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Everything posted by Riobard

  1. I think it is useful to be reminded of the repressive regression permeating commercial sex work legislation in general. Being Canadian, it is illegal to pay for webcam performance (so no Boytoyflirt, CB, etc credit card registration for me); for S&M even if no objective physiological arousal because the government owns the definition of sexual gratification; to buy a mickey of Canadian Club for the local 68-year old streetdweller to jerk me in the privacy of my own home; or communicate with any provider about service provision even if no followthrough booked session. Not just fines .... mandatory minimum prison time. And my marginal tax rate is 39%, so if I want to compete with the old street hustler for trade, which is legal, I get to keep but $6.10 for the fantastic blowie on offer, not to mention 40% of my income pays for these ridiculous rules.
  2. What!? Two inches wide is enormous girth! Sex trade context is a poor setting to assess maximum erection. Because the 5th percentile ranking is 3.94 inches, yet very slightly less than that for Asian subpopulation, a minimal increase based on peak arousal would place his length no lower than one out of twenty men, even assuming his true age corresponded to his stated age. A small proportion of males' secondary sex characteristics continue to develop past age 18.
  3. It worked better for Stand By Me. He did not fully inherit his Dad's resonant voice.
  4. Code for the hope that quality might differ behind the lens of the forum "camera"? Perhaps the level is as high as it can be. Private message works as well as email and can also include clusters of members. Email perhaps allows for more image sharing, considering provisions of trust and protecting the privacy of the providers that are adult men labelled colloquially as boys.
  5. Point taken, but best to use squeaky clean terms, and the discussion here helps to develop a community standard that assuages understandable anxiety yet does not impose much burden on posters asked to use alternative terms. That is easier than second-guessing the outcome of various related law enforcement trends.
  6. Because the question was non-discrete as opposed to non-discreet, it was ambiguous, so I assumed it was related to the number of entries into this loja in Botafogo or other Rio locations and beyond. So say I to the prospective prosecutor. I went in to browse several times but I touched nothing and there was no financial transaction. If my "Portulish" were better, I'd have asked questions about product age-appropriateness. ------ Parenthetically, boytoy colloquially means a female of age available to a male of age, or a male of age available to a female (or male) of age. Joking aside .... guy, provider, scort (please, not 'scout'!), etc, any one or more of countless options distancing from the notion of child, being under legal age of majority, or outside of the legally acceptable age differential where sexual consent age is less than the conventional threshold definitions of adulthood, etc. Otherwise, a "boy who is not a child", which is too cumbersome. I already weighed in earlier in another thread regarding the term. The flippant or casual sloppy use of "boy" here, by now, is forthwith puerile.
  7. I think that emoji should be retired. It gets misconstrued because it is periodically used with mocking intent and to convey middle-school bullying alliances. That is why you must defend it in conjunction with another post. Get my drift? I believe some pitiful suckered-in Sunshine State handmaiden, Ofsolsticeoil, much less slick than he imagines himself, holds the record. Run and save yourself from that level of futility.
  8. I am glad you can read attentively. Generally, a perspective is derived from a repetitive thematic pattern that is not always easily recognizable or easy to draw out, but with patience, or even a little manipulative baiting of the sleeping dog ... Some of the worst of this is on me. Anytime is extreme, but an acceptable figure of speech. Perhaps in this case he was not throwing shade, but drawing attention to an oft-repeated trope. One can never be sure. Everyone is multi-faceted. A new reader just cracking open the books here likely does not recognize that the "pained garoto" trope has already been inserted many times by the same source. It is like a retweet ad infinitum, losing its punch for the veterans here but still potentially instructive and amusing for some. I, too, have been redundant. Some of this is simply how the material is organized. A novice reader might be hoodwinked into thinking that you overreacted and that you may be silly for having done so. In short, they read his nibs response according to his design. There are seasoned readers here, however, that can view your reaction in the context of previous threads. So don't worry about your instincts being off. The dynamic is recognizable, and discussed backstage more than you probably know, without the intent of ungentlemanly gossip. I should stop my "blathering" for now. But one more thing ... one offshoot of your calling a specific person out is looking forward to a hiatus of cheap skewering, that person cleverly backing off for a time to rehabilitate image. He may even ingratiate himself with you. If you prefer harmony on the Board, you have done your part in this case by behaving honestly and genuinely.
  9. Easily done without it, #SoLessOwl wisdom than Granny, since the #SoleAsshole source is one particular DICK-straction personified here, repeatedly flaccidizing and dismissable. gif?
  10. Once again giving you the benefit of the doubt, my fille-du-roi roots accept.
  11. The dick is deeply embedded, in recess. Give them time to cum up for air.
  12. Edit/delete not working ... but watch out for that pooch with the bottle cap chips neatly lined up. Bitch passes asses, I mean Aces, under the table. Either that or it's desperately and manipulatively trying to say: It's my fifth ... that Eton mess is mine, inn't?
  13. Excellent if misdirected advice, #SowLastSold with incessant squealing, and amazingly does not have wiki-sourced flavour.
  14. My favourite in Paris by far. Lovely, and well-chosen dreamy soundtrack ... Debussy and Ravel if I am not mistaken.
  15. Why so ridiculous?, #SowLessSoil with steaming piles of manure, s.v.p. I am simply describing what said pimp telegraphed to me about threatening to give escorts a piece of his mind and dropping them, based on my input. I wondered if I was a guinea pig in some cases introduced to spanking new catalogue choices. Obviously, his business model is a poor fit and I would not continue to spin my wheels or the wheel with him. If I am not mistaken, we generally share some reservations about choosing from ersatz ads comprised of photos and retailers' hard sell. Moreover, do I want to be confronted in a dark alley by a dumped provider whose plans for earnings are thwarted because Sr Pimp relayed to him, in his language not mine, he was "for shit" on his date with me? Surely this can be taken by most here as a well-intentioned caveat emptor.
