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Posts posted by unicorn

  1. 6 hours ago, Latbear4blk said:

    So you are telling me there is more participation because there is more participation. Not a wise reasoning path.

    Come on. It's pretty obvious that if you're looking for an active discussion, one goes to the place with more people in the first place. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, or positive feedback loop. In addition, many people find out about that site because of all of their reviews. Many escorts themselves refer to that site in their own websites or on rentmen. To compete, this place would have to somehow be able to inform others of this place. Unclear how it can do that. I did mention once over there that I stopped posting pictures there and started posting them here, but it's not like I can keep making postings there saying "Boytoy is a better forum" without incurring the wrath of the administrator.

    2 hours ago, kjun12 said:

    I started this topic but it has gotten far off tract.  Please stop posting your bullshit and start your own topic if you have something to say off topic.

    Yes'm. Whatever you say.

  2. 33 minutes ago, Latbear4blk said:

    @unicorn, I am not into beating Daddy, but I do take your first point. Let's accept the only advantage of the other site is participation, even when I disagree. 

    My new question would then be, why do people participate so actively under Daddy's soulless tyranny and do not open their sexy mouths under Oz's democratic paradise?

    As has been stated multiple times before, people go there, as I do, because there are more responses likely to any posting or question. It's simply a more active site. Bigger is not necessarily better, but sometimes people just go where the volume is. BlueRay wasn't better than HD-DVR, but it won out because of volume.

  3. Amusingly, I glanced through a string in the other forum entitled "Do you forgive and forget or hold a grudge?". In it, Guy Fawkes, who I'm assuming is the man who runs the site, writes, literally, "I forgive and forget; it's not worth holding on to the negativity."  This from the man who's apparently banned a number of posters permanently. 


  4. 5 hours ago, RockHardNYC said:

    With all due respect, it's a bit more complicated than that.

    Daddy is very low on cash. In the wake of the Rentboy fiasco, he's particularly paranoid about the legal issues associated with photo uploads. He simply can't afford the Feds breathing down his site. He can't afford the hint of any fines.

    It's not a good idea to take Daddy's decisions too personally. He pays the bills for owning and maintaining his site, and none of us knows what it's like to do business in his shoes.

    The only "advantage" of the other site I've heard, other than traffic, so far, is that they allow posts to be altered indefinitely, and this site limits the time one can alter one's posts (I thought it was an hour, but someone else said 30 minutes). If that's an advantage, it seems to be a pretty minor one. One could also argue that limiting the amount of time one can alter's one's posts keeps things more honest. Clearly, the major difference is that of traffic/participation. Paranoia can definitely reach insanity, however. No sane person would ever confuse a photo of a model who happened to have a fully clothed toddler son in the background as kiddie porn. If I were playing the $100,000 Pyramid, I would not list that action if the category were "Things sane people do." The photo was from the model's own Facebook page, for Christ's sake. Another time he banned me for a month because I posted a picture of an FTM man which showed the man's vulva (not open or anything). He allows pictures of penises and has NO rules against posting pictures of vulvas. I don't know the reason for such a rule, which he obviously has in his head. However, instead of politely saying "I know that this is not in the list of rules I have at the top of this forum, but in the future would you mind not posting photos including female genitalia?" he chose to ban me for a non-existent rule, without so much as a notice. This is not just extremely rude (especially to a fruitful contributor), but quite insane as well, as I see it. The only one with cause to be "paranoid" is the hapless contributor who never knows what's going to set him off. But this "paranoia" would be based on real facts and past behaviors, rather than on unfounded imagination. Whenever I'm over there, I feel I'm walking on eggshells, and never know what's going to set him off.  


  5. 13 minutes ago, Latbear4blk said:


    Unicorn discard as unimportant the very biggest advantage of the other site: participation. 

    Oh, I don't at all discard participation as an advantage. It's obviously a massive advantage, and probably the only reason the site is still around and as successful as it is. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Lucky said:

    If you are criticizing Daddy here and still posting on his website, one might wonder about the sincerity of your comments. I think hypocrite would be the word to describe you!

    Jjkrkwood has 16911 posts there currently. How is it fair to come over here and attack the man who allowed you to post on his site like that?  Suckrateswood? You have a thread there called Daddy's Boy and in it the person asks Daddy to spank him. A fantasy?

    Unicorn, you have 17794 posts there. Maybe that's why the site gets more traffic?

