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Posts posted by firecat691614502759

  1. You evidently are too stupid to understand simple English. My "most of us" comment only has to be 51% to be correct.

    As far as Mvan referring to you as a "respected poster ".I suppose that might be true in his eyes but with an average of 1 or 2 posts per month I hardly think you are noticed .

    I certainly was not talking about my posting history being impressive because it is also limited. My point was that Axiom2001 has contributed far more to this Board then Mvan both in content and volume.

    I am pretty sure most members would agree with that if they cared to chime in but then probably most have Mvan on Ignore as I now do!

  2. Honestly I can't argue about London because you apparently know it better. However having visited it many times over the last 40 years it has always been one of the most expensive

    cities in the World for Hotels, Restaurants and Real Estate .

    If as you say some of those things sky rocketed , it probably has more to do with a city coming out of a world wide Western Recession, more then the Olympics. Also the Chinese have fueled real estate prices in Prime Cities which I doubt had much to do with the Olympics

    The other thing I would guess is that much of the infrastructure needed was already in existence , so that as a % of GDP London had to spend much less to host the Olympics then Rio is doing and they are doing it on the backs of a huge population that is in abject poverty.

    London still spent over 3x the original budget but Rio is already over 4x the original Budget and higher in total spending then London and it will only go higher.

    Oh and by the way tourism in 2013 increased by about 8%. Not such an astounding figure. Also need to keep in mind that London has been the #1 destination for many years .

    London gets anywhere from 7x to 8x the number of tourists per year that Rio does. In fact Rio does not even make the Top 20 for visitors. And yet they will spend more money then London did .

    There are some politicians who will get rich and a few developers, but the average Rio citizen is not likely to see much change in their lives.

    The money could have been spent in much better places then hosting an Olympics . IMHO

    As fare as it benefiting Sex visitors . Since it has always been one of the cheapest Sex Destinations, I can see little advantage in real terms.

    Currency changes are what causing US visitors to benefit and has nothing to do with money mis-spent or not on the Olympics.

  3. Constantly amazed at the stupidity of Governments that bid for the Olympics. Why did Rio need it. They have always been one of the most famous and beautiful cities in the world. It is on the Bucket List of anyone who travels for enjoyment.

    The ridiculous amounts of money spent and stolen could have done so much better if spent on the problems of Rio caused by crime, unemployment etc.

    Who knows how much has been stolen by the corrupt politicians ?

    I think we have to go back to Barcelona to find a city that really benefited from being the Host City.

  4. I'm sure you will get plenty of help here from more knowledgeable people then I.

    But I would certainly suggest you stay in Ipanema rather then Copa and since you are have reservations at the Copacabana , your budget will get you anything you want.

    My main thoughts Ipanema is much safer, Gay beaches are better etc etc etc. Some members will be able to give you possible apartments and I have found VRBO and AIRBNB very useful for apartments.

  5. Thanks for that. You are 2nd person to mention the Hilton Problem. Unfortunately I am a Diamond and can use some of my many points for a free stay. Some very tasty treats on the web link. Thanks for that.

    So maybe the free breakfast and Booze at night make it worth paying the guest fee if I get caught. For me 1000 or less would be what I am looking for.

    When I can legally go to Cuba, I may consider it . Am dying to see some photos of these Hot Boys which nobody posts.

    Hint. hehe

  6. Casteran. Thanks. I've already had some luck with responses on Hornet. Of course many see I am a long ways from Mexico City and don't believe me.

    Also I have to use Google Translate because my Spanish sucks.

    Do you stay at Hotels. I have seen some comments that Hotels try to charge a visitor fee.

    Also what did you find the range of tips required.

  7. One thing for sure Thailand in general terms is far safer then Brazil.

    You walk 2 streets off Copacabana and no telling what will happen . And ATM withdrawals are always dangerous. This never happens in Thailand .

    That said for multi trip visitors , they know what to do and not to do and for first time visitors there is plenty of information here about how to limit the chance of any bad experiences.

  8. HeHe

    Only place you ever failed to chase down cute guy working there.

    1000 successes and 1 Failure. Not Bad Of course always the chance you caught him and never admitted it to me. But in that case I have one sure failure in my back pocket. Can you remember???

    I should be so good.. You know you have been going there for too many years when the cute 18 years olds turn into +30 year olds.

    Many long time boys and some new ones also.

  9. I don't like saunas. I stay in nice places and want to be comfortable in a big bed and shower. Also no short times that you get in saunas or massage places . Therefore you have to pay more for time and quality. I don't speak Spanish so unable to negotiate like you probably but am very happy to pay 150,000 for a boy similar to the photo and he comes to me.

    Well worth it for me . But would love to follow you around and see what you get for 70,000. HeHe

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