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Posts posted by moonwalker

  1. On February 24, 2019 at 9:19 AM, sanddunes said:

    I mean it isn’t like you are planning for your girlfriend to bareback with them right?

    Wear a condom, get on Prep for extra protection.  

    I doubt the guys on Tindr are that much cleaner than the average garoto.  A lot of guys on here have been with lots of sauna guys and never gotten anything.

    Please let us know how you adventure goes..

    Actually the last guy we did this with we all got tested and he did bareback with her, but we don't plan to do that in Brazil obviously. Even using protection though a lot of things can happen, I just wanted to know if it's generally safe which you seem to say it is.

    I'll report here and possibly post pics or actually I'll probably send them to people that have asked for them in private. The attitude of some of the posters here is insane.

    Pylonguy I think the friend you posted looks amazing. I don't know what Brazil is like (although I do know many Brazilian guys in the USA) but that's not average anywhere. I'd strongly suggest you don't engage trolls anymore though. They're not talking in good faith and a few people on here seem hateful and bigoted.

    Anyway I appreciate the advice I got from some of you who actually seem to know what Brazil is like. We still don't have exact dates we're coming but we're very much looking forward to it.

    In this situation is it advisable to bring the guy back to our apt. or to go to a love motel?

  2. My experiences were in Punta Cana, and not at any brothel or through an agency. Ofc I had my girlfriend with me and the guy we met was interested in her, but I got the impression that a LOT of the guys who frequent bars or who work there would be willing to do something with a guy alone if offered money as well. Many were very good looking too so there's a lot to pick and choose from. Seemed easy if you wanted to.

  3. 12 hours ago, pylonguy71 said:

    Sorry, I haven't been on here for a few days so only just saw this. I always find it a little embarrassing to rate my own looks, but I can say that I have always looked much younger. Now, I'm late forties and without fail when I meet someone new through life or work, they look shocked when I tell them my age and say something like "wow, I really thought you were early to mid thirties!" so I guess at 35 I probably looked like I was 28 or so. I've always worked out and when I was in Rio I was in close to the best shape of my life. A few of the actually gay sauna guys (because as we know most of them are gay4pay or bi) spoke with me and said "you know you don't need to come to saunas and pay for sex, you are hot enough to get any guy you want for free". I explained that I loved the thrill of the saunas and had no problem "helping" a guy out with some money lol. So, I hope that describes me a little, but I could add I have very, very blue eyes and I think South American guys really like that feature. And I'm pretty fortunate "down below" - maybe not Brazilian sized but close enough to compete hehe.

    Pylonguy I don't for a moment doubt what you're saying, I suggest however you ignore the trolls/deranged queens on here, for some reason this topic has really driven them over the edge.

    Did you find the guys you hooked up with, or in the context of threesomes, to be familiar with the scenario/fantasy I have in mind? Also how safe is it to initiate something with a guy from the sauna for my gf given the health situation? I understand they're tested but honestly how safe can it be given the number of clients they have. This was another factor leading me to consider finding a non-working guy on the beach/in a bar.

    It's good to hear the thing about blue eyes. She has blue eyes and dirty blonde hair and I'm hoping these features will attract a real stud there like I've been hearing about.

  4. 5 hours ago, SolaceSoul said:

    Ah, you’re starting to learn how this board (and the internet) works.

    There are a number of posters here who claim to be much younger than they are in real life. And much hotter. And much richer. And sometimes much more traveled. And even much bi-er. 

    Protip: if you’re going to insist on making up a false (or exaggerated) description of yourself, you might want to make sure you can’t ever be identified at any of the places you post about. The walls have eyes. Even in foreign lands.

    You're just low IQ dude. Give it a rest.

  5. 8 hours ago, Badboy81 said:

    What a fucking fraud...you have been poking around since 2017 asking the same shit dude...

    At 25, you are old enough to understand the concept of keeping it real...

    Had I looked over your profile, I would not have even wasted my time answering your question...

    Something tells me you are full of shit...Not 25..Not Hot....Not BI...No girlfriend...

    Sad...And no need to even reply...Its just sad...

    I've been curious about Brazilian guys and curious about visiting Rio/saunas since last year and even before. Been reading the forum for a while. Never did make it to Rio. If you don't want to post on here or give advice, please don't. You're low IQ like your friend and have nothing useful to say anyway. Kindly fuck off?

  6. 10 hours ago, Tartegogo said:

    I have no idea why people can’t answer a question on face value and start fighting instead of giving their view and leaving it at that  

    @moonwalker, I really don’t think you will have any problem.  It will work in the same way as in the US, maybe even more easily: Just find a guy that your girlfriend finds attractive, on the beach, in a bar or in a club, and see if he speaks a bit of English, and start a conversation. You can use love hotels for the action, they are in all the key spots.

