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Everything posted by wncdemcub

  1. I was trying to remember are they closed?
  2. There are some wonderful free walking tours that show some of the unique sites in São Paulo. https://www.saopaulofreewalkingtour.com/thetour
  3. I’ll be there in November as well! What days will you be in each city?
  4. While a sim card will be cheaper more than likely, its not a bad deal. But there are a couple of things to consider. Its not a bad price to be able to stay in touch with friends and family back home who you need to call. If you are reaching out to guys via apps saunas etc they will use whatsapp so having your data might be good. (but you would have that option regardless of using a sim card or the travel plan) The question becomes if you want to use you main phone in public I personally use my old backup iphone as a with a local sim card. I do this to avoid the risk of making myself an easier target and stealing my phone. Plus even if it is stolen I wont be without a phone or lose precious info data etc. All about considerations and risk, but thought id give my 2 cents.
  5. Anyone have any good hotel or airbnb recommendations for BH?
  6. What are your opinions of the ones you have visited in those cities?
  7. All, We have talked the rio and São Paulo saunas but what about other cities in Brazil? Porto Alegre: Mezzaninu was very nice
  8. Do you always have to be such a jerk to people who ask questions? Jeez...
  9. tell us about the motels. care to provide names of places or how you found them? also what was the going rate?
  10. if you dont mind me asking where is the new hotel? Also if you could tell us how much your recent encounters are charging that would be great
  11. I usually get a couple of hundred dollars in reals from Bank of America and then use Citibank atms mostly. My credit union also has a globa ATM card that just links to a special acct and doesn't connect on the ATM to my other accounts that way if the card is spoofed or stolen, they can't clean out my accounts.
  12. Does anyone have some sample itineraries for their trip?
  13. First off I would ask the host before you book do they allow you to have a friend over for dinner. I always ask this so that it's not an issue to have a guest visit. Most of the apartment doorman don't care if you bring a guest. If you look confident that this person should be here. Make sure you secure valuables as there's a greater risk in an apt versus a hotel. In fact, some Airbnb apartments have safes as well so look into those.
  14. I meant are there specific nights where there is a greater selection guys at one location over another? Is the facilities at one superior to another?
  15. Which is better Lagoa or Fragata? Is some night better than others in each?
  16. I'll be in b I'll be in Brazil from NOV 18- Dec 4. nov 18-20 Porto alegre nov 20-22 Salvador nov 22-28 rio nov 28-dec 4 São Paulo let me know your schedule also besides the Sheraton what hotels do people recommend in POA?
  17. Any insight on saunas scene in Salvador (places/best nights) THanks
  18. All I am looking at a trip to Brazil in November and while I'll be making stops in São Paulo and rio, wanted to think about other locations in the country to visit that also have a sauna scene as well. any cities and clubs would be appreciated
  19. I think they are artificially working to improve the rate so try and save Dilma's presidency.
  20. If you have it I would suggest bringing an old phone to take out with you in Brazil. I have an old 4S (wiped clean) that I used rather than my newer iPhone. That way if it got stolen it wouldn't be the end of the world. I also got a sim card from TIM. It was the easiest to set up as an american there as they have instructions in english and english operators to help set up your phone. That gave me interest access (not the fastest in the world but ran google maps, my google translator app, and whatsapp). Almost all the saunas have wifi, get to know one of the boys and buy him a drink and he will most likely give you the password. In terms of the beach. I did bring my phone but I was lounging and people watching more than getting in the water so it was fine keeping it on me.
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