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Posts posted by Ojibear

  1. 18 hours ago, Tomcal said:

    I have been to Blue several times never had a problem but there were 4 to 6 of us each time I was there.  Not really my type of place so I usually go to of the other 4 clubs in Centro that I can walk to!  Blue you have to Uber to

    Hi Tom:

    He was overcharged at the end of the night.  He has a tendency to get too inebriated and is an easy mark.

  2. 5 hours ago, numazu1 said:

    Not sure if its the same boy but...

    Yes he is tall, yes he is muscular, and he has some tattoos, but not full of tattoos. He also doesn't want anyone knowing he is a GP. More on this later, when I write about him.

    Haha. Well it's still nice to get the temperature of the room. My trip reports are too long, too detailed, and too rambling even for me. Thanks for the more than ample encouragement. 

    Some of you, privately, took umbrage with the fact that I wrote these three words, signifying that I was starving for attention. My intention was to footnote every “Day 0: Setup” post with this “Continue or no?” question, as more of a flourish or rhetorical question that it is a call for votes to see if I am popular or not. It’s always nice to get feedback, but that’s not the main reason why I write my drivel.

    I write about my adventures primarily because I enjoy writing, and it helps me to take stock of what just happened, especially because these Brazil trips are always super intense and always somewhat life changing. Every. Single. Trip. Traveling alone is a sort of punishment you give yourself. You willingly thrust yourself at the mercy of strangers, in a strange land, with strange customs, and sleeping in a strange bed, eating strange food, and speaking a strange language. But it does change you, always, for the better, because, as the saying goes, “adversity builds character.”

    So guys, for the few who are reading, I hope you enjoy the trip report! 

    I hope they were just teasing.  For some who are impecunious or physically unable to travel, it is an important source of vicarious living.  As for me, I'm saving up to visit this strange paradise.  Thank you for your inspiring stories.

  3. On 6/18/2018 at 10:11 AM, numazu1 said:

    Day 7: Canela Road Trip

    I was sort of surprised on how easy and hassle free my rental car-road trip-Brazil tour has been so far. It is Brazil after all. From all the news reports and the general overall impression that Americans have and get about Brazil, I was half expecting a “Max Max” dystopian nightmare throughout my drive. Instead it was a care-free and stress-free time with a very amiable and game-for-anything garoto. I guess realistically the success of any road trip hinges greatly upon the quality of your travel companion. I do not know if I would get the same experience if I instead got a garoto, or free guy for that matter, off of Porto Alegre to go with me, while knowing the guy only a day or less before embarking on this trip. Gabriel and I have built up a rapport since our initial meeting last January, and we have settled quite remarkably into just a pair of old friends embarking on a road trip together.

    And this established rapport was crucial to a day like today. All I knew about Canela was I wanted to explore it and the area around it because my Portuguese tutor highly recommended doing so. So Gabriel and I did our research together the night before to prepare for today. From our little research, everything looked beautiful and accessible and since we had a car we would be able to go everywhere. Also, it looked like we will be getting a lot of exercise today with all the hiking and walking some of the venues required, so we both opted to wear athletic attire to be well prepared for the day.

    So after breakfast, we take the four bottled waters from the mini-bar in the room at Hotel Serra Azul, as well as some snacks we bought from chocolate shops off of the main drag in Gramado, we were off to our Canela adventure. Some highlights:

    Canela downtown was as quaint as Gramado downtown, and the Catedral de Pedra was very photogenic. Gabriel took a shit-ton of photos for Instagram. Lots of souvenir shops here as well:


    The Parque Estadual do Caracol, or Caracol State Park, was the highlight. We get there mid-morning, with the air still crisp and fresh. We had fun hiking around nature, and the view of the waterfall was pretty spectacular:



    After hiking around the park itself we drive up to the teleferico, or cable cars, to have an even better view of the park. There was a nature trail at the top of the terminus of the cable car route. At this point Gabriel was in a full jokey mode. The nature trail had some kitschy replicas of animals around the trail. Gabriel had fun with how bad some of the replicas were, while taking photos, and even riding some of the animals (you’re not supposed to do that), and wondered if the real animals were even here to begin with:




    On our drive back down the mountain, we pass by a Jurassic Park-type theme park called Vale dos Dinassauros. I asked Gabriel if he wanted to stop by the theme park. He said that if the animal replicas in the nature trail was any indication, he said he wouldn’t want to see what might be the same poorly rendered animatronic dinosaurs. We did have fun taking photos in front of the supposed electrified fence. Not sure if this was worth the 60 real ($16) entrance fee, but it probably would have been fun anyway with Gabriel’s commentary, or pictures of him riding on one of the dinassauros:



    After all the hiking and laughter, we find a por quilo buffet-style restaurant on the side of the road. It was 25 reals, or $7, for lunch. We skipped dessert because we were going to a chocolate museum next.