    If you really want to chose a guy from clube 117, it should be just as easy, most guys are bi or straight, so fucking a 25 yo girl is probably going to be offered for free. Or for R$50, which is less than US$15, if you could pay for the flight, you can afford that. 

    thanks gogo, I'll come and wing it, probably try both. Been curious about 117 for a long time so I'll try it for myself anyway. But what you say is pretty much what I'd expect.

  7. 5 hours ago, SolaceSoul said:

    So, we’re back to paying for the guys to fuck your girlfriend if you are in the picture — which was exactly everyone’s point (or at least mine and @badboy‘s) that you vociferously protested).

    You’ve been posting on this site since November 2017 about Rio male escorts and saunas, and in some of those posts, you’ve claimed that you have already been to Rio and like going there. So, now, all of a sudden, there is confusion about what happens at Rio beaches and with sauna boys, sex workers and escorts?

    If you like going to Rio so much, and you’re such an experienced cuckolder who knows how men will respond to your request, then just go and take this newfound girlfriend of yours. Quit the obvious trolling.


    One thing is obvious from your many posts on my topic here and especially from this last one. One, you have low reading comprehension/IQ. Two, you (and possibly badboy) are REALLY angry about something in this topic. Not sure what it could be but suggest you look into meds or w/e, being worked up so much is bad for the complexion

  8. In my experience from the DR and in Florida the straight/bi guy/rentboy is usually willing (and happy) to fuck her for free as long as I still take out regular one-on-one for pay sessions with him, or pay for the times when we share his cock lol. I imagine a similar arrangement can be made in Brazil. A straight not-for-pay guy from the beach is also a possibility but the rentboy route is more convenient. I guess I'll see! Pylonguy and floridarob thanks for the advice.

  9. Hard to understand why people get testy on here when a question is asked. Wish you guys would stop fighting me and each other! It was just an innocent question about the best way to do this. I was also concerned about possible health risks doing this through a sauna.

    I haven't been to Brazil so I can't weigh in on the dispute between badboy and pylonguy, except it would seem to me that in a macho culture the men wouldn't have any problem fucking another guy's gf and might even get off on it, because it's competitive or w/e. Actually that's why I thought Brazil might be a good place to try this (besides the fact that both me and my gf find Brazilian guys sexy).

  10. Definitely love Dominican guys, and loved my trip with my gf to the DR. Dominican guys are often ripped, big dicks and fuck like champs. I've been with a couple in nyc who fucked my mouth,  one was gay, one bi. and in the DR me and my gf hooked up with one jacked guy maybe a little lighter skin than the one you're posting, he certainly didn't mind me and her sharing his big dick and I watched him fuck her. Many are bi, many straight guys will do it for pay I hear, and I'd certainly describe their fucking style as a "beatdown" lol

  11. 1 hour ago, SolaceSoul said:

    You’re so sure of yourself. So, why come in here seeking advice on whether it’ll work for you in Rio? You obviously don’t need our help. You’re the one who asked if really attractive men in Brazil would be down for your cuck fantasies and fuck your girlfriend while you watch, so apparently you didn’t know. NOW, all of a sudden, you’re so confident? 

    Florida or anywhere else in the USA are by no means similar to Rio or anywhere in Brazil. And unless you found a place similar to working boy saunas in The Dominican Republic that no one else here is familiar with for recruiting for your cuck fantasy games, you’re comparing apples to oranges. 

    Tell you what, smartass. Do the complete opposite of everything I just advised. You’re right. Those sex workers who make their money from sex will be happy to fuck your girlfriend with you, a guy, watching or playing around with them for free.

    I wasn't just talking about sex workers though. You implied normal Brazilian guys on the beach or in a bar might "get violent" or "ask for money" if offered sex by a pretty girl. But it's not like they're that different from other men, and this sounds like a fantasy of yours. I mean you do know girls travel from America and Europe and actually have sex with attractive Brazilian guys for free all the time right?

    Also yes btw, most men would happily play the part of "the stud" in this scenario and let a boyfriend watch. I'm pretty sure about that, from experience. Everyone knows it too. My question had to do with something a little different, like how common this was in Brazil as opposed to just regular threesomes and stuff like that, and of etiquette maybe in bringing it up. In America where cuckolding now is at least a well-known kink it's not such a big deal to bring up.

