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  1. since we mentioned Myanmar in this topic, one of the guys that spent the night with in Yangon told me later than as he exiting the hotel, someone from the reception called him and said: "Hey, you look good. Can you leave your contact number? We have customers that like young guys. We can give you a call". They were pretty much trying to pimp him out.😁
  2. Frankly this list is just as ridiculous as the others. It puts New Caledonia above Thailand. Nothing against NC (I've actually have visited it). Great for diving with its amazing barrier reef, but way fewer options if you want to explore something smoother than coralsđŸ€Ș. Also, Angola ranking higher than Japan and Barbados ranking higher than Hong Kong. Maybe it's a list for gay people pursuing a vow of chastity.
  3. https://e.vnexpress.net/news/travel/southeast-asia-s-second-largest-economy-receives-19-7-million-foreign-tourists-4773479.html do you think they will the 40 million tourist target?
  4. I think this is mostly because of the internal conflict going on in Myanmar. It doesn't much reflect the petty or street crime in there. I've only went to Myanmar once, 7 years ago so during their brief "democracy" period, but I remember that it felt really safe, especially considering the level of poverty in there. Remember even Lonely Planet mentioning something along that line. They explained by saying that during the long military junta the punishments were really harsh, even for the pettiest of crime. Well, Manila has definitely more crime than BKK, Phnom Phen, Hanoi or even Jakarta. Remember going there the first time around 15 years ago and making the mistake of staying in Malate/Ermite, having read that it was the gay area. It definitely felty more chaotic, dirty and more dangerous than BKK and PP. Obviously, the jury was lacking any rice queen.
  5. Yeah, I remember it was kinda difficult crossing main roads in PP. How does Grab work in there btw? Did you have the same issues you encountered in Manila? Or is Passap, that @vinapu is mentioning, a better choice? Can you pay by card with Passap? Is Grindr the most active app in Cambodia? In Vietnam for example, HeeSay(ex Blued) has way more profiles than Grindr or Hornet. I'm a slim top guy in my mid-30s, usually look younger than my age. Have had my fair share of Khmer guys in BKK, the US and a couple even in Europe. I'm quite the fan as they have twinkish looks, great bubble butts and tend to be really smooth. Do you think I'll get the same reception on the apps in there as in Manila or HCMC (as you himself said getting contacted by 30-40 profiles per day). I should also say that I'm also mostly looking for free sex. I rarely go to any club, bar, gogo bar, etc. Usually the only gay venues I care about are cruising bars and saunas. Now regarding the latter I have read mixed reviews in here. A Thai friend of mine though recommended I go to Paul and Arthur. He said he had lots of fun. I also will be there only from Sunday till Friday, as I want to spend the weekend in Singapore (quite the fan of the Keybox sauna in there). So not sure, if it will be the best time to go to a sauna in there. Sorry for this barrage of questions and I hope people in here don't feel I'm derailing this topic.
  6. Thanks for this piece of information @roughjock Honestly, was the biggest issue during my trip to the Phils, mostly because it was unexpected. It started at the airport where I tried for around 45 minutes and at the end had to queue up for a regular taxi. Pretty frustrating, especially when it happed night time.. Never had this kind of problem in other countries where Grab is available. I would say Vietnam is probably the best. Never had to wait more than 2 minutes for the car to show up. I was actually thinking of going to Cebu this December, as I have never been in that city. It's choice between Cebu and Phnom Penh, as the last time I was in Cambodia was around 15 years, while I was still in college, so it was before the advent of apps. I was already leaning more towards PP but your info kinda sealed the deal.
  7. I agree, that's why i mentioned seasoned traveler compared to more sporadic ones. I still think that in light of Thailand extending the visa free period and the number of countries it offers it too and even Indonesia removing the need for a visa on arrival for many countries, the visa policy of Cambodia and Vietnam is pretty shortsighted. I believe Cambodia still maintains the requirement for a visa because it doesn't want to give up the income that it generates. It can probably be solved by implementing an arrival/departure tax. Vietnam's policy is a bit more peculiar as they allow a good number of European countries to travel without visa but not citizens of the US, Canada, Australia, France which represent quite a big market. I assume is because these countries have large Vietnamese diasporas, including opponents of the ruling party, so the visa is there just to filter out any "agitator".
  8. Turned out that taking a Grab, at least for me when I was in Manila around 2 years ago, was much more difficult that I was expecting. Lots of times I had to wait 4-5 minutes just to have a car assigned to me and then wait sometimes even 10 minutes for the car to arrive. Around 4-5 times I even got a "All drivers are busy. Retry later" message. Not sure if the situation is better now but at that made my trip quite I think it's mostly like that in Manila. none of my guests had to go through check-in at the hotel I was staying in Puerto Princesa, Palawan. It's still more flexible that in some other countries like Vietnam where the check-in at hotels is strictly enforced. In both countries if you want more privacy (maybe because you are bringing 2+ more at the same time) an Airbnb is the best choice. I think the Philippines is more suitable for a top tourist. My main issue with Pinoy guys though is that a good number of them are not as smooth as other Asians. It's true also that they tend to be super clingy. Way more than other guys in SEA.
  9. Thanks. Looks like Yahoo removed the link. Does anyone know how to embed text from a link in a post? Used to be that when you would paste a link, it would give you the option to automatically paste its content but looks like this new version of WordPress doesn't do that anymore.
  10. I would say that' carbon monoxide poising is the most probable cause. Reminds me of https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/28/americas/sandals-bahamas-resort-deaths-carbon-monoxide-police/index.html. I always thought though that water heating in Thailand is mostly electric, usually through the use of tankless heaters. If that is found to be the case, hopefully it pushes hotels to install CO detectors.
  11. https://www.yahoo.com/news/riddle-six-foreigners-found-dead-151229507.htm
  12. Most probably people over 60s that don't have much domestication with online things. Don't think any seasonal traveler under 40s would make a decision just based on visa policy. I mean, Vietnam is still very popular with Americans, Aussie and Canadians even though they have to apply online for a visa. Have to agree though that some visa websites are not easy to navigate, the photo requirements are ridiculous or they are just plain buggy. Was applying for an Uzbekistan visa around two months ago and got stuck at the photo validation step. Thankfully Reddit came to my help.
  13. No problem with guests at hotels in Malaysia. Much better than other places like Vietnam, Indonesia or Philippines were you need the check-in your guests. Plenty of affordable Airbnbs though if you choose to do that.
  14. I meant he did that with every guy he had sex with, even the ones he didn't record, just to be safe. Of course you need an ID and a release form if you want to publish on OF.
  15. I think in his particular case, the FBI arrested a different guy for possession of child pornography. During his confession, he made the name of Austin Wolf and said he was exchanging videos with him. Using his phones, the FBI exchanged more videos with AW and were able to track their destination as the apartment where he lived. I think this was enough evidence for a judge to issue a search warrant for his apartment where they found a SD card containing numerous videos of child pornography including the one with the 10 years old guy mentioned above. I think a guy as notorious as Austin Wolf in the gay circles, known for his liking of young twinks, would have to worry more about being framed by the guys he had sex with than by authorities. Easy for a 16 or 17 years old guy to induce to meet him and then blackmail him later. He probably checked the ID and even probably took a pic of it for every guy he had sex with, but even that might not be enough as most IDs can be faked quite easily.
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