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KeepItReal last won the day on March 27 2021

KeepItReal had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
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    New York, NY USA

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  • Height
    5 foot 10
  • Weight
    70-74 kg
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    Clean Shaven
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  1. Harris campaign raised >$125 mil in 3 days. Meanwhile, Trump is panicking and selling sneakers...
  2. My time in Thailand has been mainly visiting/recreation thus far. Since I plan to retire in Thailand in a few years, I am concerned that I will grow bored after a hectic working life. So was thinking that I may take on additional studies - pursue a doctorate program in Thailand perhaps. Does anyone here have any experience with higher learning institutions in Asia? 1. Is Thailand's universities a good (and relatively cheap) choice? 2. Is it difficult to enroll? 3. Are cute teaching assistants available (just kidding!) I'd appreciate any thoughts you may have!
  3. Obama reacts to Project 2025...
  4. Good lord! May it be so... I would pay good money to see Mayor Pete take apart JD Vance in a debate!!
  5. Capitalist slut! 😋 (Just like me! 😆)
  6. Or just new to social media!
  7. Yup, all that brain power has me reconsidering my vote...
  8. "One of our own tried to kill our guy. Now we are sure to win!" That is so messed up!! 🙄
  9. So, not considering that the Democrats have been trying to ban assault rifles for years and have warned against Trump's brash rhetoric that encourages violence? Maybe they should just remind voters of that, no?
  10. I am having trouble following your logic. Why does the availability of a briefcase matter? He wasnt assaulted in an office shooting or on the subway heading home from the office?
  11. Really? That makes no sense. The shooter was a white, registered Republican with an AR-15 type rifle. How does that even correlate with Biden?
  12. Maybe. We all remember how sympathetic and compassionate Trump was when Nancy Pelosi was the target of a killer. Oh, who am I kidding - he had no sympathy or compassion even though Nancy's husband ended up in the hospital. No special exceptions for Trump - he deserves the same treatment as he dished out. My 2c.
  13. Nope. They are at the bottom of the list! https://www.worlddata.info/average-penissize.php According to this, @12is12 is correct.
  14. This incident reminds us of something that every gay man knows...every inch counts! (Too soon??)
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