    The sex worker thing is a different issue. I agree guys who meet you at a sex sauna are likely to do it for money only, because why not? Also you did give good advice for that, which I will probably follow. I'm not cheap or unwilling to pay, I just wanted to set up a more "natural" scenario. I'll play it by ear. It's possible even as  sex worker they might be willing to hook up alone with her for free, as long as they got paid for other regular sessions with me there. Lol. Let's forget about it! Not here to get into fights dude.

  12. 1 hour ago, BlkSuperman said:

    Yassssssss. You and your gf sounds like my kind of couple. Living life on your terms and carefree. There are a ton of bisexual guys in the saunas with families at home. I think the sauna might be the best alternative for you and your gf. My husband and I have been with at least 6 six from the saunas who have a wife/girlfriend. Also, whenever we take a guy from the sauna we only pay $300R, which is considerably cheap to have a, "fucking good time," pun intended. At the sauna you know the guys are there to have sex and usually at a VERY REASONABLE price. Have fun. Take pics and send to me in a private message. Lol!

    Actually, if you're looking for a few hung guys, I can refer about 3 guys to you. They are hung like mules and will pound her like a drummer in a marching band.


    lol. Yes sounds great. The saunas may indeed be the most convenient, even if it is for pay, at least initially. Again I don't mind paying it's more the "natural" aspects of it for her, but in the saunas it may be the most convenient. And I'm very curious to try it out for myself ofc. As for sending you private of her lolll she'll have to approve of it? Haha. I'd definitely be interested in the guys you know about though. Bonus points if they're also fit/muscular and have great sexual energy. We like aggressive guys who can fuck lol

  13. 22 minutes ago, SolaceSoul said:

    I’m going to try to keep my responses to you in the same polite and genteel fashion that you’ve been kind enough to keep here.

    I wouldn’t advise you trying your beach fantasy thing without a guide (meaning, someone you know who can introduce you to like-minded guys on the beach). Otherwise, you’re asking for trouble for you and your GF. When I say trouble, I mean getting setup or violence. 

    If your GF is truly that hot (in comparison to what’s in Rio beaches, that’s a tall order), then propositions may happen naturally. However, although sex can be easy to find in Rio, as a white male foreigner tourist on his first trip, be prepared to pay — whether it’s an agreed-upon amount up front or a demanded amount afterwards. I am not saying that this is bound to occur, but being prepared in the event it does happen will uncomplicate your life a dozen-fold. I cannot count how many times I’ve talked to privileged tourists who think that brasileiro/as are going to be wowed by their sheer looks / personality / whatever, and then they become totally outraged, shocked or dismayed when they’re asked to pay for it somehow. Don’t be that guy.

    Secondly, it would be a huge mistake for you to presume that a garoto — a sex worker — will fuck your GF for free, especially while you watch. These guys have their own wives and girlfriends and side pieces. The likelihood of them being so impressed with your GF that they will waive a fee for you is foolish — especially since you want a regular arrangement. Again, expect to pay (for two), and maybe be pleasantly surprised if you don’t have to, or get offered a discount. But I highly doubt it. 

    Sauna workers are most likely going to practice safe sex more than any rando you meet on the beach, the street or an app.

    Re: the beach guy (or any guy) that I know — sorry, but I just don’t go there. I don’t know you at all, this could go south quickly for everyone involved (including me), and my years of internet experience and travel experience have taught me well to avoid fulfilling those kinds of requests. There ARE others here, however, who don’t seem to adhere to my principles and just hand out contact information and photos of guys they have met like candy to kids during Halloween. Maybe one of them will give you an assist in that area?

    But I do wish you well and hope that you and your GF have a fun-filled, safe time.


    lol I've been looking at posts on this forum and it's like, yes people get a little bit unnecessarily confrontational. Not sure why you're doing it, but I'll try not to engage.

    I'm writing with friendly questions about a fun sexual escapades type thing. Sounds like you've maybe got some issues.

    For the record I've done this with my girlfriend before, in Florida and also in the Dominican Republic. Most guys don't charge to get a hot girl dude sorry to burst your bubble (and I think we're also pretty careful about "violent") It's like the way you talk is weird. "Girl, you MAY have the privilege of NOT paying for sex but don't count on it" it's like get over yourself dude. Most guys would bang even not-hot girls, idc if they're Brazilian or Dutch or from Singapore. Men want sex with women, at least most straight guys are on the prowl and up for that any time.


  14. 1 hour ago, Kevie770 said:

    I envy you! If I could find a beautiful black woman to have Bi sex with. I would marry her and have freaky sex trips all the time.  But unfortunately Bi is the same thing as gay in the black community. Enjoy your time I’m sure you won’t have any trouble finding a guy that would be delighted to fuck your young wife with or without you; rather than an old loose booty queen lol! I would go to the sauna so you know exactly what you're getting. I hope you both find that perfect guy or guys!  

