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Posts posted by EmmetK

  1. It is very obvious to all open-minded voters that Dementia Joe's handlers, the DNC, and the fake news media  are concealing his mental decline/dementia. They parade him in public as little as possible and when they do allow him to make an appearance, they spend days trying to tell us that we didn't see what we obviously saw. They are pathetic corrupt animals who don't want to give up their malicious grip on America. Too bad, because they are about to lose it.
    Though admittedly the democrats are hardly capable of governing and leading even when they are in perfect health.

    I would suggest that Below Average Joe’s dementia is probably secondary to his stupidity, incompetence, congenital dishonesty, and corruption.

  2. 9 hours ago, RockyRoadTravel said:

    He'll have to be focused.....

    Dementia Joe Biden focused?  lol. He hasn't been focused in years. He doesn't know his sister from his wife and he needs help just to put his diapers on every morning.

    Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping


    Whoa! The WSJ just found out what the rest of the world has known for years. Glad they “woke” up.
    Actually, The WSJ was being charitable in saying that Dementia Joe is slipping. The more accurate description is that while all of the lights are on - no one is home..

    Biden's decline is accelerating. He already has one foot in the grave.

    Dementia Joe Biden's handlers and the fake news media can only try to cover up his slipping for a few more weeks until all of America sees the meds wear off and him fall flat during the debate. He will be exposed and replaced on the ticket before the DNC. They will have no choice other than to watch DJT win in a landslide. 

    Trump 2024

  3. 2 hours ago, Bingo T Dog said:

    And we know anything coming from your sole source of information - msn.com, - about Trump will be fair, accurate and unbiased...  
    Not too gullible. Are we?  lol.

  4. Crime has surged under Biden. When police and DA’s don’t arrest or prosecute rampant crime. Crime numbers fall. It’s very easy to identify.

    When crimes are not investigated & arrests are not made, guess what, crime goes down. Defund the Police = fewer  arrests + Blue DA's - no prosecution = Crime is down. 

  5. There are a number of sites and organizations that track the illegal incursions and also the crimes they've committed against US citizens: Fairus.org .

    About the evidence of "releasing them." Dementia Joe's orders are to make no serious attempt to stop or detain. The few they can identify as known criminals are "arrested" then recorded, then either stopped and sent back, or let go into the country. How they parse these profiles remains a mystery, and maybe depends and weighing their past records if any.

    5,000 ILLEGAL ALIENS CROSSED THE BORDER OF THE US IN THE LAST 12 HOURS. That makes 10,000 in a single day and

    Here are a couple recent murders perpetrated by Biden's illegals that come to mind quickly:
    Laken Riley, 22, killed by illegal alien Jose Antonio Ibarra.
    Julie Graichen, age 26, killed by illegal alien in New Hampshire.
    Mollie Tibbets, age 20, killed by illegal alien Christian Rivera in IA


    Yet the numbers don't give a nuanced look at the damage done by illegal aliens. How much suffering they cause can't be calculated easily. They funnel government medical care dollars, social services, welfare funds, charitable contributions, etc. away from US-born. This means money that is given to the less fortunate of our CITIZENS ending up with those who broke international law like the invaders from LA. When someone invades your country and is taking assets meant for citizens then that is stealing.

    These are the reasons that Dementia Joe Biden is trailing in every poll. These are the reasons that DJT will be the 47th President of the US.
    Nobody, except the hardcore left and their lackeys in the fake news media, care about a paperwork violation when compared to the untold damage done to this country by Dementia Joe Biden.

  6. Trump was found guilty in a show trial of a paperwork violation in a kangaroo court.
    Meanwhile Dementia Joe Biden has released hundreds of thousands of dangerous criminals into America and untold tons of deadly drugs. More than 400,000 Americans have died from overdose since Dementia Joe's election. Tell me, witch crime is worse? The American voters will render their decision this fall. And the woke leftists won't be happy with the verdict!

  7. It is no surprise to anyone except the woke partisans and those with their heads in the sand that Donald J. Trump is leading in almost every poll, and in most cases, his lead  beyond the margin of error.
    What I can't wrap my mind around is anyone who would even consider voting for Biden, an old weak, decrepit, degenerate with severe cognitive issues. 
    Who in their right mind would vote for Dementia Joe Biden, after all the harm he has done to America and our allies. People who would vote for the Alzheimer's patient are crazy. You don't give a man with mental deficiencies the nuclear codes.

