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Stable Genius

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Stable Genius last won the day on February 7

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  1. You show up to a guy's place who's invited you to dinner and he's dressed in satin pajamas, you're either the appetizer or dessert.
  2. “Ms. Daniels, is that man with the small orange penis in the courtroom today?” LOLOLOLOL this is going to be lit!
  3. Judge Merchon threatened to jail tRump today. Put Trump in Epstein’s cell!
  4. The 6-Steps of being a Trump loyalist: 1. Reputation damaged or destroyed 2. Ridiculed, humiliated or laughed at by late night tv comedy show hosts like Jimmy Kimmel 3. Have to hire an attorney 4. Indicted 5. Arrested 6. Jailed The scorecard: Navarro: 6, Michael Cohen 6, Lindsay Graham 2, Rudy 4, Manafort 6, Bannon 6, MoscowMitch 2, Rubio 2, Trump himself: 4.5 (fined for violating gag orders), Ronna McDonald 2. Eastman 4, Cheesbro 4 or 5. Pence 7 because Trump’s angry mob wanted to hang him, Meadows 4, Ellis 4, and now we can add Noem 2, Barr and Sununu both 2 for saying they will vote for Trump when previously denouncing him.
  5. Plastic surgery disaster. Murderous dog-killing slunt. Class warrior. Republican.
  6. Hope Hicks crying today because it made her aware of exactly the person Trump is: Trump told her that “it was better to be dealing with it now, and it would have been bad to have that story come out before the election.” Yup, Hope, that's the man you adore. Thanks for making the case for NY.
  7. Every layer of the Trump onion is saturated with corruption. Where there's putrid smoke like this, Donnie's scorched earth fire isn't far behind. Buckle up and stoke the popcorn. The sordid Trump Media train continues its spectacular derailing. This explains why rapist hired this firm... He needed a firm that was willing to commit SEC fraud
  8. "The depths of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. The dishonesty, the transactional nature of every relationship, though it’s more pathetic than anything else. He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life." -General John Kelly-
  9. Let he who hasn’t paid for sex with a porn star just after the birth of his 5th child, with his third wife, cast the first stone.
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