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Riobard last won the day on February 6 2022

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  1. Apparently intoxicated foreigners and when saw the road sign to the district within which is located the village …
  2. I heartily agree. A doctorate would be a huge goal unless it were to be put to good use beyond the interest factor, such as eventually teaching within the discipline’s subject matter. Not sure what would be open to the OP given Bachelor/ Masters background to date. Even then, some Thai language proficiency is recommended for foreign students. A doctorate also usually requires putting together a thesis committee. Most universities also have Continuing Education and/or non-credit programs and courses that can keep one occupied. Complex discussions exist out there related to the honorific of Dr, title protection, etc, in Thailand. https://aseannow.com/topic/727125-question-about-the-honorific-title-of-doctor-in-the-thai-language/
  3. All my university students have been men and women of all backgrounds.
  4. Ice cubes in anus is now considered S&M? I’m sure some members here do that routinely prior to receptive penetrative piercings when lidocaine out of reach.
  5. He does, and will as President.
  6. A few days ago it could be said a lot could happen over 4 months. Who knew it would be this soon and so game-changing? Now anything negative said by his opponents will come across as crassly, insensitively traumatogenic. PTSD the answer to any deficiency, heroism the reason to support. Whoever shot a hole in his helix tossed a horseshoe up his hiney. I said Biden should lay off the mocking rhetoric to go high. Now he’ll have to lay off of it because a decent person will.
  7. I’ve had a few encounters in my lifetime with older folks that present terribly simply because age exacerbates flaws that would otherwise be more probably overlooked. My first a Maths teacher with a PhD in senior year high school a half-century ago, my most recent a hunched-over shuffling medical specialist. Neither of them subject to functioning, high functioning in fact evident, in a vacuum. Looks can be deceiving. Even so, a 50% corpse trumps the alternative.
  8. My worry about Biden’s next debate is that PrEP won’t supplant PEP.
  9. For debate coaching suggestions. Trump has logorrhoea, strategically or non-volitionally is irrelevant. Biden needs to judiciously command the rules when Trump babbles during Biden’s time. He can do this by simplifying his content to 25% and speaking at half the speed, giving him time and wiggle room to rule the stage dynamics. The content is repetitive and now less important than delivery. If it were me, I’d hold up a yellow card when rudely interrupted if the mods are too stupid and lazy at enforcement. He might add something like: “At a point of inflection in our history when team work is more essential than ever, how do you actively listen to advisers when speaking simultaneously over them? I say this rhetorically in a bid to assure your brief silence”, or “Good job (where merited), you gave me the courtesy of keeping silent … oh no no no now (upon activating bombastic narcissism) you were doing so well”. Drop the drinking disinfectant reference. It’s old and lives in the context of blathering that non-supporters grasp and supporters don’t care about. And get Harris to debate-coach Biden, Reversed role plays. And make sure Biden acknowledges her; the idea of pooled resources. “Our two heads are better than one; we realized for this debate a parental-type strategy was called for. We aim, in fact, to convince the least persuaded person in the auditorium that we’re the best fit.” Teach Biden to demonstrate active listening to Trump through silence, the ground rule, looking at him not away, nodding and a few quizzical mug expressions that convey ‘get him’. Drop the lopsided grin; it’s not mocking enough and suggests amusement without sadness.
  10. This underscores my point. Analogy: inimical divorce and child(ren) caught in the middle. You can’t change family structure easily because combative divorce is the endpoint of something idealized that commenced promisingly. But you can shift the political narrative from reductive single-choice figureheads to the notion of solid extended political family, obviating the primacy of figurehead choice. All the possible but uncertain in big win terms figurehead backup shortlist, imbued with a synthesis of positives, is already embedded in a Biden candidacy. A strong collective with a now arbitrary incumbent figurehead may be the best compromise, perhaps even just transiently for the upcoming term, because internal post-regicide lack of consensus will persist, merely transferring the focus of deficiencies. Maybe better to stick with Biden’s deficiencies; they are pretty clear, developmental, ambiguous (thus, posing take-side bind) and present a challenge for haters to make up in elaborate fakery. Trump’s extended political family is uniformly hoodwinked into consensus; unification predicated on insanity is looking pretty relatively good while the other side divides and conquers itself. That said, a strong overall opponent collective offers an appealing option to leadership resting squarely on an iconoclast’s shoulders. Don’t pit a weakly branded individual against an iconoclast. Counter it with a loud coordinated chorus; neither conductor nor choir need to have primacy.