    Of course, 99% of those posts are from before the time I found this website. I do occasionally still post to the other site. The high level of participation in that site is, clearly, a major advantage, particularly when one is looking for advice. Otherwise, I prefer this site. I've never met the administrators on the other site, but clearly he or they have issues. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, MsAnn said:

    For one, it has far superior software, It's more user friendly, and the site is easier to navigate.

    What??? I'm quite unsophisticated when it comes to navigating software, but I've never found this site the least bit challenging or difficult to navigate in any way. Could you be more specific? What about this site is user-unfriendly? If anything, I find posting pictures here a bit easier. You just click copy and then paste. In the other site, at least when I was participating in it, you had to click on the photo icon before you could paste the pictures, or you had to write in [img (webiste) /img] ( have to leave two brackets out for this to display). 

  8. 3 hours ago, MsAnn said:

    That's not necessarily true. And yes "B" is in reference to Daddy/ Guy fawkes.

    Well, I suppose one could say that it's not necessarily true that the oceans have water in them. That would be a true statement. But if the other site has an advantage over this one, other than having more viewership/participation, I'd be curious to hear your opinion as to what this advantage or advantage(s) would be.  I'd be curious to hear just one. I can't think of any myself.

  9. On 11/5/2017 at 5:46 PM, kjun12 said:

    Frankly, I don't see what all of this hullabaloo concerning Adam Smith's posts is about  I do not find his posts to be better than other posters and particularly find his posts of all of those videos to be irritating.  I wish he would start a thread where he posts all of them and keep them out of other topics.  Still, I defend his right to post what he believes.

    I do also know that he who calls himself "daddy" is getting to be more and more dictatorial and unfair in his blocking actions and this has caused all of his little suck-buddies to be fearful of posting anything that would irritate him.  This is not a healthy atmosphere and actually sick. His continual begging for donations is pathetic and I hope the bastard goes broke.

    I was blocked for a month because I posted a photo a model had on his facebook page, in which he was with his fully clothed toddler son. He accused me of promoting kiddie porn!! :wacko: If that's not crazy, I don't know what is. The only reason that site gets more traffic is that it's been around longer, so it just has more of a critical mass. The pictures I post here get plenty of views, although it would be nice to see more people give it some "likes." The numbers aren't as large as the other site, but posting here is so much more of a pleasant atmosphere that I greatly prefer it. I pride myself at having what must be the most comprehensive collection of sexy armpit shots on the planet! :lol: Hopefully in time, more people will drift over here. In the past I had donated a couple times to the old site, but obviously that will never happen again. I don't know much about the specific disputes. Who is "B"? Is that a reference to Daddy?

  10. 19 hours ago, tassojunior said:

    I'm aware that community property states like California can invalidate many pre-nup terms. I'm also aware that pre-nups have to clearly disclose assets, advise the other party to have an attorney look it over, be done at least a week before, etc. Also I'd want jurisdiction in a quickie divorce state. 

    I do love the guy, we've mostly been together 7 months, and there doesn't seem to be any other way to get him a visa. Because he's overstayed he would be prohibited from returning to the US for 7 years otherwise.

    If you really do love the man, marry him for real. If you don't love him enough to marry him for real, don't marry him at all. A sham marriage is going to involve messy legal problems, especially for you. 

  11. You should definitely invest in a talk with an attorney or two before doing that. One attorney would be an immigration attorney. I doubt that a brief marriage would pass muster. There would definitely be visits by BCIS officers to your place of residence. Since Argentina is a place where there's little persecution of gays, and, in fact, same-sex marriage is legal, I doubt he could apply for asylum successfully. A sham marriage could subject both of you to criminal prosecution. The other attorney would be a divorce attorney to find out how much you'd be on the hook for, even with a prenup. In California, during a divorce, you have to split up any money saved in a 401(k), 403(b), or 457 plan, regardless of what any prenup says. Due to this rule, I can't imagine getting married myself.

  12. Men who are that handsome often feel as if they don't have to make any effort, because things should just come to them (because it usually does). It's interesting. I'm at a medical conference this week and various pharmaceutical companies have booths which offer free espresso-based drinks. One has an extremely handsome man giving out the drinks, and he usually has a long (like 10 people) line behind him. Yet one can just walk up to the machine run by a homely Welshman...

  13. Police have visited Aaron Carter's apartment in Florida multiple times this week, after receiving calls claiming the 29-year-old singer has been struggling with alcohol and drug issues, and is allegedly threatening to kill himself, ET has learned.


    Wow, that man is fucked up. I wish I could save him. I don't know why people screw themselves up so much...

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