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Everything posted by RockHardNYC

  1. You just described most of the guys who work for me. Not all of them are gay, but they're all sensitive and intelligent. And they enjoy working in the company of creative gay men. I hire women, too. If you possess strong talent, I'm an equal opportunity employer. As for sex, I don't do under 30, even though I'll flirt with anyone. Playing "daddy" never turned me on. If I fall in love with a 25-year-old, I prefer to offer him a job instead of intimacy. But that's me. I already have a son, and our love runs very deep.
  2. It is a major shame that the escort board that gets the most traffic is owned by an imbecile and run by a bunch of asshole queens. But if being at a larger party is important to you, then what better choice does one have? I have been to some AMAZING parties in my day, but I always preferred smaller gatherings in my living room to elevate substance over drug-fueled noise. While this place is not my personal creation, I find Oz a much more reasonable gay board owner to deal with. Oz seems intelligent, funny, patient and highly tolerant. And I can relate more to his politics. Political bias or affiliation is not a litmus test with me amongst friends, but it's nice to agree with many thoughts and ideas expressed. IMO, Hooboy was the one with the sparkling PERSONALITY. Where he lacked management skill, he had SPLASH. Splash and sparkle died a lonely death over there long ago. And since money in porn has almost dried up, running a board like this must come down to a labor of love that simply empties the wallet every month. Where can you find a Hooboy in today's marketplace to fund and create a truly wonderful gentleman's club for escort lovers? I've crunched the numbers. That's a serious tough sell.
  3. It's been my experience that many Democrats are reasonable people when pushed just a bit. Given the state of our country during this pandemic, I don't think anyone would miss the pomp (except for the vendors), and the party might be better off politically by taking the stand on "saving money on the parties" and framing it as "safety" for all. Thanks to NY's new rules, I already voted. So I'm perfectly happy to never see another debate. But I am loving the whiny-little-bitch crying over the Debate Commission's new position on virtual for the next scheduled debate. With virtual, the TROLL will find it impossible to bully, and if Trump can't bully, he can't make his cult following happy. Works for me.
  4. @AdamSmith The quote feature on a forum is not intended to give you license to change another member's words. I don't mind correcting grammar or misspellings, but to change entire words and their meaning or intent is false, rude, and inappropriate. Please don't ever do that again.
  5. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed JKane's screenshots. Got a major guffaw from George Takei. He's caused many around the world to experience serious pain. A lot of people are praying for his death. It's difficult to imagine the war against Trumpism if Trump manages to stay alive. As long as he is alive, he will crave attention. Trump is the consummate TROLL. Karma is often a bitch. I wouldn't want to be Trump. In Ancient Rome, "the people" beheaded their emperor(s)-gone-bad and placed the bloody heads on a wooden pile along the edge of the Tiber for everyone to mock and spit on. Maybe Kathy Griffin had something all along. I, too, was surprised the feature had gone missing, and then noticed the three dots. Code writers are obsessed with "clean" these days, so they're hellbent on hiding almost everything. The game of tech. Since I like clean ass, I can deal with the concept of clean. It's definitely that. How sad that people, not by choice, must be exposed without their permission. Maybe some Congressperson should make that against the law. There was talk about making laws to hurt gays who knowingly infected other men. At least Trump can't pretend to be Covid-free. My friends in Europe are simply dumbfounded. And they are angry. Every European business owner I know says, "What happens first in America comes here next." I was content to be away from U.S. news for a couple of months. But I was glad to return in time for the election. Racism is the biggest issue associated with Trump voters. Until we tackle that as a country, there will always be room for Trumpism in America.
  6. "Hitting the gym" at 80 is a good thing. I hope and pray my body will keep up. RGB and her trainer inspired many. Plus, a gym is a great place to see many naked male bodies. It's often worth the price of admission. There are a lot of younger guys who enjoy playing with older men, especially when the older men appear to be fit and care about their health. Caring about your health can be a sexual turn-on, even if it's just a perception.
  7. LOL. Actually, it's Invision Community. https://invisioncommunity.com/ PS Btw, I've only been on for two days, but so far no problems.
  8. Was I required to provide one? How does one know something is not of interest before it is written? I never quite understood this because it doesn't make sense. Sounds like a bias against someone, for some reason. I'm happy for you. Suffering a troll's wrath is such a waste of time and energy.