    Yesterday, at the hotel, they gave out little Chocolate nibbles from Caracol chocolates. So when Gabriel googled the chocolate brand, he found that Caracol had a whole chocolate museum full of kitchsy fun, called O Reino do Chocolate, or the Kingdom of Chocolate. We just had to visit it today:





    We bought a lot of chocolate souvenirs at the gift shop and was helped by a very good-looking employee. He even packed the chocolate in a Styrofoam cooler to protect the precious delicious chocolates:



    This is not the last we hear from good-looking employee… More about him next post.

    We wrap up our road trip with a victory lap of Gramado. We visited the various parks in the area, and concluded with a sunset “Pedalinho” ride in Lago Negro, or Black Lake.  A pedalinho is like a boat with foot pedals like a bicycle to drive it around the water, and in this case in the shape of a swan. It was a pretty nice, though strenuous, way to enjoy the lake:



    Gabriel, as expected, did an Instagram live broadcast, with me in it. I was able to utter a few phrases in Portuguese for his audience.

    Back at the hotel Gabriel was still buzzing with energy. He dangled the gym-then-sex combo again to motivate me to go to the gym with him before dinner. I said we can if he bottomed again for me. He said yes, since he said he will probably be able to top someone tomorrow back at Sauna Mezzaninu.

    I forgot to mention this yesterday: Gabriel did not bring gym shorts and enough underwear. I offered to buy him some but he said to not waste my money since he had plenty back home, and just asked if he could just borrow shorts and underwear from me if I had extras. Luckily, I brought some spares with me, and both fit him perfectly. He looks better in them than I can ever dream myself looking like in them:



    Gym, rinse, repeat. I think my relationship with Gabriel has progressed a little bit today. At our room after gym we start hugging and then it graduates to making out. Still sweaty and gross from the gym and from the rest of the day’s exertions, we start having sex. Normally I expect him to shower first, with me or after me. Now here we were, sucking, rimming, enjoying each other, wearing the sweaty and filthy baggage of the day. Gabriel scent was in full tilt masculine musk mode, and I was covered in a shiny sheen of sweat, but it didn’t matter. I was more concerned with him not liking the dirty me, but it seems it didn’t matter to him. I was enjoying this version of Gabriel, taking in everything, the smells, the sweat, the filth, all of it. And at this point, I didn’t think it could happen, but it made our sex better.

    A long hot shower was needed after that (because, among other things, there were buckets of cum between the two of us). We get ready for our big dinner tonight. It was at the Churrascaria Garbo and Bombacha, which was restaurant with a show. I think it’s like South Brazil’s version of a luau which is to say it was very touristy and overpriced, but that was not the point. The point is to just get huge helping of Gaucho culture (found in Southern Brazil, Uruguay, and Northern Argentina) in one spot, while eating a yummy dinner.

    It was about a 30-minute drive from the hotel to the restaurant , which was in the mountain ascent of Canela. Inside, the restaurant had a large dining hall area, with a big stage in the center. It was typical Churrasco with the meat station and buffet style display of food filled with side dishes and desserts, but it had way more variety in meats and side dishes than most Churrascarias I’ve been to, and the meat was out of this world delicious.



    At 10 PM the main show started with a very touching spoken-word song recited by the host. He rattled off all the states in Brazil in one poem, and various people would cheer when their state was mentioned. When Rio was called out, Gabriel gave out a fairly enthusiastic cheer and clap. He was getting into it. I was as well. There was a big Minas Gerais table, and they had the biggest cheer of all tonight.

    We stayed for two hours, and the show was pretty good, and was intelligible for me even if it was in Portuguese:





    We leave the restaurant at 12 midnight, after taking photos in front of the restaurant and surrounding park. With our bellies full and senses heightened by the cultural show, we successfully concluded a full day of touring. We were almost sorry we were going back to PA tomorrow. Not because PA was not as pretty as Gramado and Canela, but because it meant we were closer to saying goodbye.

