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Everything posted by mixer17

  1. I am also currently looking at Hotel Ca'd'oro, Pullman and Grand Mercure. 355 a night, unfortunately, is outside of the budget .
  2. I think I saw those! So no problems with guests for these kinds of places? https://www.airbnb.com/users/251331388/listings
  3. Does anyone have any experiences of bringing guests to Airbnb's in Brz? I am looking at some really nice condos to rent and would like to know if I will have any trouble bringing GPs to the apartments? Thanks in Advance.
  4. I cancelled my trip that was supposed to leave today due to omicron surging. Any one know how Rio is doing with the surge? I regret the cancellation but with New Years celebration having ended, I thought this time would not be the best to travel.
  5. They're dumb-asses. Max had asked for "tips" on being a tourist/where to go in Brazil and when given advice on safety measures by commenters had pretty much dismissed these people and said it was not the kind of advice he was looking for. The posts that followed did not show any kind of caution in their part. While I do not relish in other people's misfortunate, I cannot help but think they asked for it.
  6. Hello there, I will be in Rio late January to beginning February What are your travel plans like?
  7. Is Brazil strict on the 6 month passport rule? Asking for a friend.
  8. Does anyone have that little grid of where to go on which days (in terms of Saunas) and does it still apply? Thanks in advance. anyone going to be in rio this june?
  9. The app Duolingo was surprisingly effective (and free). You do have to add some of your own study on grammar, it was easy to find some learning guides online. Then I sealed the deal with listening to Podcasts. Just constant daily exposure even if it's just a few minutes at a time.
  10. At this point, I would be nervous to even be on a plane. Get sick where I'm going or worse being stuck there. I had a minor ailment in Brasil last year and it was not easy to get help.
  11. I would like to revive his thread and see of anyone has any insight for fun in the Philippines? Thanks!
  12. Also spending some time in Mykonos, Barcelona and Prague.
  13. I will be spending three nights in Athens in October! Does anyone have any recommendations they've personally met with? Thank you!
  14. finally going for the first time (to thermas and to spain) in october. may i ask what the going rate is? very excited!
  15. Yes I see! I may be mistaken but did I see you post something about Fragata before? How it is good and relaxing on some nights? Will you be going elsewhere?
  16. We left for Rio yesterday or else I would've loved to meet up and trade stories. I am a little sad to leave SP yesterday and miss the weekend and really see Lagoa's potential. Rio is fun as always.
  17. On my first visit to Lagoa today , I caught word from two boys that Lagoa may close it's doors at the end of June. The boys are unsure but it may be due to increasing prices of rent. One disclaimer is my Portuguese isn't what one would call strong. I wonder if the "Revelation party. What will Lagoa's future will be like?" on June first is in regards to this.
  18. Does anyone know if additional guests are allowed in the following hotels/hotel chains: 1. Mercure 2. Novotel 3. Rio othon palace. Any hotel recs aside from Atlantico hotel chain? Appreciate the info.
  19. I will be in RDJ for the first time. Any forum members around :)?
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