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Bingo T Dog

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Posts posted by Bingo T Dog

  1. 47 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

    You're not too predictable.....lol.
    However, regurgitating the same propaganda from your favorite left-wing site (and apparently your only news source) proves absolutely nothing.

    It may be about time to put on your big boy shoes and expand your horizons.



    download (21).jpg

  2. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/how-trump-s-greatest-policy-triumph-could-derail-his-bid-to-win-back-the-white-house/ar-BB1kYMz8?cvid=54631a8678384384eb0dce87b7d01423&ocid=winp2fptaskbarhover&ei=75&sc=shoreline   The former president succeeded in constructing an unassailable conservative majority on the Supreme Court, which overturned the constitutional right to an abortion two years ago and set off an extraordinary cascade of consequences that now threatens his 2024 campaign to win a non-consecutive second term.  

    Trump is yet to come up with a coherent policy on abortion as conservative states enthusiastically try to dismantle those rights. His equivocating shows that he knows restrictive abortion policies are deeply unpopular and could weaken his already fragile appeal to suburban and women voters. But he can’t quite disown his big win in becoming the Republican president who sent Roe v. Wade crashing down.

    The ex-president’s dilemma is back in the spotlight after Florida’s Supreme Court on Monday delivered a ruling that will mean that a six-week abortion ban – one of the most restrictive in the nation – will come into force next month. Trump originally blasted the six-week cut-off as a “terrible mistake” when he saw a chance to damage then-primary rival Gov. Ron DeSantis, who signed the law. But on Tuesday, Trump declined to answer questions on the matter, promising instead to make a “statement” next week.

  3. 23 minutes ago, EmmetK said:


    Trump stock shot up over 6% today. This rise occurred on a day the Dow plummeted 400 points!
    You should probably start reading the Wall Street Journal. Maybe you can learn something also about the Gaza borders.


    Admit you made a bad choice in buying the stock and save face.  Touche!!!!!!!!!!


  4. 5 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

    It's easy to pick on the Christians. They are low-hanging fruit.
    Christians won't cut your head off for offending their God and religion. Leftists are absolute cowards. They would never do such a thing to Islam.

    How many innocent people has Bibi The Butcher killed today?

  5. 1 hour ago, EmmetK said:

    The historically and religiously illiterate Democrats are fully triggered.... lol

    They think paying taxes = charity.
    They think the Constitution wasn’t directly influenced by the Bible.
    They think that men can transform into women.
    They think women can transform into men.
    They think children with feelings should be castrated and injected with hormones.
    They think politicians can stop climate change.
    They think unwanted inconvenient babies should be butchered and parts sold to Big Pharma.
    They think 65 million aborted Americans should be replaced by illegal immigrants.

    Is it okay to think a man can love another man and a woman can love another woman in a loving and sexual relationship?

  6. 5 minutes ago, Stable Genius said:
    • March 28, 2024Updated 1:16 p.m. ET NYTimes

    A Republican operative who said he had been groped by Matt Schlapp, the head of one of the nation’s largest conservative advocacy groups, dropped his lawsuit against Mr. Schlapp after receiving a $480,000 settlement, according to three people familiar with the deal.

    I wonder if Lara Trump paid for this with RNC funds??????

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