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Everything posted by Riobard

  1. Sanddunes, your recent two threads have commanded greater than 5,000 views! I realize everybody can count, but it just hit me.
  2. I think Lip's (probably Felipe) surname is Santos.
  3. Fernando (hat) and Lip who I think has inked his entire back since he caught my eye a while back. Out of dozens of regulars, they are also my 2 favourites! Excellent taste, you. Each has hundreds of images in Lagoa's FB photo cache. They are constantly on the gogo with gogo assignments. Fernando keeps a barebones FB page, last name Miguel.
  4. Tartegogo, I do not pretend to understand what all the fuss was about. You said what was on my mind while typing. Too many overreactive traffic cops on that cantilevered corner. I should have steered clear. Now I know better where and how to dip my stick. I hope the GPs there are more laid back. LOL.
  5. I posted info that was a few feet off and tried to keep it lighthearted. It did not interlock 100% and efforts were made to pin it down. I continued to contribute lightheartedly to what I thought amounted to a simple comedy of errors. That is my version of events. I was not riled up, still am not. I just find it humourous that you make this akin to a grand jury deliberation. Nobody is going to expire over a missed dick. It was not catastrophic misinformation. This is all just very very funny. Try some perspective. Sheeeesh .... kkkkk .... hahaha. You guys are, sorry to belabour the point, very funny. It's just a forum. You are not in charge. Nor am I. Keep writing about what others write. Keep commenting on motives. Keep controlling the conversation. Keep using bluster-faced bold. Keep trying to shape for readers a version that is lodged psychologically while attempting objectivity. You can do that. If you get what you want, good on you. This is all just being human ... and is very very amusing. Not the worst bonus in a place where good information can be had. I can say what I want. Do what you like, but it's not in a vacuum. Be as brief or as detailed as you prefer. Everybody will have their own take. I will try to be accurate and unrushed. I will respond to editorializing as I think is merited. I am not remotely close to the threshold of flipping anybody. It takes more than silly gratuitous insults, stern librarian boldface, cross-eyed admonishments. I just needed to remind myself that you are important but thIngs move fleetingly here, and it should be easy and light.
  6. Lucky, I think that this is just like social media in general. A response to every nugget in every feed may give the false impression close attention is being paid. It may, however, be cursory attention. One single nod may be attentive, genuine, and sufficient, and does not negate the quality of your post. That is the cake ... one person makes it whole. Beyond that is icing.
  7. Apologies, again, OP sanddunes, am trying to stay single with singular purpose, I really am. But love that's a battlefield keeps snapping at my pumps.
  8. kkkkkkkkkk ... I think I am sanguine, as I get you now, but I think you think you are in charge about what I am. Perhaps that is your brand of chill humour, relaxed giddiness the signature. If not, you have your work cut out, then. So I am the one that's bent out of shape here? Hard to read absolutely, I may be off the mark, but I want to offer: try not to burst a blood vessel delivering your insights.
  9. What remains confusing to me is that the available information points to Eros being a tape and video loja, notwithstanding the internet neon. But nearly adjacent to it is the Fênix LAN House café I referenced, that is unambiguously an internet-station establishment with one reviewer verifying its X-rated leanings. All we need is somebody to put on their reconnaisance fatigues ... sanddunes, curiosity piqued? There are two vid venues, separated at the cantilevered corner by a Peruvian restaurant. Who is to say peru is not served all round at all three with or without a side of pāo? Confusion aside, should be easy for an experienced truffle-pig.
  10. A thousand pardons ... that culpirit would be me. At the streetview address I provided, in the vicinity, exists a net cafe called LAN House. One Yelp reviewer (they are minimal) uses it for biz. He said he found it convenient but "peculiar" (actual term) ... because after 22:00 there is access to adult content that he implies alters the atmosphere. I did find one Fênix Lan cafe image at that address I provided, that apparently does not underscore the masturbatory agenda. But mvan professes his place is over on Aurora anyway, so this image I now attach only verifies net/xerox services similar to what the mystery place Eros likely provides. mvan did not indicate earlier if he would provide the name and address. That called for patience on my part and for not assuming it would not be forthcoming. I did not leap without looking, but I did leap.
  11. About this thread more recently, I enjoyed the OP's sharing about the 'daddy' urgings and the 2nd contrasting hot guy. Glad my next touchdown south commences in Paulista territory! I also like to witness all the reviews of establishments. Sometimes they will be positive, sometimes the other direction, sometimes concur or not with others, sometimes referencing antecedent reviews sometimes not. However they roll out, it is entirely possible to see them as stand-alone attempts at generously contributing overall to the large accumulation of content typically occurring in a popular forum. A free rein, reign free, works best ... particularly since so many members already tune in without broadcasting. That is OK too. Preferences are just that, not rules. Our Mummys and Daddys (no word play intended) set us up adequately on the compliance front.
  12. No sweat ... this was the address and location of the one net café that emerged pinned in a map search, across from Bourbon. And it had a review from a cute guy (not that that alone verifies anything). Would that I could magically dispatch a towtruck to streetview. I hope I did not steer anyone off course, mvan. You are a local expert and your recommendations are highly valued, particularly this little gem you pulled out of your treasure trove of experience. You may have spared me sitting down panties to my knees in a family-geared bodega!
  13. At the risk of pretense, here's supply chain evidence of that sweet yeasty Fênix Lan net café trouser trout. The place sounds compensatory following underwhelmed palates at Chili Pepper.
  14. Revisionist historical comedy is tricky but this one resonates with current event power plays. Characters in farce are harder to relate to than in traditional drama ... Tambor and Buscemi pull it off. But maybe it worked for me because of memories of Tambor's hilarious turns in Larry Sanders and some of the pathos of Transparent. Buscemi can be very very funny in roles but project take-no-prisoners menace as in Boardwalk Empire. Less familiar actors would not have worked for me. Perhaps one reason to catch this film is that it is banned in Russia, and I don't think it is just because it goes for laughs around the shenanigans of scrambling for survival following the death of a mass murderer. Sending up politics there does not fly well.
  15. Riobard