    Thanks lol. May I suggest sir that if a beautiful black queen won't do this with you, you also consider a freaky white girl. Some like my gf are into this kind of thing. We're just a polite educated white couple with a fetish for young tall strong tan guys, nothing to see here lol.

    I'm going to check out the saunas for sure. I thought the advantage on the beach or in a bar might be that it's for free/and also more "natural." But I guess a sauna guy could maybe be enticed into a longer-term thing too.

  15. 25 minutes ago, SolaceSoul said:

    Your situation is definitely do-able, as long as you conduct your business intelligently and discreetly. Almost every working garoto and casually non-working one that I know prefers to have sex with women (or at least publicly does).

    Many advertising working garotos de programa indicate that they are open to both men and women, knowing damn well that women rarely if ever peruse those gay escort ads. If you aren’t a Portuguese speaker, when you see ads, look for “homens e mulheres” — which means men and women. Also, the word for couples is “casais” (“travesti” means trans, for what it’s worth). Look at many garoto de programa, or “boy” ads and you’ll see one or more of these phrases. You can easily try a garoto out from an ad or an app like Grindr or Planet Romeo / Hunqz.

    Re: saunas, of course, your girlfriend cannot enter (and for this, I shall be eternally grateful). But most of the working guys in there will probably be interested in your arrangement, granted the pay is right (remember that they are there to make money, and often what the client looks like is of little concern). Offsite programas will most likely cost you more, as well as the costs of two clients in one who are present during the session (whether male/female or male/male), and the transportation costs to and from your hotel/apartment. Your GF being attractive to them might sweeten the deal a little. But, the sauna would be a good place for you to sample the goods yourself first, and show him photos of your GF,  as well as get a feel if you are comfortable with him and introducing him to your girl.

    Re: the beach, this may be the riskiest move with the least opportunity for reward. Unless you already know the guy is a working guy, and know someone who knows his reputation, I would avoid this one without someone to guide you along on your first trip. I actually know several beach guys who somewhat clandestinely work the beaches for either men or women, but that takes a great deal of time and effort. FYI: One of my beach favorites (who definitely fits your desired description) met two of my visiting very hot lipstick lesbian friends with me on the beach, and literally spent the entire next week trying to fuck them (they weren’t about that life, however). I never asked but I got the strong feeling that he is the type that would be very uncomfortable with a woman knowing he also does guys. This is NOT a situation you’d want to get into in an unfamiliar environment.

    Good luck and exercise good judgment and caution.



     Hey dude thanks for the nice reply. This is all good to know! Just to clarify, when I said the possibility of a guy on the beach I didn't mean a guy for pay. Most or at least many young straight guys, presented with the opportunity to bang a pretty hot girl (which my gf is lol) would take it even if it meant her boyfriend watching (some may even like that, as it's become a little more popular as a fetish in the USA lately. I guess I also wanted to ask if this is done/relatively normal in Rio right now? Or if we'd be seen as total weirdos even suggesting it. Assuming of course we were going to do it being discreet/smart/polite, I just want to know if it's something guys there are familiar with more or less).

    The advantages of the two of us hooking up with a guy on the beach are that it would be free and more "natural" I guess. The disadvantage is that we don't know ahead of time how hung he is (lol I know clichee but it's part of our thing). I guess this could be solved with her using Tinder, through which a guy could send a shot by text, but again, I'm wondering if "my boyfriend would be there" would spook a lot of guys off. Also they could lie or send a false photo.

    In the sauna I'm thinking the advantage is exactly what you say. I'd be able to see exactly what I'm getting beforehand. Also to sample it myself lol (the idea of blowing a hot tan or dark skinned Brazilian stud before he fucks my gf is as you might imagine a major turn on for me). The disadvantage, aside from paying (which isn't a big deal, I'd def be willing to pay for the right guy) is that it's "less natural" and maybe if he's a garoto for pay, maybe also less safe? And I mean less safe in all kinds of ways, including health? I don't know, sorry if I'm making assumptions.

    I'd imagine also though that if I hired a sauna guy to "sample" for myself first he might be willing to agree to a longer-term (over the weeks) arrangement where I do pay him when I'm involved or suck him off or whatever, but maybe he'd be with her for fun? I mean assuming some of these guys are straight or prefer girls like you say. And again it's not about me being cheap, but more like she might like it more and it might be more "natural" if he likes to hook up with her for fun and not for pay.