    I guess if you're getting government handouts, like having your $100,000 student loan forgiven,  I might consider it. Fortunately I paid mine off long ago so that is not an option.

  8. Dementia Joe Biden is like a slinky: Totally useless, but it sure is a lot of fun watching it go down a flight of steps.

    Dementia Joe's handlers and the fawning, fake news media can only try to cover up his slipping for a few more weeks until all of America sees the meds wear off and him fall flat during the debate. He will be exposed and replaced on the ticket before the DNC. They will have no choice other than to watch DJT win in a landslide. 

    Every Democrat denying Dementia Joe's cognitive problems should be put in jail for knowingly aiding and abetting a Resident that's lost his mind. The guy is CRAZY and yet they let him stay in office, even if it's in the basement.

    Trump 2024

  9. And the news keeps getting better ad better and better

    A new Fox News poll out tonight, agreeing with all of the other polls...
    Donald Trump increasing his pre-phony conviction numbers in swing states in a multi-candidate race:

    Arizona: Trump +5

    Nevada: Trump +5

    Florida: Trump +7

    Virginia: Tie


    Long live the TRUMP BUMP!!

    We need more phony indictments and kangaroo court convictions......  lol.

    Trump 2024

  10. More evidence of the post-phony conviction Trump Bump.

    Another swing state poll out today shows DJT increasing his lead over Dementia Joe Biden in the Tar Heel state to 5 points. Again, beyond the margin of error.


    Trump 2024

  11. The Wall Street Journal spoke to more than 45 people — Republicans and Democrats — over several months about these meetings, including to some who said Biden mumbled and spoke so softly people struggled to hear him, closed his eyes for so long people wondered if he had “tuned out,” and had to read from notes to make “obvious points.”

    I blame Dr. Jill.
    Anyone who loved her spouse wouldn't want him to be an a s s on the world stage. This is elder abuse. She must really love the power she gets from dragging him around on a leash, and handing the leash off to his entourage. Disgusting.

    The WSJ article clearly points out that Dementia Joe is not even able to think during important meetings so SOMEONE is calling the shots. It is either Obama (who took up residence in DC after his 2 terms), or rich string pullers like Soros, or naive ivy league pencil necked geeks that think they can solve the worlds problems with a computer, but it for sure ain't Biden. You don't need a tin hat to know that.

    It’s gone/going the way the Wilson administration did. A feeble leader with someone else making the decisions. And Wilson was the worst president in American history..... until now. Even Jimmy Carter, while over his head, was a good man at heart.

  12. In even better news for Trump, swing state Michigan went from +2 Biden pre-phony conviction to +1 Trump post-phony conviction


    And swing state Georgia went from +5 Trump pre-phony conviction to +6 Trump post-phony conviction....


    Too bad there won't be any more court cases before November.....  lol.


  13. No question that Biden will get the biggest chunk of the gay vote,
    However, there is no doubt that Trump's % of the gay vote will increase significantly. VERY significantly just like Trump's chunk of the black and Hispanic vote.
    Gay voters like blacks and Hispanics and all other Americans don't want a commander-in-chief with dementia. They don't want high inflation, high interest rates, open borders, high crime, etc.

    Opinion | Donald Trump's Gay Amnesia - The New York Times

  14. “Report: Biden Shows Signs of ‘Slipping’ Behind Closed Doors”

    Dementia Joe Biden has already slipped, fallen, and is lying - and lying - either face down or belly up in a puddle in the women’s restroom, not knowing which way is up.

    The Democrat Media like to blame his age. Don't give into the Democrat Media's distraction ploy.

    True he has dementia, but it's his corruption, incompetence and dishonesty.

  15. It’s been a week since a fascist Kangaroo Court in Manhattan found former President Trump guilty of 34 fake crimes, and he STILL LEADS IN THE POLLS

    On May 30, all the scheming, plotting, and conspiring between the Biden White House and the judicial system came together to create the talking point that Donald Trump is a convicted felon. After a group of political lynchers who called themselves a jury made that talking point official, the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party we call the corporate media, aka serial liars.....

    …like the good dogs they are, spent a week repeating the “convicted felon” talking point like it was a mantra, a prayer. And to them, it is a prayer to their pagan god of a Big Fascist Government that promises to micromanage our lives into something conformist and miserable while they prance about pretending to have earned a place in the aristocracy.

    The goal was obvious, the same goal these demonic institutions have had since Trump road that escalator straight down into the Oval Office: destroy the man, crush him into a dust as soft as flour, and above all, make an example of him so no outsider dares to ever try and Make America Great Again again.