  11. Hahaha. I can’t get ‘How do you solve a problem like DeeJayTee’ out of my head now that you bring up Rainbow and propose a Gilbert & Sullivan bastardization. Maybe Randy has already done it. A lot of the lyric text could remain. And he or somebody else did something with the O&H Goodnight song.
  12. A paradoxical intervention simply breaks an endless reinforcing feedback loop by doing something unexpected. At the macro level it might mean restructuring the polarized candidacy by watering down the underlying ‘only Biden or Trump’ dynamic. It has recently evolved to ‘only Biden or not Biden can surpass Trump’. That’s insane because it’s true but may not be true; hence, endless analysis paralysis. The bind is paradoxical because damned if you do or don’t do Biden if the choice presents an intolerable dilemma. The magnificent obsession of the goal is pathologically obsessive. Yet Biden can only beat Trump if a subpopulation beats Trump. The face of that is Biden. That is inherently odd because the persuasion factor rests on a single person’s functionality, as if a collective (Democrats, Biden’s team, etc) that governs has been hamstrung. Paradoxically, the team is swallowing its tail, hamstringing itself by squabbling. From an outsider’s point of view the idea of nonhierarchical situational leadership, that is, the collective that props up Biden and one another is disintegrating. I wouldn’t vote for how that broader entity shows itself currently. If a win is a win for all then put Biden’s name down and be OK with it meaning something else, non-binary. Concede his functionality and move on. Recuse him from denigrating his opponent. Let the opponent’s madness shine and delegate highlighting that persistent get out of jail free insanity to those better equipped. As I said, he cannot convincingly sting. Better that he express sympathetic kindness. Sadly, at this point an equal ticket font Biden/Harris connotes Biden deficiency as opposed to collective collaborative strength. The party breakdown so far may make the veracity of unity hard to buy. Any paradoxical intervention is an anomaly with unpredictable sequelae. It just shifts the feedback loop, but that is what is needed. I haven’t perceived a deviation from that loop’s recent emergence and rigidity. By understandably demonizing Trump the antithesis of dictatorship is a white knight. Romanticism is darling but there’s no Lancelot in this picture, only a wannabe quixotic Braveheart . Only a genuine mythological hero could say “I’m the one for the job”; saying it would be superfluous anyway. Remove it from the job description. Paradoxical intervention at a micro level, and I’m just illustrating to encourage conceptual grasp, not recommending in this case because macro pathology is too entrenched: If paralyzingly anxious about a flub, prescribe a flub followed by recovery practice and hold back revelation regarding intentionality, deliberate or non-volitional. But guess what. Who has finessed that and cannot flub because anxiety is a foreign concept and flubs are too weird to be irrefutably unintentional, that is, non-considered and unedited babble? Sits back and let‘s another’s imperfection rain a shitstorm. Makes no mistakes because the idea that anybody can make them suggests empathy. Brightest moron ever.
  13. But guess what. In fairness, isn’t DT the 1st sitting VICE president?
  14. I always owe it. That’s the premise. They spot me several metres out and the indebtedness abacus begins clicking.
  15. So mind boggling. (Conference: Welp, that happened.) Why is regicide, or not, the sole binary? What about collaborative executive leadership superimposed on the hierarchical model? It’s already so essential to governance in general and offers counterpoint to the opponent party structure. The Dem leadership team’s systemic disintegration is as daunting as its figurehead’s normative developmental decline. Give me a dottery guy over a clowder of felines overdosed on catnip any day. Clinging rigidly to isomorphism without recognizing isomorphism’s liabilities simply cannot end well. Back off the mirroring. Change it up in a way not yet even particularly considered. Gestalt over the obsessive linearity of succession. A pathological paradoxical bind calls for a paradoxical intervention. Tweak a few dials on the face of the ticket, ‘Biden & Biden’s’, a Dem collective, even perhaps seemingly counterintuitively, while adhering to constitutional structure. If a republic cannot work out something as common as porphyria-grade happenstance what and why was the bother? That the current state is heated is an illusion. It’s a frozen blob of plasticine; the media is only cryogenic. When working with divorce in family systems the first task is to unveil isomorphism; its nature in that context is often mutual antipathy, entrenched positioning. You divert the focus from parental polarization to the greater family good. A few key interventions that takes thinking outside the box and warms things up to a point of greater malleability. Unite the family to functionality, not unlike the quirky if not boldly overcapitalizing CNN licorice ad. Lead with the idea of sustaining banishment; it’s already the weird basis anyway. It takes a village to take watch on evil’s exile. Prez-Plus. Plus is the safety net. Both/and not either/or.
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