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Posts posted by TownsendPLocke

  1. On the other hand,,,, :ike:

    I for one would LOVE to have a clear sign posted in the front window of any business that did not want my gay dollars or found my "lifestyle" contrary to their belief system.

    I tend to avoid businesses that have Jesus Fishies or other obvious xtian/fundie symbols. And if I hear that a business has problems with my "lifestyle" then I avoid them if possible. Having a clear statement such as a sign in the window would actually be helpful IMO

  2. A friend and I had every intention of having a nice time visiting LurkerSpeaks and hopefully some other MERmen (cough Totally Oz cough) in Phoenix during their wonderful Pride weekend. And then some jackasses had to go and upset our plans by implying that our gay dollars might not be welcome in Arizona

    Plane tickets have been purchased,hotels have been reserved=but all of that is cancellable 48 hours prior to us leaving.

    So without getting political(is that even remotely possible in this circumstance?I hope so because I have never ventured into the Politics forum nor would i in the future) Is it better to support those looking to further the "Gay Agenda" and spend our Gay Dollars at businesses that support us, Or to stay away and let the tourism folks know that you stayed away and why.

    Here is a blog post from George Takei regarding this issue


  3. I saw this today on Facebook and I really was taken aback by two things:.

    First that a mainstream news source such as Huffington Post has a blurb about the Hookies in its blog,

    Is this a good or bad thing? Great for the venue I am sure-but is it great for the event? I had a great time at these sort of events before they got to be such big events. I met (and played with)lots of nice fellas I would meet. Now it has become a another chance for outsiders who have no interest in hiring the talent on display to ogle some hot guys.

    My second head shaking moment came when I saw that one of "Daddy"'s most loyal Patrons (and I do mean Patron!)is the first to comment and of course has to be a bitchy queen whining about the event being nothing but a PR campaign that is fixed and does not recognize the true Stars in the industry (I would guess those would be the middle aged fellas that he chooses to hire?)but rather the escorts that spend the most money on Rentboy.com advertising.

    Let me assure my fellow MERmen (Sorry Oz-I cannot work the sites new name into a clever acronym ) that the contest is NOT fixed. I personally know the fella who owns the site as well as the fellas who run the site- and they do no play favorites nor do they stuff the ballot boxes.They do confess that there is no way for them to prevent escorts or the friends of escorts from nominating/voting more than once for the same fella-this is a fairly casual contest after all-and that yes-it is an advertising promotion for the site(duh-just as any contest like this is)but they also do not charge entry into the events(the bars might have there regular cover in effect but Rentboy.com does not see a penny of that)or for the main event.

    Here is the blog post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/23/leslie-jordan-hookie-awar_n_4816982.html

    Perhaps I should have split this into two different posts? But as both points are generated by the same article I have used this post as a bit of a soapbox for a pet peeve of mine that has bothered me for quite a long time.

  4. Thanks for posting the correct link Paragon. I decided to split the ticket AC (using 12,500 UA miles) and AA(paid ticket-under $300 a.i.) because the AC NS leaves at a hideous time in the a.m. and I need a few more thousand AA miles to reach status.

  5. I am trying to work out a side trip to Iguassu Falls and it is turning into a bit of a headache the fare for this 90 minute flight is $350 and you have to transfer airports within Buenos Aires :hyper: - it is on my Bucket list however- and this fare was a bargain so I am going to make it happen.

    BTW I hope to make it to Rio next year so I hope there is another fare war for the LAX-GIG route!

  6. I took advantage of the current fare wars to S.A. and purchased a Business class ticket to Buenos Aires from LAX for $1,720 a.i.! That is round trip BTW! A real bargain.

    My friend The Points guy has a article on his blog detailing some of the ways to find these bargains-and there are actually cheaper ways to get to South America!


  7. Quite a few new properties are planned for openings before 2016. I am not sure how many will actually be built or what will become of them after the circus leaves town.

    I will be looking towards RIO in 2015. Some new hotels will be open by then and I am guessing they will be hungry for customers.

    Unfortunately a lot of them are being built on the outskirts of town for security purposes- which will necessitate a car hire to get to the fun spots,

  8. And now for the rollout! "While it might be a nice surprise to receive a free, unexpected groceries on your doorstep, some San Francisco residents are a bit puzzled as to why Amazon is pushing its new Fresh delivery service with free bags of very unfresh items. A can of Coke, mushroom soup and fish taco seasoning? Dinner is served!" "While it might be a nice surprise to receive a free, unexpected groceries on your doorstep, some San Francisco residents are a bit puzzled as to why Amazon is pushing its new Fresh delivery service with free bags of very unfresh items. A can of Coke, mushroom soup and fish taco seasoning? Dinner is served!

  9. I order quite a few specialty food products(dry goods) via Amazon. However I have found the prices to be higher than I can find in fancy grocery stores. Add in the careless handling of packages by FedEx and I would not be too quick to order everyday grocery items via amazon.

  10. I have been in touch with some friends who knew the deceased. Brilliant but troubled-someone you " gave a lot of room to" seems to be their consensus .The sex stuff seems to be more of a mental fixation/fantasy than a financial necessity

    A real pity that he did not get the help he so obviously needed.

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