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Everything posted by wayout

  1. Someone's a big Vincent Price fan The Abominable Dr. Phibes full movie is on YouTube so I can watch it and will. Two of my oldie faves are: Night of the Living Dead (1968) by George Romero The Evil Dead (1983) Both kind of campy but stand out in my mind as being really scary at the time I first saw them.
  2. I've seen about half as well but others have given me something i'd like to watch if I could have found them on Netflix or Amazon Prime. Unfortunately Hostel, The Forsaken, The Covenant, Jeepers Creepers 2 and Fear No Evil aren't on either. I refuse to watch any Friday the 13th after the second one...no matter how homoerotic it may be (my loss). I was a bit surprised that The Talented Mr. Ripley was included in a horror list of any kind. At the risk of hijacking the thread, I'd be interested to know of anybodies favorite horror flicks...homoerotic or not. Perhaps I may be able to get some ideas of things to see this Friday evening to get into the spirit
  3. Every day is bacon day for me Perhaps mankind has reached its highest accomplishment thusfar....the bacon cheeseburger donut. Brings a tear to my eye Behold the Bacon Cheeseburger D’oh Nut! This is the same kind of innovation and daring that sent America to the moon. It resides among the chefs at PYT, a restaurant in Philadelphia. Their sweet and salty wonder is a donut stuffed with ground-up cheeseburger, sprinkled with bacon bits, and glazed with sugar.
  4. The info about Steven being timed-out piqued my curiosity so tried to find from his latest posts why that happened but can't seem to see any reason (of course there doesn't always need to be a reason apparently). Anyone know what happened? Curious minds want to know...or maybe Steven will be able to shed some light on it himself here.
  5. And that $100million isn't counting anything that might result should there be a suit against or settlement with the doctor(s) and/or clinic (which I assume likely would be a hefty amount, especially if one were to consider loss of potential income factored in).
  6. http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/418100.html
  7. A.M.O.R.C. = Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (duhhhh, what else would it stand for AS?) You can explore a bit about them on their website: http://www.rosicrucian.org/about/mastery/index.html Of course to get into the nitty gritty of what it provides, their annual membership at $150 is a bit more than a stamp.
  8. Article is over a year and a half old but first i ever heard of this..... http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/02/20/172488104/the-vaportini-a-cocktail-inhaled-not-stirred
  9. Competition can be good.....do give us a report when you venture there ihpguy (which I imagine is soon?)
  10. It is funny how my own downsizing attempts started in the same way...with a large VHS porn collection being tossed out. I find getting rid of things fairly easy for me. I consider it part of an overall effort to simplify life, which has many aspects that are quite challenging and difficult for me. I've been at it for over a year now and it has been with mixed results but I keep plugging away.
  11. Hope this works... http://www.message-forum.net/showthread.php?100393-Unicorn-time-out&highlight=boytoy The first mention or reference to boytoy.com is post #17 by jimboivyo
  12. Leftover Pizza? Does that even exist? Not in my universe. The other suggestions are worthwhile and appreciated. I find that I use the convection small oven as much as possible instead of the std oven unless whatever I am cooking won't fit in the convection small oven. The other cooking appliance that I find that I can't do without is the slow cooker and it has its place for some things, especially soups.
  13. Very funny indeed. For those who may not have seen it.... http://youtu.be/6kOewRGhtx8
  14. Totally agree. No idea about what the gay rumors are and I have no idea of the names other than Harry. Cute face but too many tats and his hair just seems a mess to me. The one of the left is very eye appealing
  15. I hadn't watched it before but based on this thread, I decided to check it out (Amazon Prime) from the first show and now I am hooked. Been doing marathon sessions of watching it and just this minute finished the third season. Lots of great eye candy and really enjoy Cary especially. A temporary character that I also liked was Blake in part of the first and second seasons. Great show and can hardly wait to get caught up. Always great to discover something new so thank you Oz for starting this thread. After I get caught up I might check out some of the other series that have been suggested ( I am probably the only person in the country who hasn't seen one episode of Breaking Bad).
  16. Congrats to the "winners" and also to those who were nominated...and to the producer of the awards show a special shout out of good job! Only thing missing was the acceptance speeches One of the winners accepting the award....
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