    But anyway sorry to go on but just wanted to clarify. It's not in general hard to get a guy eager to do this for free, but there are advantages and disadvantages to both sides of things. And I AM very curious about the sauna guys. But wondering if you think even a sauna guy would be willing to lower or get rid of the rates (for her) altogether for a longer-term arrangement.

    Also since you say you know a guy who fits the bill, would be curious to hear about him lol (or about any other guy, at sauna or not, who you think might be right for this. Again paying is not a problem).

  16. 44 minutes ago, Badboy81 said:

    Is is unusual in Brazil but Im sure you would be able to find somebody to accommodate you and your girlfriend...I havent seen any female just hanging out in the saunas ever so you would probably have to recruit the guy with pics and telling them what you hare looking for....use google translate if you don't speak Portuguese...

    Not sure how many guys would be open to a 3some but Im sure you can persuade somebody from the saunas to do it....you may be able to find somebody off the apps...

    Just use your best judgement and make sure what you are looking to do is stated clearly so you wont have any issues...

    Have a great time...

    Thanks. Just to clarify we're not looking for a classical 3some, at least to start with, but specifically for the fantasy where he fucks her and I watch. I think this should be easier?

  17. I'm bi (I'll explain soon why this is relevant). Traveling soon to Rio after Carnaval. Been reading the forum/curious to try this for a while.

    I'll be coming with my girlfriend. We're both 25 and she's adventurous. Basically she likes Brazilian/Latin guys (we both do lol) so we're looking for a guy around our age or younger, who fits the bill of what she likes. Which is basically tan/brown skin, muscular/fit/sixpack handsome and a big dick. Sounds clicheed I know it, but it's what we want/like. I'd be looking mainly to watch while my gf has fun with him, at least to start with. We'll be spending six weeks there so an ongoing arrangement would be great if first time works out.

    What I wanted to ask was advice, first of all, is this normal/common in Brazil now or will it be seen as weird of us as a thing to look for? In America it's definitely something that's not so unusual right now, especially among young couples to try out, and a relatively normal "kink." But I'm not sure how it is in Brazil or if we'd be seen as weirdos to try it out/ask/look for it.

    Second, I was thinking of finding a guy for her from club 117? Not sure if this is the best way, so I wanted to get advice. I think it would definitely be possible (I think?) to find a guy on the beach to do this (she's quite attractive/fit so it's not like she'd have trouble getting a guy lol) but given all our requirements it might be more convenient to try to find someone at 117 from what I've seen. I'm asking if you think this is a decent idea and I mean also in regards to SAFETY and also doability, in all ways.

    I know my question is somewhat unusual for this forum maybe but I thought there might be posters here who could give advice or if we'd be going about this the wrong way.

  18. 26 minutes ago, Tomcal said:

    I am not sure what you want me to say? I said what imho are the best nights at 117 for the last number of years,  Saturday and Weds nights are the worse there not saying you can’t find some one on those nights but your odds increase exponentially on Tues-Thurs-Sun nights!

    Sat nights are not great anywhere unless there is a special event going on! Saturday is date night for the sauna guys! :-)

    Thanks tomcal. What about Fridays? Not busy? I'm just asking because I heard before that Tuesday and Friday were the big nights at 117 but not sure if this has changed.

  19. 12 hours ago, Tomcal said:

    Tuesday’s, Sunday’s and Thursday’s are the best nights at 117(in that order)

    Weds definitely Pointe!

    I have often gone to all 3 Saunas in the same night! Starting at Meo Mundi at 5:00 going to 117 at 7:00 and endining up at pointe around 9:00. They all are within a few blocks of a Metro/subway stops on the same line be.

    I am curious about this. I would have thought at 117 it's Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, but it's not? Sundays and Thursdays are good?

  20. 9 minutes ago, scott456 said:

    Yes, sauna cost R100 per 40 minute session, but you need to add the entrance fee and the room charge.  The total is close to R200.  But the rooms at sauna are usually not nice (compare to a hotel room).   The plus side with sauna is you see the guy in person before you decide if you want him, as opposed to online photos.

    Yes I agree with this, which is why I wanted to know if people were posting reviews of the guys on netgay and elsewhere. In particular I'm interested in the one who I just posted.

  21. 1 hour ago, msclelovr said:

    If you're so curious about Lucas Ferraz, have you contacted him direct to ask if he will top a gay man? I ask only because his advert states that he provides service to women and heterosexual couples.

    He has a different ad and name on netgay, which I couldn't access last night for some reason.


    Again, really curious to know if anyone has hired him before and what experiences you've had.

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