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Everything posted by Riobard

  1. Well, it's done ... was a wild ride with a lot crammed in but I kept wanting to tune in, and to see if anyone bought Ramon a comb. A Ted Levine cameo is always welcome. Some of the negative reviews combined with low viewership may lead HBO to can it.
  2. Good for Everett, starring and directing. He is an underused treasure. Reading The Happy Prince @ bedtime to young'n's has also been a treat.
  3. If you are familiar with Brit Alan Hollinghurst's work and Booker Prizewinner status, you may know his latest novel TSA. He is a kind of unofficial Violet Quill member from across the pond. Semi-spoiler alert warning: ------ His version of a gay-for-pay long-game scene, more literary than pornographic, yet extremely erotic. Set in one of the historical timeframes and settings of the book. I really enjoyed it and I am going to try to revive it by finding just the right photo image(s) for me to fantasize and, well, you know ...
  4. The takeaway for me, my divine little northern cub, is that these pics of certainly very cute brasileiros are more reflective of the blogger's tastes in guys than they are representative of the range of program guys that typifies the brothel scene. There is a broader range of GdeP body types, in case a reader here is wondering how much his preference can be accommodated. But I may be overstating what has often been already verbally described. The photos may also be closer to commercial sex app-based ads and are a big draw for many admirers.
  5. Tomasian, Re: favela idea ... the heart wants what the heart wants. However, Like JOs, I find a pic'll do. Poor people's slum 'hoods are not the World's Fair. Not a petting zoo. The inhabitants are not suggesting their lives qualify as a spectator sport. I think that their approach to the enterprise is resigned ennui. You 'probably' won't be ducking bullets, but meh. A DIY visit to Art Deco Dude may be a perfectly fine option. Here is why that always works for me ... Cloud cover can mist out the view up there, so the 70 reais rack-rail ticket may be wasted while you miss out. You can visually 360 the weather and strike quickly while the iron is hot. Über from hotel or Metro Largo Machado to the base train station in Cosme Velho. I often hoof it from Flamengo district. Best time to avoid long queue is early morning after you check if weather favourable ... I think the first run up is 8-ish with slight seasonal variations. There are often other passengers to get chummy with. DO NOT ambitiously walk down the mountain roadway to the street level. Use return ticket. Early morning may suit your fucked dateline rhythm anyway. You can easily book ahead at hotel but you hope to stretch your swimmers and heelers.
  6. Many of the competitions are local qualifying events because there are so many wannabes, with bigger or final-phase competitions drawing more entrants from out of town. For example, sanddunes' dancer Miguel was in Mr Itaborai last year, and there is sometimes Mr/Ms Niteroi, and so on. Gives more in the sport a chance to flex off, possibly place, and acquire a pro card. I am skeptical about competitors working the brothel circuit as a sideline during peak season. Your finds will likely occur in reverse ... a BB may be found in one of the usual GP venues. At events, they are more interested in angling to represent a brand. Telegraphing in some way that they will 'ho' with a spectator while biding time up to nutrition endorsement or pantie modelling entry-level opps works at cross-purposes for them. So you might consider spearheading a redxs underwear line. The moniker already fits the product. Groupies tend to have an established connection or, like you, could expect to be cordoned off and screaming and whistling your lungs off in the bleachers. Think Man United in your neck of the woods ... minimal fan unity if you are not a Spice Girl. You will get a better visual vantage point from videographers' subsequent Youtube posts.
  7. Oh snap. Touché, Marquise de Merteuil. Last resort sandbagging putdowns make you a good catch, right? Your risk analysis lead you to Ugly. Blatant rudeness trumps knowing when to be silent. Casts of thousands have your number yet swoon, no doubt. So this is the way it's going to be. How will you profit? I could never have seen this coming. No dog in the ring but a dog with a bone. Suggestion: take a moment to metabolize obsessive residual bitterness. You could just divorce, you know. Tell you what. Be single with me, and that rules. It does not need to be broadcasted. Leave it for the archives. We both know nobody is following this with bated breath. Gentlemen, nobody has rolled over, that much is official, faces saved, and the rest is over.
