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Mavica last won the day on May 16

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    Florida USA

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    6 foot 1
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  1. Happens worldwide, not just Thailand.
  2. ⚠ I can attest to this, from personal experience in Jemaa el Fna. Decades ago, but the incident / altercation remains etched in my memory.
  3. Women in the USA vote in greater numbers than Men do.
  4. 🚯Now you're making me laugh. 💋
  5. Yes, I still doubt his qualifications ... to assume the Presidency the first week of his term as a potential VP. Because I believe he lacks the requisite maturity / experience for the important position. We're supposed to fall in line, lock-step and support Pete because we and he are gay? It's not an on-the-job training / intern opportunity. My candidate preferences aren't determined primarily by the sexual preferences of candidates. I admire Pete and think he will have other opportunities in the years to come. He doesn't hold a candle to a Mark Kelly, though. 🙂
  6. Pres. Biden squandered 3.5 years by choosing not to mentor and bring along possible successors, in addition to VP Harris. I don't doubt VP Harris will get the top job nod from Democrats at the convention. Mayor Pete? I like him, what I heard and saw of him when he ran in the prior Democratic Party primaries won by Joe Biden. However, is he capable / qualified to assume the Presidency if something happened to a President Harris on Day 1? No, I don't think so. I don't think the nation is prepared to knowingly elect a homosexual at that level of office, either. Pundits are already mentioning former Naval Aviator / Astronaut and current Arizona U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly and PA Governor Josh Shapiro as front-runners for the VP nomination. Either of these two would be solid choices and add to the entire ticket. I don't think a two-woman ticket would be successful, though there are a couple of well-qualified women who come to mind: Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Minnesota U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar. I'd have included former disabled helicopter pilot / Illinois U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth but I think there are questions about her birth in Thailand to an American father and whether or not she meets the qualifications because of that (i.e., foreign born). Democrats have a very deep bench of possibilities, had only President Biden not squandered all that time after saying he'd be a transitional President.
  7. Popular in Mexico, Orejas ... elephant ears - sold by bakeries. Following the unsuccessful assassination of Mr. Trump this graphic is circulating in Mexican social media: Trump Ear.
  8. It saddens me to say: President Biden will not be re-elected. Vice President Harris ... were she the Presidential candidate ... would not be elected President.
  9. I've been traveling with a portable combination Carbon Monoxide / Smoke Detector for the past couple of years.
  10. Your contributions to the forums suggest otherwise.
  11. Clearly, you do not understand the focus of the forums.
  12. IMO, the above is a textbook example of prejudice and ignorance.
  13. I'm using Microsoft Edge and have been receiving / seeing that warning for a very long time. I just click through it. Annoying, yes.
  14. If the charges are proven and he's found guilty ... given his prominence in the gay porn industry ... I think he'll see substantial jail time.
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