at the time, and am glad I did. He was a hero.
  17. I didn't post to this thread originally, because I didn't want to seem mean spirited. Today, I heard that Dennis Ritchie died. Most of you (probably all) have never heard of Dennis Ritchie. Dennis was the co-inventor of Unix and the creator of the C programming language. I had the privilege to work with him earlier in my career. His obituary will not adorn the cover of supermarket magazines, but in fact he did more to advance core technology than did Steve Jobs. Steve was a great marketer. The PT Barnum of our age (and as a marketing guy, I consider that high praise), but steve was not an inventor. The apple was a different PC. It wasn't fundamentally new. It didn't spawn a whole wave of innovation. Dennis did. Huge sections of today's computer infrastructure today is built upon Unix or unix related operating environments like linux, including, amusingly enough, apple. The C programming language was a huge breakthrough and is still the language of choice for huge portions of the market. Steve turned technology into products that people would buy. For most of you outside of the industry, that is all you see. But Dennis invented that technology. RIP Dennis. You were a great man, and in my little experience with you, a nice one too. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Ritchie
  18. We love the show. So hope Chalkie gets the vengeance historically he would never have gotten...
  19. My understanding is that the price increase really is mostly driven by the studios who see how well Netflix was doing and decided they all wanted more money for their content. Even so, turning this into two services with two web sites and two accounts to manage for their customers is just a big FU. That's why I quit.
  20. Thanks for the tip. I just can't handle really gory movies. I have the serious hots for Alexander Skarsgard, but not for gory, thanks.
  21. My father and elder brother were both career officers. I got the offer of a full ROTC scholarship but turned it down because I wasn't going to lie about who I was, even if I wasn't out yet. So much waste in human potential in this ban....
  22. We were relatively happy customers until all this. We canceled today.
  23. Seriously. Though for those of us who have read the whole series, he does have it easy. Tyrion is a witty, interesting character. Perhaps the richest character in the series.
  24. Color me selfish, but it will have an impact upon my giving. Mostly at the margins, but I'll give less. For instance, I annually give a fair bit in used stuff to goodwill. I would like either ebay or toss it without the deduction. Several of the charities I give to that are on the margin of my interest would also probably lose out.
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