    Sauna: 1
    Laziness: 1
    Hot boy tour of the city: 4
    Act of god: 1

    I'm living vicariously through your stories.  Until I get my hands on some $$$ that's all I can do.  I live two hours from Montreal, but the "boytoy" scene there is not all that.  That is my jaded opinion, but I might go back for a quick gander soon.  Thanks again!


  4. Time flies by quickly and youth dissipates.  However, in North American many rentboys continue on working well into the 40s if they look after themselves.  A mature escort is  sometimes a better choice.  Gay society is youth obsessed which is ironic because we are only young for a 1/3 of our life spans.  I was never attractive enough to work in the sex trade, but in any business one should always have a viable exit strategy.



  5. Why do gay men frequent filthy saunas? Why do the owners refuse to clean up the place?  Because they can get away with it.  They're greedy bastards.  Why spend the money to offer a clean venue, when it can they can pocket the money?

    Years ago I was confronted by a security guard at a gay bar in Toronto.  He was furious at an Indigenous gay couple and he approached me and said "all you 'Indians' are no good.  Any more trouble from "you people" and I will bar every last one of you."  I handed him my drink and walked out.  And I never went back.  I thought, why should I spend my money at an establishment that stereotypes my people as all being "no good".  Demand decent treatment and you will receive it.

  6. The Roma of Europe get a bad rep.  They've received shoddy treatment for generations.  They were victims of the Holocaust.  If they were treated with more respect, maybe they wouldn't be so desperate.  As an Indigenous man from Canada I know first hand how brown-skinned people are treated in the Gay community.  Not very nice.

  7. On 9/17/2016 at 3:16 PM, Coogee said:

    Recently came back from Madrid. Before I kind of liked Black and White , but this time it was a big disappointment . Unfortunately nothing happens in the bar before 1:30 am. The number of boys is very little and mostly skinny and dirty looking East European Gypsies. They are quite aggressive and immediately come up to you and ask for a drink or propose sex. I saved a lot of money, because no one and I mean no one was remotely near being attractive. I went there about 10 times , every time hoping  I would at least see one decent boy, but it didn't happen . I guess the good old days are gone. Probably there is more action in the seedy sauna which I didn't visit and on internet.



  8. On 12/22/2017 at 9:49 PM, Lucky said:

    I saw it in New York a few weeks ago, but it still has not come to the desert in SOCAL. It's a good movie, although a little long. Can you imagine if an older guy carried on with a 17 year old what the fallout would be these days?

    It held my attention throughout. I agree with you that if it was an older man, there would be a lynch mob. Something as simple as an attraction between a younger and an older man has been complicated beyond all reason. Pretty soon you'll need a priest, a rabbi and an imam, plus 3 lawyers to sign off on all sexual relationships.

  9. I watched, the very anticipated, "Call Me by Your Name".  I read the book this summer and liked it a lot.  There has been a lot of hype about the release of the movie and I was counting the minutes until it was released.  I was worried it would be a let down, but, it wasn't thanks to Timothee Chalamet's performance.

    What an amazing young actor he is.  He is practically in every scene and he never drops the ball.  He brought memories back of my own first love experiences and the agony that involved.  Armie Hammar is the perfect foil.  He's the unobtainable American beauty.  Tall, blonde, masculine, confident, and extraordinarily handsome.  Decades ago, I had an experience with a very handsome guy who was way beyond my league.  However, one crazy New Year's Eve, we consummated our friendship.  It's an experience I'll never forget.

    For an art house film, it never becomes too "literary" or "artsy".  A beautiful summer in Northern Italy, which is the perfect setting to have your first heartbreaking romance.  

    If Chalamet doesn't receive an Oscar nomination it will be a travesty!

  10. Being Canadian my top 5 are:

    1. SCTV (alumni are Martin Short, John Candy, Andrea Martin, Catherine O'Hara, Dave Thomas, Harold Ramis, Rick Moranis, Mike Myers, Dan Ackroyd ...)

    2. Kids in the Hall

    3. Codco

    4. Baroness von Sketch

    5. This Hour has 22 Minutes


  11. On ‎2017‎-‎07‎-‎17 at 3:25 PM, Tomcal said:

    Ojibear,  those are not listed in pesos but in U.S. prices!  Jim Mann who I referenced above is the listing agent.  Even a run down total fixer upper would go for  $40,000. U.S.

    I think I could swing 100 to 150 grand for a condo.  A small condo in my home town goes for around 180K.


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