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Everything posted by Buddy2

  1. Yes. And Premier in Philadelphia would fly in someone highly recommended by the other review site like Kristian from Texas and later California. Also, the agency would comment if they believed your first choice was not a good match.
  2. How very sad that a member here dislikes Mr. Miller's photos. And takes up space here to tell us. It is the middle of June, just after Flag Day. 2020. The idiots are at play.
  3. Yes, if one only reads the escort reviews he comes off as a liberal icon the equal of Ralph Abernathy and George McGovern. I didn't realize he was such an expert of "older queens" who always use the word "child" when talking to young folk.
  4. Golly, I hope our president hasn't had a stroke. That could mean a President Pence. Gerald Ford lost in 1976. However, Truman and later Johnson were elected to full four year terms LBJ won in a landslide in 1964, partly because of running against Goldwater. Still.
  5. Yes and no. Ice cream may be worse.
  6. Daddy is digging a deeper and deeper hole on BLM on the other site. Jesus.
  7. All the moaning and groaning over years old Daddy imagined slights is also a misuse of effort
  8. Hey, please stop calling other members of the site trolls. It is a rude and annoying provocative way to get attention. Grow up.
  9. Once again, thanks to the person who "educated" me. I thought I was woke in Vietnam in the late 1960s. I greatly respect you, @Latbear4blk
  10. More silly bragging, this time a "smart, aware man."
  11. I know it won't be the same without him, but still post over there, please.
  12. I agree And certainly the most self centered bag of wind as well.
  13. Perhaps you should look at the other site before commenting. Your frame of reference is astonishingly out of date. There are several members here who posted there today, including the likeable, @Latbear4blk
  14. Yet another comment to make youself seem sophisticated and smart, similar to when you bragged about all the men wanting to get in your pants when you were young. Sad.
  15. Hey Jack on "Will & Grace" flirted with real Ryan Phillippe in a recent episode and Ryan liked it. Television has featured black characters for decades and not just classy people like Ella Fitzgerald, Lena Horne and Louis Armstrong.
  16. I have never called you an imbecile or an asshole or a troll. What's up with you, RH? In fairness, I just remembered how much you bragged on the other site. Made up person.
  17. Yes, RH has bragged his way into poverty, with all his good deeds for the poor and Victims of tragedy. Or so he has told us over and over again
  18. Archbishop Cooke from New York visit the base a few months later. The table setting was for the archbishop and Mrs. Cooke. Also, Sydney Poitier's cousin went through basic training while "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" played at Fort Dix. His cousin was embarrassed by the film.
  19. I was stationed at Fort Dix, New Jersey when Cardinal Spellman died. He was a figure from another era. Few people my age knew who he was.
  20. People who are overweight have enough sadness in their lives already. Even Kate Smith
  21. Completely agree. President Trump has moved so far right, he is unwilling to rename Fort Hood and Fort Benning, venerable locations named after Civil War legends of the Confederacy. Reminds me of when radical conservative Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York was Chaplain of the United States military. Update: The Republican controlled Senate Armed Services Committee disagrees with Trump. The committee favors renaming these forts. Fu*k, good move.
  22. Are you dismissing Brown v. Board of Education, the Voting Rights Act and the legacy of Abraham Lincoln, Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson?
  23. Not the only time he didn't show up. Ask Rick Munroe.
  24. Why would you believe for a second that anyone agrees, especially @RockHardNYC
  25. Calling someone a cunt on the internet may be fine for someone who dropped out of high school as a sophomore. It destroys the myth of a business man, @RockHardNYC
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