  9. Thank you. I'm not thrilled to be back in America, but it was time. When I first joined Hooboy, there was no "ignore" feature. Not long after I joined, I had twelve TROLLS crawl up my ass, wanting to infect me with their cancer. I could not believe members of that board were permitted this disgusting behavior, and I wrote Hooboy about it. One of the trolls on my list was deej. When the answers I received did not please me, I created a "Do Not Respond" list of usernames. I've never been good at remembering usernames so the list was necessary. In future attacks, I referred to my list. Self-ignore. I didn't need software to empower my online life. Now I know that some TROLLS thrive on being utterly obnoxious. They have ZERO love in their lives and they're starving for attention, even negative attention. Because in their soul-less soul they are miserable. And they take pleasure in making others miserable, too. You can spot them a mile away. Here's some learned wisdom: When shit refuses to come off your shoes, no matter how many times you try to clean them, throw the shoes away and buy a new pair. This is not the only place in the world for gay men to find a little fun.
  10. Ignorance can be so cute (and funny). There are some businesses that disdain swearing, for sure. The priesthood. The principal's office. Your cardiac surgeon's office. The library. A law office that does not employ litigators. Litigators, however, are worse than truck drivers. Finance guys and hedge-funders on Wall Street talk like motherfuckers, all the way to the top. Sports executives and owners, too. Film producers may create G-rated films, but their mouths are often X-rated, especially when budgets are blown. I won't even mention egotistical directors. But no business matches another quite like the music industry. These folks aren't educated much, but the money and power can be unreal. Every other word is "fuck," and if you're a woman, you'd better be prepared to get muddy in the pig pen. To this day, I'm still shocked by the office language of so many in the music industry. (Sans Classical.) I love to let my balls hang free here in Oz-land. But I don't think anyone in my business has ever heard me swear. One-on-one with a close friend or family member is one thing, but whenever I'm in a group setting or in the company of business women, NO cussing EVER. That's my rule, and it applies to those who work for me. In my first corporate job in Manhattan, swearing of any kind was never permitted. Those rules never left me.
  11. I'm not a big fan of ignoring people, but wisdom teaches us that certain people in the public square aren't worth the precious time in your day. Life is way too short to waste it. Luckily for me, I respect discipline. Probably has something to do with my childhood and my wonderful parents. I guess there's been some changes since my last visit? It's not every day Latbear4blk is speaking openly about his ignore list. So sorry to read the word "shitshow" associated with the changes. If AS says they're bad, there must be problems. Poor Oz. Running a board can be a such a pain. This is my return post. Let's see if I encounter software issues. I don't have any patience for bugs and glitches.
  12. Thank you Thomas Friedman at the NY Times! Is Trump Trying to Spread Covid-19? "It is absolutely devilish" "We know that countries where everyone wears a mask outside the home sharply reduce the spread and that people who practice strict social distancing infect fewer people and are infected less often. And we know that people who avoid “superspreading” events — large, prolonged social gatherings, religious services and crammed nightclubs and workplaces, where one highly contagious person can quickly spew the virus to many others — are less likely to get infected." What a relief to find this article this morning: Friedman calling Trump a spawn of the Devil. Friedman usually gets TV coverage when he writes something like this. Perhaps in the next few days momentum can occur with the media pushing hard. IMO, there is no way Trump and Co. can spin this horrific act. He's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. It would be GREAT for America if the pressure forced him to cancel the event. Either way, it's going to be a media shitshow no matter what decision is made. As it should be. The photo by Doug Mills that accompanies the Op-ed is brilliant. A smug, defiant prick.
  13. I'm content to have fewer Trump voters, for sure. If you're under the spell of a cult leader and put yourself at risk, then you're entitled to get what you asked for. However, this virus does not discriminate. The rally folk put everyone else at risk, too. The bloodbath you describe could very well happen.
