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Everything posted by 18past19

  1. Thank you everyone for your excellent ideas. That's exactly why I love this forum and you all. I talked to hotels dot com who helped me communicating with Raya, and now the hotel will agree to a full refund if I want to go ahead and cancel my reservation. I am now thinking of all the possible options that I learned from your comments. I will probably use a different cheaper hotel for a short stay on my last day instead of staying at the same hotel for an early check out as vinapu suggested. But an early check in will still be my preference since I will most likely need a short power nap and a shower after an almost 30 hour flight and to be able to enjoy my first night to its fullest. So, I am now making a few different reservations (with free cancellations) and contacting the hotels directly for possibility of an early check in. @vinapu I haven't looked Amara hotel yet. Do you think an early check in will be possible with Amara?
  2. Why not? The more, the merrier.
  3. It sounds like nothing is unknown to vinapu (at least around Silom area). My flight will be arriving at BKK international airport at 8 am on 10/2 and my departing flight will leave at 3:30 am on 10/7. So, I booked a room at Raya for 10/2 - 10/7 with the expectation that they would let me check in earlier. As a pay back, I will check out very early on 10/7. Since my flight is leaving at 3:30 am on 10/7, I will need to check out right after midnight on 10/6 night (very early morning on 10/7). But I booked it through 10/7. So, I can enjoy BKK until the last minute and have a room (more importantly a bathroom) to myself. After I put the reservation through hotels dot com, I have been talking to Raya and it seems like they don't read or understand my request. They kept saying that their check in time is 1400 hours and their check out time is noon. It sounds like a generic reply.
  4. I will be in touch. but it sounds like we will have only a day or two overlaps.
  5. I would very much love to hang out with you again. I will be there from 10/2 through 10/6.
  6. Thank you for your suggestion. I just reserved a "suite" room at Raya. It is about $20/night more costlier than Novotel Silom, but I decided to choose it for the exact same reason you mentioned. my focus will be on Lucky Boys and other bars on the same street, and Moonlight.
  7. Thank you everyone. 5 days won't be enough to see all the boys I want to, and I agree with Boy69 that it will be too much hassle to take for such a short trip. but I decided to see how much hassle it could be. as GoldMember said, a trip is better than no trip. and being able to see some boys will be better than none. So, I just went ahead and purchased a ticket. @GoldMember : thanks much for the info. I have never been to one before, but would love to check it out since I will be there in the same period.
  8. Thanks much for your thoughtful reminder. I am thinking of Bangkok. I haven't been to Pattaya yet. Traveling for more than 8000 miles each way just for a 5 day trip is definitely not an ideal vacation. But incredibly cheap tickets price is very hard to resist. It usually costs me more than $ 1000 to fly to BKK, but now a major airline departing directly out of where I live, with only one layover, for less than $800 is quite tempting.
  9. Into almost 6 months from my last visit, I am contemplating another visit to the land of smiles (and boys) again. It's gonna be quite short since I am going to have only 7 days off. It means after spending almost 30 hours in the air (and for a layover), I am gonna have only 5 solid days to enjoy.. not sure if it's worth it.
  10. If the rates are comparable, and if you have an option between Raya hotel and Novotel Bangkok Silom Road, I am curious which one you would choose.
  11. Then a timid late bloomer in me will come out with trembling hands and knees. Hope repetition will make me a pro.
  12. AlexThompson's trip review made me relive my last trip. His review on V club reminds me of my own experience there. some people say YOLO. but I live multiple times if it's good. Writing a trip report fulfills multiple purposes. It's not only to share your trip with the forum members here, but to recall your own sweet memories while you're thousand miles away.
  13. one man's food is someone else's poison? their poison can be my food.
  14. This reinforced my impression towards the place. Not sure if I could say the hottest guys in the whole city, but a massage shop with the most hottest guys compared to 3 other shops I'd been (Prince, Arena and my Hero). I remember that the cutest guy of my last trip was a masseur from V club.
  15. He is a reason to plan another trip to BKK soon.
  16. It is obvious that he got hair transplant.
  17. My reason to plan another trip to BKK in a near future ...❤️ (It is public on a social media site so i assume i could share this with you all here.)
  18. And also ladyboys showing off their male genitalia in pinkish condoms.
  19. I may not need to wait until I meet Silom boys, but even that big warrior statue at the Suvarnabhumi Airport may do it.
  20. I miss myself, the one in BKK who didnt mind if 9:30 meant 10 or even sometimes 10:30.
  21. Probably because I was looking at things (people and events) with love and from a positive outlook while on a vacation (especially when I was on the land of boys).. usually I am not that generous! Being back to the REALITY, I realized that I am in need of another vacation soon when I heard myself saying this morning "9:30 means 9:30! 9:35 or 9:36 is not 9:30!" to my colleagues. I understand that objectively, the boy did not qualify to be a professional masseur, but subjectively I considered him as a young kid who could give me some good memories, who let me use his body against his mentioned role preference. I did not wanna end my vacation with any remorse. I could not control his performance, but i could control my own reaction to it. I was thinking of even a higher tip, but since it was not up to my utmost satisfaction, I decreased the amount.
  22. I did not reward him for his substandard performance, but I did it for some good memories that I had with him.
  23. It sounds like we share similar tastes.
  24. So, I went to Dream Boys Paradiso and my plan was to off Mr Perfect Guy without entering the club. When I mentioned Mr. Perfect Guy's number to the doorman, he asked me to wait, he went inside, but came out to my frustration saying that Mr Perfect Guy was not working that day. The doorman didn't seem to have plan to let me walk away that night without any contribution to their business.. he insisted that I went inside and have a look at available guys. Because I was very reluctant to go inside, he asked me to take a look at the guys from the back door. it was even more weird. So, I went into the club instead. The place, as we all know here, was a tiny one. There were about 7-8 guys in jeans on the stage parading. None of them was appealing to me. There were more female than male customers in the club. The show started a few minutes later, with two guys dancing in their shirts and jeans.. followed by two ladyboys .. it was when one of the two ladyboys lifted her dress and showed off her male genitalia I paid my bill (350 baht) and left that place. The advantage? I did have a chance to give a feedback about their camera and violation of their customers' privacy to one of their mamasans who said she would mention it to her boss. So, Drim, I had to save your Mr Perfect Guy for my next trip. one of the mamasans inside said he was with a customer for a few days. I hope I did not give them an impression that I was trying to change them. Thanks to a senior member here, I am aware that we should never try to change them, but just to learn how to like their way. Being unsatisfied at DB paradiso, I continued to Tawan bar though I knew that it does not cater to my taste. the bar was almost empty when I got there.. only a few customers inside the club watching some guys on the stage - who were much bigger to my taste and more mature than I would have liked. One guy who appeared to be the smallest among his colleagues was trying to make a constant eye contact with me while he was on the stage, then came to my table, had some chatting, usual conversation such as where are you from? how long you stay in Bangkok etc? Throughout our chatting, he kept rubbing my thighs, and he was able to give me enough preparation for my last encounter before I concluded this trip. We left the bar after I paid my bill (350 admission fee, 500 off fee) and a small tip to mamasan, to have a quick and last minute pleasurable encounter before I happily concluded my second trip.
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