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Everything posted by gayinpattaya

  1. Spot on advice. The number of times I have bought a 7 baht bottle of water from 711 with a 1000 baht note? Hundreds of times. The better advice is get a BOLT or a GRAB and not deal with the tuktuk/taxi mafia.
  2. I can't even remember the last time I saw a "sexy twink" at a Massage shop in Pattaya. 6 years ago? There were a couple of cute freelancers before high season who ended up at Soda Massage in Jomtien Complex, but at this point you might as well be sticking a sausage in the channel tunnel. @floridarob can give you a full rundown on this issue, but on the flipside. I wish you luck. I actually feel sorry for the tourists who come here now. I see some guys looking like Rick in the first episode of The Walking Dead, wondering what the fuck is going on. Then again, a good percentage of the tourist look like the zombies.
  3. Water started on the 10th in Jomtien Complex. Insane! Luckily the chalk power didn't. You are correct, I personally know a number a people who are, or already have came down from Bangkok to continue the insanity. While the 19th will be a blast in Jomtien Complex, I must admit I am looking forward to the 20th! My brother is even coming, but @floridarob wont be here to suck his dick. Oops.
  4. Actually, growing up I always thought I was the only gay in the village. Then my brother happened.
  5. Paypal me 3000 TBH and I will tell you the truth of what's happening, and send photos, time stamped, within 24 hours. Times have passed of expats giving desperate visitors free information. No loss to me!
  6. I hate the fact I am replying to you. But here goes. I'm currently on my second year of studying Thai language. Our lessons are are currently reading and writing Thai language.. I know the "alphabet" as such. You have been coming to Thailand for over a decade or two. You still can't ask for more ice for your cheap charlie drink. I hope Trump wins and revokes your passport. Take note Bacardi has gone up 30 baht. I hope you sold enough pizza to cover the cost. Take care FRIEND!
  7. Lot's of cultural appropriation going on here.
  8. Why? In Thai culture they are below you. Trust me, they laugh at people like you. The joy I get from studying Thai language lol. Please tell us at what level of hands you greet bar boys? Chin? Nose? Forehead? Do you know their nationality? Do you walk around in a 50 Baht "Pattaya" tank top?
  9. Avoid. It's a shit hole. Restaurant has been modernised, the lovely old ladies who served us for years are gone! They seem to be catering for the chinks.
  10. I've seen farang "wai" Vietnamese bar boys, which is even more funny.
  11. Don't do it till you understand it. Good that you watched a video. The amount of tourists I see "wai" other westerners with their hands level with their head is funny as fuck. I shouldn't complain, we all love comedy. I imagine they greet street food venders as royalty also.
  12. Just as a note. Word is, the 4am closings, at this time, will not include Jomtien Complex. Maybe tomorrow that will change! Who the hell knows.....
  13. The only places that will stay open later are the cannabis cafes and clubs. Extended hours do not include alcohol sales. No bar or club will stay open to serve tea and coffee. See below:- Anutin Charnvirakul, the Thai Minister of the Interior and Deputy Prime Minister, has stated that the upcoming hours extension for entertainment venues until 4AM will not cover alcohol sales, leading to widespread criticism from business owners and tourism associations. He says that patrons can stay inside but alcohol sales will be prohibited after the legal time of 12-2 AM depending on area. Source:- https://thepattayanews.com/2023/11/05/thai-deputy-prime-minister-warns-entertainment-venues-that-extended-hours-do-not-cover-alcohol-sales/?fbclid=IwAR3W-0XFvZpjEfQteStRbmJ_djhrzU1XspyZmUm6PZD2HCz_NJMkGRGn9BY
  14. Some have been drifting through Jomtien Complex. Surprisingly they never get a "HELLOOO WELCOMEEE" from any of the bars.
  15. Let them have it. England has been lost already. A failed state shithole. I'll just keep myself as far away from them as possible.
  16. There are Indians EVERYWHERE. In fact, some areas of Pattaya look, feel and SMELL like India now. My Thai friend from Chiang Mai was horrified how they have ghettoised an entire area of Pattaya.
  17. To be fair, depending on your definition of what justifies "danger", this place could lead you down some dangerous rabbit holes. Financial holes also.
  18. Good to know. Thankfully Pattaya's rotten old regulars are dropping off at 1 or 2 a week at the moment. Couldn't be happier about that.
  19. Just to correct you, try doing them back to back, leaving and re-entering, and see how the Thai/Viet/Cambodian/Lao immigration officers look at you. The question wasn't about availability. It was about frequency. I'm surprised some of you managed to access the internet and talk here.
  20. They CAN refuse and do. Meet all requirements. Fucking yanks and their entitlement.
  21. Turn your heads to Japan. They are past the point of no return.
  22. Lol, democrat yanks. No sense of humour. But thank you for the photos of shit hole countries. Reminds us where we shouldn't go. Lovely to see your CNN trash knowledge. He is African. Deal with it. Go cry to Biden. Trump 2024. ----- When you leave on a 30 day exemption is doesn't expire. You are stamped out, thus cancelled. If your exemption expired you would still be in country, and thus face fines, detention, and possible issues if you plan to re-enter in the future. Yes, one can return within a day or 2 for a new exemption, but people do get turned away when they used this entry method multiple times, especially in repetition. Immigration officers have the authority to turn people away, and they do it. Go read Thai Visa forums.
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