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12is12 last won the day on December 7 2022

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  1. That map is a work of art. I have an enlarged version as a decoration in my office. Also brings up fond memories.
  2. That's fortaleza off the list; salvador and recife r the places 2 go 2 in the NE. Pazubane, r u by any chance a blogger or a semi professional writer?
  3. Goof, they cum with no extra payment? The standard 50 ??
  4. Thx nikba! Could u pls elaborate more about cali? Venues, hotels, etc....
  5. Btw the Grab, unappealing dicks and clingy guys - looks like the right choice.
  6. Precisely my sentiment. Question to the experienced: isnt there at least 1 suckable cock in 50 daily grindr messages? Or is it impossible to know in advance bcs they dont send nudes?
  7. Dscrption of their dicks took away all my enthusiasm. )-:
  8. I disagree. It would b prejudicial only if Olddaddy would walk away before he heard their loudness, just bcs of their nationality. Most americans r too loud; NOT knowing that would b "ignorance". I too prefer to distance myself in the public sphere from people whose behavior I find obnoxious. Having travelled extensively, I too perceive certain nationalities as more prone to such behavior. Also rude loud youngsters. M I guilty of reverse ageism?
  9. That's a GREAT vid, but he doesnt talk at all about racism and or being black there.
  10. Quite a recommendation NOT to visit the PH )-:
  11. Thx If app guys in thailand r indeed size honest, they r the only ones on the globe. Thnk u SO much for both tips: apps rather than bars, and prince spa massuer. I so wish many others would share such place / name specific tips. (-:
  12. Roughjock, I humbly submit it's not a myth. I, and persumably others, would b eager if u could share ur method of finding big cocks in thailand....seriously. Even in big cocks show, cocks r average global size.
  13. No surprise regarding continents: africa and latinos at the top; asia at the btm. Wonder how data was collected. Never heard of solicitations for surveys.....
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