    "O, that he were an open arse, and thou a poperin pear!"
  16. I put Davison here cuz he is almost certainly Brasilian and I wondered if he had footprints in the memories of South America visitors. I saw an ad a few weeks ago. I think RM.eu but I do not recall the profile name and "Davison" might have been referenced only in his greeting. Pics unmistakeable if you scroll sites, though. Strapping and older. Moreover, my sense is he does not match the taste blueprint of Euro-locale BT members.
  17. Riobard


    Burt R is 82 and was so handsome in his 40s.
  18. Riobard


    OK, memory laners ... back on track. Burt Reynolds observing Tom Selleck about to take a Magnum, before he's Magnum!
  19. Aha ... Righto. Thanks. I seem to have found searching Hunqz easier directly, and I no longer sign in to my Romeo account. But I have not yet made or saved contacts. Sometimes I just take a screenshot, and keep that and phone number in an album. For Spain, I like the telechapero and morbototal sites.
  20. I'll plunk "Davison" 411 query here. Lately ads Madrid. True name initials JL. I have not met him so his gym "friend" is someone else. Should be it for now. I do not add dick pics, though that might be a better cue for some.
  21. Good intel, 007! Yeah I have seen the other half's photos in their SocMed, who appeals less to me. L listed on netgay Rio & SP for a good part of BRZ summer. Frolicking with their kennel friends conveys an innocence that undercuts the menace-to-johns aspect, but that comes as no big surprise, right? "George" remains in my spankbank safety deposit box, though. I am in Europe soon but won't go out of my way to pursue. I have another more mature fellow you may have some skinny on ... tbc.
  22. This Brasileiro fellow, George, I have not met, true name initials LO; ads, variously, Brasil, Spain, France. Beard the recent look. Anyone who knows of him, I'd appreciate a PM or answer here. This thread need not be an anthology unless that is what tout le gang wants ... I am curiously seeking information that should not take up too much time.
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