  14. If anyone wants to know how IGNORANT Americans are, watch this shitshow. The mere fact you have to sign a LIABILITY WAIVER to attend tells you everything you need to know about Trump. And his cult won't hesitate to sign them. And if any of them get sick and die, not one fucking penny from him or his campaign. You will not have the right to sue. IMO, this is an OUTRAGEOUS act of putting people in harm's way. Purposely, for Trump's ego. Trump deserves the wrath of God if he goes through with it. I'm just astounded by the amount of selfish EVIL in this one man. I wish more leaders in health care would step up and loudly denounce this whole fiasco. I was happy to see Tulsa newspapers coming out against it, but there needs to be serious pile on. We're in a fucking pandemic and Trump wants to infect a crowd of people. The country is being lead by a madman.
  15. Geez Louise. Something awful must have happened to you. I could write a lot more but I don't have the time. Your attitude is very defeatist, very cynical. I was the first executive in my stodgy, conservative luxe corporation to recruit Black, Latino, and Asian artists. I made it my mission to teach my stubborn White elders (several of them racists) the wisdom and foresight of diversity. I taught my recruits how to strive and thrive in creative business. I fully gave back what was given to me. Most of my recruits went on to live the American Dream. I know countless business people in our Capitalist system who believe in paying it forward and leaving no man behind. I stand among them, proudly.
  16. The entire post is priceless. Thank you, lookin. Reminds me of the best days at Daddy's from a long time ago.
  17. Good grief. It's "stereotyped thinking" to imagine every teacher loving and appreciating the importance of history? I'm sorry. I was educated by the Jesuits. You don't get away with that shit in my hood.
  18. It was a GREAT day yesterday thanks to the ruling. Bodes extremely well for Gorsuch and Roberts. A big fuck you to Kavanaugh, Thomas, and Alito. I have never felt anti-gay discrimination in any job I held or pursued. I am grateful for this. So this victory is not as important to me as gay marriage. There are several important cases coming, and the conventional wisdom is Trump will get some important wins. The most important thing that needs to happen for our future: GET TRUMP OUT. No more uber-conservative judges. We need progressive thinkers in our Supreme Court.
  19. How The Food Industry Manipulates Taste Buds With 'Salt Sugar Fat'
  20. Same here. Miller mentioned the red/purple states scheduled for airplay. He told Nicolle that people will listen to Lindsey Graham's voice. Whether that will be enough is anyone's guess. I feel lucky I'm content to talk to myself.
  21. So is Trump's waistline. So are the waistlines of his voters. When your life is miserable, and you voted for the wrong guy, a politician who hoodwinked everyone, you tend to eat more junk food because your life really isn't getting any better. Boycotts have a way of energizing the opposition, depending on the fight. Just because sales went up, doesn't mean the boycott won't ultimately work. Now in the age of Trump, a lot of asshole business owners are going to think that "all publicity is good publicity." My gut is telling me, no smart business should invite a boycott. That's why I believe that business owners would do better to keep their mouths shut on controversial subjects. It's just smart business practice at its most basic.
  22. Gay Republican political strategist, Tim Miller, is Political Director for Republican Voters Against Trump (www.rvat.org). For some reason, it's difficult to find a handsome photo of the guy. He's a bit of a dweeb, but the camera may not like him. Miller is also the author of "The Kiss - What Mayor Pete means for America." Here is another interview where he talks about coming out: Closeted Campaign Staffer Republican Voters Against Trump just released a scathing anti-Trump political ad, using devastating clips from Lindsey Graham. In her 4 PM show today, Nicolle Wallace said Miller's political ad against Trump is one of the best ads she has ever seen in her career. Here is the ad. I highly recommend watching it.
  23. I love this line. Reminds me of my disdain for people who recommend restaurants based on reviews they found on god-awful TripAdvisor.
  24. I have racist cops in my family. Very proud of their gun collections. One of them is a hot mother-fucker in his early 30's, with the cutest bubble butt. In spite of that, I do everything I can to avoid them. Confrontation does not intimidate me, but I have little patience for willful ignorance. On the other hand, I'm working on a feature film script for a murder mystery, and I'm going to need access to police detective consult. I've thought about bringing in one of my relatives (two are detectives), but the murdered victim in my screenplay is an escort (the son of a famous politician). Do I really expect some detective in the Midwest to know anything about that? And do I really need to use project as a bonding opportunity with a relative? Anyway, I've been to Tulsa several times on business. Very segregated town. Oklahoma is not the best state to live in if you are Black.
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