  8. When I go to Hunqz, even without Romeo sign-in I simply type or scroll to the desired location. As depicted in attached images. I do not receive a notification it did not work. The profiles just come up automatically. If I keep scanning the profiles they just become progressively more distal, for example Madrid profile listings eventually transition to Sevilla, Barcelona, Malaga, etc. I am exclusively using my iPad, location usually North America. But some of the profile galleries do not download. Most do. Is there an advanced user level to access some of the missing profile images?
  9. Ah, it's just a case of withdrawal but there will be other opps in which rosemary scented litters will flourish.
  10. I know about tariffs, mvan1 ... I was joking, not trying to master the intricacies of international purchase power parity. At the time, I could not know you weren't implying it was exorbitant.
  11. I think it is signalling being over-flogged, to the point of dead-horse status.
  12. An oncologist with a carcinogenic jacuzzi? Dr R, heal thyself!
  13. It could be argued, perhaps, that it is ironic his apparent boasting has the unintended consequence of highlighting how much he was ripped off. It is coincidental that we are ripped off by default, but it could be ironic if we then mock his being gouged. Only the Stratford Wives know for certain.
  14. Gotcha! They are trading off a potential impending visiting client to be spared anything but more imminent business. They can spoof visibility while I can go to greater lengths to spoof location, all in double stealth mode, single stealth if I communicate. But don't use my language terms in Quora! They are making even me dizzy.
  15. LOL ... I think you mean, simply, situational humour predicated on (likely) unintended hypocrisy. It is funny that I request something due to lack of comprehension when others may not comprehend me And it is coincidental, not ironic, that a term can seem to be on-the-nose though misapplied. And it is not ironic that a more sophisticated literary device term was used here when plain "funny" would do ... its use was simply humourous. What makes irony more complex and baffling than SOME of my run-on sentences is its misuse. But it is a form lost principly because we tend to elect time-efficient wash-and-wear in an age of time-consuming device-centered techno-babble, where my true deficiency is most pronounced. Sometimes a little catty patience will enable a more precise swipe. After all, there is no lack of true irony in other expression choices as I have many literary wrinkles to smooth out. Faux irony is more elusive but may yield amusing kitty vids.
  16. OK, I am officially naming that tub The Santorum and steering clear!
  17. Oh, I looked it up ... you mean a Grindr user is spoofing their location, so THEIR profile does not truly reflect their distance from the viewer. It all seems a little excessive and obsessive whether for fun or function. Maybe the spoofer wants Daddy to pay a fake kidnap ransom, or is are avoiding an ex? Or perhaps you are thinking an acompanhante might try to bamboozle based on a travel surcharge? I guess my practice of covering exclusively face-to-face outcall time circumvents that kind of grab play.
  18. I am not really sure what all the above terms mean in this context. I am using the Grindr function Explore to access profiles elsewhere in the world. I do not see a "discover" function in the app. Does this make me vulnerable in some way? What is the purpose of faking position and why is it important for me to figure out the what, why, and how of GPS faking? Or do you mean people with profiles can detect users using Explore and then elect to block their profiles from being viewed other than by local users? If that is the case I won't bother to use the app unless geograpically proximal. It's not that important to me. I am not about to deal with the hassle of that system, I forget the term, VPS? VPN? Am I missing something here? Please use plain language with examples, or explain what stealth means as it pertains to the app. My understanding of the word is that presence can exist without detection.
  19. 835 feet and wants transport surcharge ... practically already on top of you!
  20. I just searched, entering "Paulista", from NoAmer, 13:30 EDT. The app actually recognizes neighbourhoods. 3 explicit ads out of 200 profiles. I find that from a distance, unlike when I was local, the annoying 'refresh' feature that disrupted my scrolling does not kick in.
  21. And sparring partner, driver, receptionist, and realtor ...
  22. I was bred in the northern borealis which shapes my imagery. I get the tipi effect if the masseur does not resemble a warthog. He says flip over under the sheet ... the tent is pitched. Yeah, mmm-mmm-mm, Cristian is sommelier, masseur, and tantric tent-raiser all rolled into one.
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