  16. No, the ticket is integrated and you can go anywhere on the Metro system. Just transfer, not exit. If you exit by mistake maybe you can re-enter. I have not yet made that gaffe. I think it is a two-hour window, activated at initial insertion, and you can even transfer to bus or tram within the allowable zones ... that would involve an exit and then card re-insertion. There are some aspects I do not yet understand or recall because I have neither the need nor time to research. For example, is it a special fare just to enter Line9 proximal to centre? Surely frequent travellers needing two stops only on Line9 not remotely close to El Prat use a regular fare, I assume. Wild guess: special fare only for embark or disembark T1 or T2. You only need to purchase T10 the next time you travel as per usual. For convenience, perhaps get it as you exit to your accommodations on your inbound date. Let's say you are outbound from Urgell. Just buy the special ticket there or at an earlier date (or 2 fares at airport arrival?) in case there were to be a glitch, but careful to not activate cuz I think it looks identical to T10. Hop on Line1 and as described, auto transfer at Torrassa. Keep ticket to insert for exiting to either terminal. I do believe tickets are not purchaseable until you exit there, so don't get stuck. You don't want to have to backtrack a stop or two to exit and re-purchase, again I am 99% sure the airport is the only station requiring ticket for station exit, or have to necessarily hand a fiver to a stranger for a favour. It is not foolproof and I have witnessed other Metro users make errors. If you are fatigued on arrival you might stick yourself with an expensive 10-ride special fare you'll never use. Come to think of it, a Lyonais was sitting beside me, having evidently got on L9 bound for airport without special fare, and course-corrected with friendly input. Aerobus for travel hours outside of Metro timetable.
  17. Marrakesh as a tourism enclave experiences same-sex activity tolerance relative to Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia more broadly. I believe Tunisia continues to filter online material, can legally detain prosecute imprison, etc, and its LGBTQ position and record on the world stage is lamentable. Wake up and smell the Shisha pipe.
  18. At the risk of leaping to a flawed inference based on a small dataset, I am going to throw out a personal observation and recommendation here regarding procurers. As a pimp's 'newbie' customer I made the strategic error of responding with candour and balance to feedback request, assuming that the nuances of fitness of match and of client characteristics would be listened to. I won't spoil the plot line by specifying the identity of any one particular broker. However, anything less than a stellar review can compromise a provider's position, get back to the provider with a less than graceful approach by the procurer, and make things a little uncomfortable. That said, the broker's reactivity in front of me may be smoke and mirrors for my benefit as he pegs me a certain way, a dynamic I prefer over compromising a local CSW trying to make an honest peso for survival. Better to be vague and make an excuse for non- repeat. Convoluted Reasoning & Anti-intellectual Pomposity? Yes, perhaps.
  19. I have more to add about my observations, and comments about others' interpretation of my cultural acumen, in relation to Santo Domingo, having witnessed in a short time there some exceptions to some of the thesis-grade content added here. However, I cannot figure out how to import applicable "quote" function into a new topic thread and I am conscious of my role in highjacking Snowbird's thread. I think it best to punctuate what can end up an arduous back-and-forth that may offer instant gratification for some but be long forgotten after a minute and buried in whatever news cycles emerge subsequently.
  20. Kkkkkkk ... vid directed like a single handheld cam psychological horror thriller. "No, run! Don't go down those stairs!"
  21. Encouraging ... I have locked in my flights and digs, essentially in Chapinero a Wed thru Sun inclusive. This may be asking too much precision, but I wonder if on weeknights when GEH is essentially closed (barring the suggestion that the Thurs StM show spreads up to the GEH space), for 1:1 private massage-room play would pre-show be any different than post-show in terms of selection and productivity? And I am thinking that maybe a solid midday repast works better as the day's main meal. Lighter fare in the evening to make time for venue play,
  22. I actually don't have a complete clue what the first sentence means, in spite of being largely Québécois. Perhaps it is because I find it odd that a French Canadian, other than a run-of-the-mill blowhard, would react so vehemently to that inocuous a question. Perhaps it is 'life' not 'lie'? Perhaps I don't grasp the "rumours" aspect. Was the Canuck behaving like the stereotypical UA (the colloquialism, not the novel title or protaganist)? As for "boy", I do believe that is an Americanism. I don't know its use in Austria, though eg "house of boys" may be an influencer. I don't recall any introduction to the term up to the point of initially completed three decades of hiring. But having TO and MTL dual citizenship, it may be loaded partly in relation to the young Portuguese Torontonian Em Jacques shoeshine lad homicide. What I can say that is that it is cringeworthy and not normalized enough in my context for me to like or accept it. I would expect to be slapped across the face if I sidled up to a hot local stripper and said "you are the hottest boy (garçon) here". Though he would likely roll with it's ATM accompaniment. The preferred term would be guy/mec. His close friend is "boy" (see below). Garçon for non-adult male or male server. Confounding, perhaps, I know. Adult Canadian males even in Rouyn-Noranda have inexplicably both dropped Céline like a hot potatoe and appropriated the term "my boys", where boys can be like "le weekend", ie either tongue ("boys" another Americanism, I think), for their besties, an artefact of musical genres that Québécois lads go batcrap cray cray over, dare I say racially slanted!? [Careful, Riobard.] Less incongruous a term over time in the friends circle context up here. But I don't think "boy" for trade will ever stick in a lot of places.
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