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Everything posted by OneFinger

  1. A New Jersey physics professor was arrested for his “hobby” – running a site for prostitutes and their johns. Apparently he had a straight version of MER where guys could find, hire, and review prostitutes. I don’t believe he did anything more than host the site. It’s not like he was a pimp and actively assisting the girls or handling the money. However, just “owning” the site apparently got him into hot water. http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=157&sid=16057633 Any chance that something similar could happen here?
  2. I did my military time assigned to a submarine. Whenever we'd go out to sea everyone would spend the first couple of days sleeping. The gentle sway of the sea would put everyone to sleep. Haven't slept like that in years. Time to buy a hammock.
  3. I haven't tried fresh ground flax seed but have been taking flax seed oil for several months. I think that assisted with my recent weight loss and breakdown of the fat.
  4. I'm equally grateful you've never worked for me. I doubt you'd meet my expectations.
  5. Ditto Charlie's fantastic post. It could take you at least 6-9 months to find another job and that would only be complicated by an extended period of no job. When I interview prospective employees I ask them to explain any non-working periods. I have yet to hire anyone that took some intentional time off between jobs. I've hired many people that took a meaningless job flipping burgers while searching for a "real" job. That screams to me of a motivated person that would appreciate and make the most out of my job offer.
  6. Expat, thanks for posting the link. I missed the opening number due to a phone call. Even had family texting me to hurry up and turn on the TV. I, too, felt like this was one of the better awards show. Sure more exciting than the basketball game.
  7. I was surprised to hear he had died on Friday. I thought he had passed quite some time ago. I did enjoy the Gunsmoke series and thought he did a fantastic job. Just an FYI, his co-star Amanda Blake (Miss Kitty) died of AIDS in the late '80s or early '90s. I understand Arness was very supportive and kind to her during the illness.
  8. Didn't realize he was gone.
  9. Well, time to stop the celebration. The Navy has changed its mind. "The Navy has abruptly reversed its decision to allow chaplains to perform same-sex marriages once the military's ban on openly gay service members is lifted, after dozens of House lawmakers complained. Rear Adm. Mark Tidd, chief of Navy chaplains, issued a one-sentence memo Tuesday announcing that the earlier decision has been "suspended until further notice pending additional legal and policy review and inter-departmental coordination." Read More Here
  10. "Anticipating the elimination of the military ban on homosexuality, the Office of the Chief of Navy Chaplains has decided that same-sex couples in the Navy will be able to get married in Navy chapels, and that Navy chaplains will be allowed to perform the ceremonies…" Click here to read the entire story. Never thought I’d see this in my lifetime!! Now, I’ve just got to find me a young and hung sailor.
  11. Up until a couple months ago I paid $27 / month for unlimited internet service from my local phone company. But, their service kept getting slower and slower. Plus, there were frequent outages ranging from several minutes to several hours. I fired them and got a 4G hotspot from Sprint. Very happy with their unlimited service. My current employer offered to pay the cost for this since I'm frequently traveling on business. So, I don't pay for internet service. I'm old enough to remember when ISPs charged on a usage basis. I hope they never return to that. Plus, can you imagine how much more internet surfing will be done at work where it's "free"?? That's only going to make things more difficult for employers and turn them into internet police.
  12. I've met several wonderful contributors to this site when they posted their travel plans. I also met Oliver when I posted my travel plans to his locale a few years ago. It's a wonderful way to put a face to some of the screen names.
  13. Sometimes it's good to go against nature. I'm with Lucky on this one. Totally inappropriate and offensive (and it takes a lot to offend me).
  14. I'm starting to get similar notices. But, I already check my accounts daily and keep close tabs on my credit report. While I'm not happy about the compromise of info, I'm not getting my shorts in a bunch over it.
  15. Agree with you on having your own storage at home. I do and make sure I back up regularly. But, unfortunately, that won't do you much good in case of a fire. I pay $60 per year for unlimited off-site storage. I encrypt all my personal and confidential data before it goes into their storage and I feel better knowing I can access it (if needed) while traveling or maintaining 2 households.
  16. Same here. I even tried to google and didn't come up with a link that would work.
  17. He's cute eye candy and excellent with the Jonas Brothers. But, I thought his performance in Les Miserables was horrible. His voice didn't seem to have to strength needed for the part. Much too weak and wimpy. I think his selection was an attempt to secure a more modern audience for the performance. I wouldn't pay money to see him do the role in a theater.
  18. Good to see you posting here. I've missed not seeing you on the other site.
  19. Really wish I had been able to attend the PS weekend. Seems like it always occurs on the same weekend as our "must attend" company meeting. But, after reading all the comments on the "other site" I would have thought this whole event was inspired, sponsored, and coordinated by Daddy. I'd actually like to meet him sometime and have the chance to form my own opinion of this guy. I can't believe all the people over there that are thanking him for his assistance and help this year. Perhaps he does more shepherding and mentoring than what most of us see. I'm also confused why those same people aren't singing the praises of this site. Doesn't make sense.
  20. As a recovering Mormon I can verify what relief it is to be free. I did my 2+ years as a missionary and consider that time as my "Mobot" phase (Mormon robot). I still appreciate many positive things about the Mormon people. But, thank God, I've been able to shed a lot of the negative traits / constraints I was taught as a child. On a side note, some of my current best friends were guys I served with as a missionary. Several of us have come out of the closet and now enjoy seeing each other in a new light.
  21. Thanks, lookin. I spent 10 years at my all-time high weight - didn't fluctuate more than a few pounds. I never thought I'd be able to get the weight off. Now the fun begins as I continue to follow my new eating habits. I don't ever want to get that fat again.
  22. Growing up in Utah, I've always had a fantasy for cute, little Mormon boys. Well, a friend turned me on to a new website that's right up my alley. Thought you guys might enjoy it, too. http://www.mormonboyz.com/recent/ They add a new missionary each week. I also find it very interesting that all the guys are posing in authentic Mormon temple garments (Mormon underwear). Personally, I think that's a little over the top and shows disrespect for a religion. But, the guys wearing the garments are hot!!
  23. Hey, thanks for checking in on us. Very sorry to hear of the passing of your mother and other "stressers". But, you're going great if you only gained 2 lbs through all of that. I've been waiting to post until I lost one more pound and reached a milestone. But, nothing wrong with revealing now that I've lost 99 lbs!! That's the combined equivalent of a new born calf, an average new born baby, and a dozen Krispy Kreme glazed donuts. (I do miss the donuts.) My clothes have been literally falling off me and I had to get some shirts and levis. I’ve now gone from a 3X-Tall shirt to a L-Tall and my waist has shrunk from 48 inches to 36”. (Actually the 36” pants are a little tight but they do fit.) I’m currently at my personal goal size for my waist. But, I still have 10-20 lbs to take off since I still have a little stomach overhang and the dreaded love handles.
  24. I found an article that indicates he's been a large fundraiser in the past. According to that story: The real significance in his hire: The Obama administration seems ready to make amends with wealthy donors who've felt shut out in recent years. Bernard is a major big-dollar fundraiser with a savvy sense of who needs to be rewarded with invitations to the right White House events. Link to Story He's also kinda cute. He's the one on the left (appropriate placement for someone in the Obama administration).
  25. I suspect he's probably being pressured by the Mormon Church to take that stand. The Mormon's aren't real fond of their members being Democrats. I think this is his attempt to remain in their good graces and keep his membership.
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