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Everything posted by OneFinger

  1. I remember one of my first jobs was selling gas. It was 25 cents per gallon for a credit card purchase. If they paid cash they got it for 20 cents per gallon.
  2. While the pix is great, I can't help but wonder how much is padded costume and how much is really him.
  3. I can't watch a video of him without my gaydar going off. IMHO, he probably is part of our community.
  4. Congrats on your wonderful loss!!! I've recently dropped 130 lbs and you've explained the process perfectly. All you have to do is eat less (and better food) and move more. That's exactly what I've done and feel so much better. It's like being born again. I'm doing things now that I never thought was possible. And, I'm so much happier with my life.
  5. I bought 20 tickets for a total cost of $20. If I understand the rules, I "think" I won $10. Not a big winner but at least I won something. Thanks for checking.
  6. I've always enjoyed easter and attending services at the Church of the Giant Resurrection. Here are some of my favorite easter pix.
  7. Very glad you're following up on this and getting all the test done. I was very overweight a few months ago and had sleep apena. The doc put me on a CPAP machine which made a great deal of difference. One of the best things that happened to me. I've since dropped 130 lbs and no longer need the CPAP. My diabetes symptoms are gone. No longer on high blood pressure meds. Heart problems are gone. My life is so much better than before. Please, keep on top of things. Do what ever is necessary to take back your medical health and get back to "normal". Since making changes in my life, I look and feel at least 10 years younger. It took a lot of deligence to drop the weight but well worth it. Best of luck and keep us posted.
  8. I lived for years in Utah where there were a lot of gay bars but absolutely no strip bars. Got a second home in Portland 6 months ago. There is a great strip bar here but have only been there once. There's also a wonderful gay church here but haven't bothered going to that either. I'm one of those older guys that's very comfortable avoiding the gay scene. I have close friends that I do things with. Have a couple of gay co-workers that I interact with. But, I'm definately not a "mover and shaker" in the gay community. They seem to be doing very well without me. And, that's just fine.
  9. Just purchased my tickets tonight. I seriously doubt I'll win but wanted a chance.
  10. Below is a statement from Atlantis Cruise President Rich Campbell: We appreciate the comments on this board regarding the incident in Dominica yesterday, but would sincerely ask that most of you get the facts correct before condemning Atlantis or Dominica for what happened. Here are the facts: Yesterday morning around 9:30 am two of our guests were seen engaging in a sexual act outdoors on their balcony in full public view of the port and town. Not only did many of the residents witness the act, several of our guests saw this incident as well. The local authorities responded to a complaint by several residents. The two gentlemen were arrested on a misdemeanor charge of public indecency and detained overnight. They appeared in front of the local magistrate this morning, paid a small fine, and were released in full. Please understand that the complaint and subsequent arrests had nothing to do with the guests’ sexual orientation, nor was any “anti-gay” law invoked. These guests were engaged in behavior that is inappropriate in any port of call, or major city for that matter. The guests were never left on their own. We had both representatives from Atlantis and Celebrity cruises with them at all times during their ordeal and had our local representatives look after them last night. Furthermore, we worked closely with the US Embassy in Barbados to assure that their safety was always being monitored. http://instinctmagaz...irectory=100011 I've been on several Atlantis cruises. I think the most important point by Campbell was that the behavior of those arrested was unacceptable. Sexual acts, done in the view of the public, should not be tolerated. I was also impressed the Atlantis AND Celebrity made sure that those arrested were not just left alone to deal with the problem. IMHO, the actions of the guests were inappropriate. Atlantis and Celebrity should be commended for the way they handled the situation.
  11. How much you willing to bet??
  12. Not much to see. I was with him when it happened and was able to kiss it and make it better.
  13. I use Carbonite for my backup storage. Very happy with them and the cost. I just received an e-mail from them that they are expanding their services. Appears that they're now offering an additional service of providing a mirror image of your entire hard drive. I assume that means the ability to restore all programs and systems. I'd look into that option.
  14. Love the pix and the positive responses. Things have sure changed for the better since I was in the military. It's refreshing to see progress like this.
  15. What happened or who died? Didn't get a chance to watch it last night and your post has me curious.
  16. Sunday is my day of the week for a home-cooked meal. I usually do a roasted chicken breast or something that will provide leftovers for an evening meal during the week. I don't have the time or energy during the week to cook a good evening meal. I also use freezer bags to keep individual servings of leftovers. I use a vacuum sealer to better preserve them. I generally have a wide variety of different meals in the freezer to chose from during the week. For lunch, I always make that the night before so I don't have to hustle around in the morning. And, I avoid eating out or a lot of prepared foods. I typically have a tossed salad, bean salad, cole slaw, or similar for lunch. For breakfast, it's usually a homemade protein shake with greek yogurt, fresh fruits, etc. Something easy to make.
  17. You wake up on the wrong side of the bed or are you always this negative?? Perhaps I'll add you to my ignore list if this is representative of your "usual" post.
  18. Because of my Mormon background and Utah roots, I really liked Latter-Days. It's a movie about a Mormon missionary and a gay neighbor. Very moving and something that had a personal interest for me. And, the actors for the main characters were great eye candy.
  19. Haven't seen or heard anything yet that her death is drug-related. Do you have more info?
  20. Why do the people that participate in events like this have bodies that should never been seen naked in public?? I'm glad they feel comfortable with themselves. Just wish I hadn't seen them.
  21. Touching. Moving. Cuts to the heart of the issue. And, this from a Republican???? If they all felt like this I might consider switching parties.
  22. I'm also glad to see you back and participating. Missed your posts and insights. BTW, what ever happened to Nick?
  23. Very interesting article with lots of info not generally known. Thanks for posting it.
  24. I think the ad is a stroke of genius. If I had a health club, I'd use it.
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