    In the RealClearPolitics poll of national polls, Trump’s lead has increased over His Fraudulency Dementia Joe Biden.  On May 30, Trump led The Man Tara Reade Has Credibly Accused of Rape by 2.0 points. Today, after the release of four post-phony conviction polls, Trump leads by 2.2 points.

    Granted, 0.2 points in movement is not much; hardly worth mentioning. But you know that 0.2 is making fascist leftists all over the country and on this forum gulp, so let’s go ahead and mention it.

    Oh, and the first Emerson (not normally friendly to Trump) post-phony conviction Presidential poll has Trump with his biggest lead +6 in a multi-candidate race. Way beyond the margin of error.




    Trump actually improved his position in the Forbes poll. What had been a tie now shows Trump leading by +2, 51-49 percent.


    Dementia Joe Biden will be the first president to lose to a wrongfully convicted felon !!  


  16. 1 hour ago, Stable Genius said:

    "If you can't stay awake in your own criminal trial, you might not be the best person to run the country."

    Joyce Vance

    When you're quoting "Joyce Vance", it means you have reached rock-bottom!!  lmfao.
    Joyce Vance!!!!  haha

    Joyce Vance? The entire country was on pins and needles to hear the opinion of Joyce Vance. A person nobody heard of and nobody gives 2 s__ts about her opinion.
    Can't wait to see who you will quote next......

  17. 15 hours ago, Goober said:

    So, why does a multibillionaire panhandle to elderly widows to donate their social security check to him? 

    And where exactly does Donald Trump "panhandle to elderly widows to donate their social security check to him? I subscribe to Trump Social, I get his e-mails, I follow his website, and I watch his speeches. Can you tell me when and where he asked "elderly widows to donate their social security checks" to him?
    Perhaps I missed it... or more likely fake news, more lies and propaganda from the Trump-hating left.... 

  18. On 3/27/2024 at 2:29 AM, Kostik said:

    Tell dementia Joe that there is no need for amateur performances. It is necessary to read exactly what is written on the teleprompter. There are no railway tracks on the bridge and it is unclear how dementia Joe rode the train there

    Dementia Joe Biden is melting faster than a jar of mayonnaise out in the sun. He couldn't even get a job as a Walmart greeter. They have to be able to give directions.

  19. It's never a good sign when more than half of your party wants to dump you!
    Poor Dementia Joe.... lol.

    54% of Democrats Now Approve of Dumping Biden


    "54% of DEMOCRATS Want Joe Biden Replaced as 2024 Nominee"

    HaHa------Too late democrats-------I don't know how you replace Dementia Joe Biden at this late stage in the game.

    Michelle Obama is not exactly Miss Likable!
    Gavin Newscum has turned California into a gigantic homeless encampment!
    And Illinois Governor Pritzker is doing the same thing to Illinois!

    It sure looks like democrats have painted themselves into a corner with their Green New-Woke-DEI-NO Border-BS Deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jill and Dementia Joe's ego are key. The Dems are stuck with him unless he dies.......

  20. Long-time democrat strategist who lead Bill Clinton to two successful Presidential victories said in his podcast:

    “Talk about cost of living, and ‘we’re going to help deal with this,’” Carville said. “Don’t talk about f—ing Gaza and student loans."

    “We keep wondering why these young people are not coming home to the Democrats,” Carville said in a video address for Politicon on Sunday. “Why are Blacks not coming home to the Democrats? Because Democrat messaging is full of s—, that’s why!”


    Carville, like most democrats to the right of Karl Marx, doesn't approve of the radical Left hijacking of his Party, and the mess they have made for Democrat candidates. The Democrat's messaging was ALWAYS full of s__t. The the fact that the Serpenthead finally admitting it shows how desperate they are.

    The safety and security of American citizens is compromised because of Dementia Joe Biden's refusal to secure the border. The economy is in the crapper due to Bidenflation.

    Yet the chronic pathological liars of Dementia Joe's regime keep repeating the mantras -- 'the border is secure' and 'it's transitory, you have more money'.

    It's good for America that blacks and young voters are realizing that all the puke spewed by Demturds is pure tripe

    The Biden administration losing Carville's approval, is a bad sign for the Party.
    This makes me happy.

    Carville may be a lying snake, but he's a loyal-to-the-Party Democrat.  I'd like to make a silicone death mask copy of James Carville's face so I could sell it on Ebay for Halloween. I'd make millions and he'd be gone forever.

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