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Everything posted by lookin

  1. Good points! I think there's an art to accepting an apology too. Even a one-shot less-than- prostate prostrate apology is a step in the right direction and I'd rather err on the side of accepting it than rejecting it. I think that makes it more likely that other positive steps will be taken down the road, and maybe others will follow the example. And there's nothing wrong with gay folks being perceived as forgiving instead of forever furious. RockHard says it perfectly that both the Oscars and Hart missed a chance to clean up a pile and plant some flowers. Just as long as they're not pansies.
  2. lookin

    The Organ

    An older piece perhaps? I hear the bloom is off the rose.
  3. For the gloppiness, just add more water. For the taste, there's only one workaround I've found so far.
  4. lookin

    The Organ

    Les tubes: L'Orgue: http://www.charbonnieres-les-orgues.fr/index.php?id_rub=orgue
  5. lookin

    The Organ

    Preparing his forthcoming Dysfunctions of Decadence Paracelsus resolves to drop AdamSmith a line
  6. Well, RockHard, I'm sure you'll do what you think best. Selfishly, though, I hope you continue to post. I've read your posts for many years on both Boards and am never quite sure if they're day-in-the-life, a Board persona, or creative writing. Perhaps a mix of all three, and probably more. I know I look forward to reading them. The other thing I know is that you take time to craft something for us all to enjoy. As AdamSmith said in another thread, it's a gift and I thank you. I'd send some flowers, but there's a small issue in the garden.
  7. Hopefully these will give you something to do till the lights come back on.
  8. So why is Principe Prettyboy sitting over there? . . . . .. . . It's rank Hey you guys are no bouquet of roses either
  9. So guess who just got a promotion and a new pair of kneepads!
  10. For some reason, I can't seem to log out. I don't get by as often as I used to but, starting a few months ago, the "sign off" button stopped working and now it no longer appears at all. I can see the "login" button, but apparently I'm already here. I can post, and the member list shows that I've visited in the last twenty-four hours, even if I haven't been at the site in a month. Even as I post this, the "login" button appears at the top of the screen. I've seriously been thinking of becoming a cat burglar as it's well-documented that I'm always here and my alibi is airtight.
  11. Honestly! In these days of rampant cost-cutting, you just never know when you’ll run into a pinchpenny operation without the necessary amenities. Even though my venues are more modest and my needs are few, I always remember to pack an extra fly strip or two.
  12. Well, you're sure good at it! I've never been able to manage even simple changes in Photoshop. Not only do you get elements to merge and colors to match, but you also create pictures without artifacts and without anything that looks out of proportion or phony. Not easy to do. Grateful you're willing to take the time and share the talent!
  13. The suspense is killing me! OZ and Daddy, my favorite pair of suspenders! Good Heavens, we have a tie!
  14. I'm not going to do it That's all there is to it Oops! I've done it again
  15. Really sorry to hear the backstory, AdamSmith, but thanks for letting us know. All I knew was that there was an empty hat where a rabbit used to be. And not just any rabbit, but one who could pull himself out of the hat. You're definitely missed and I hope you won't mind the odd* fan who shadows you over here. * In all senses of the word: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/odd
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