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MERmen Los Angeles Dinner = Wednsday 8/1/2012

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Totally Oz and I would like to invite all MER men to join us for dinner this coming Wednsday evening.

The Location will be BITE on Santa Monica Blvd. in West Hollywood.


Please note this will be a CASH only event and that participants are expected to cover their own expenses as well as any guest that they have invited. In other words if you invite a working fella to join us you are expected to cover his expenses as well as your own. Their will be one bill for the table so bring CASH to cover your share.

Afterwards I will be headed to Mickey's to enjoy the dancing boys :hyper:

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I will let my fellow MERmen in on my secret parking spot, There is an underground garage beneath the Tender Greens on SMB (Hancock and SMB)that I use quite frequently. It is secure and well lit and cheaper/safer than the open lots behind the bars.

$7 flat rate after 6 p.m.

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If I'd known about this event sooner, I might have made arrangements to fly down to Los Angeles to meet all of you and to enjoy your company.

At any rate ENJOY yourselves. Perhaps if this is done again, you'll meet Axiom, your Northern California "site amigo."

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If I'd known about this event sooner, I might have made arrangements to fly down to Los Angeles to meet all of you and to enjoy your company.

At any rate ENJOY yourselves. Perhaps if this is done again, you'll meet Axiom, your Northern California "site amigo."

Ditto. I apparently missed earlier posts about this event.

Would have flown in for the event but not at the last minute.

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The menu at this place looks good. I can't believe I've never stopped in since I had to walk by it a thousand times going to Micky's or Here (when walking from Townie's secret parking spot, which I also like a lot).

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Im in Weho a bit early and there is a huge line of teenagers outside of "1 Million Milkshakes" on Santa Monica Blvd. with cameras and security. Then I heard them yelling "We love Cher!!" over and over again. I went over and asked them why they were there and it was for Cher Lloyd the X Factor UK former contestant. I was devastated.

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Guest tomcal

Great evening and it was nice to see some of the MER posters I haven't seen in awhile like Expat and JKane. A special treat was having Scott Adler show up, charming and more handsome then ever! Townie and I were there an hour early so we went to have drinks at "Eleven" where there were two very hot bartenders to keep our focus until it was time to meet up for dinner was enjoyable2! After dinner we all went to Mickey's where there was about 10 strippers to entertain everyone.

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It was nice to see everyone. Thanks Townie and Oz for arranging it. And I have to say that Oz is very charming. I hope to meet up with him again in the future. It was also a nice surprise to see Scott Adler as well. He's actually hotter now than ever.

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It was really great to catch up with people I have met and always enjoyed their company as well as a few I have wanted to meet for a long time. I truly had a great evening and felt so comfortable and at ease and thoroughly enjoyed the conversations! I did get home past my bedtime and will pay for it the AM but thanks to everyone who showed up last night. A special thanks to Townie for organizing this and making the arrangements for the evening.

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Thanks to Totally Oz for a great dinner,Thanks to Scott for jumping off a bridge :rolleyes: thanks To JKan for cutting himself in half :frantics: and, Thanks to TmCal for wipping my drool off the bar at Eleven :hyper: Thanks to Expat for providing pop culture information dear to the hearts of teenaged girls :twitch: and thanks to al of the other attendees for showing up on a schoo night.

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Thanks to Totally Oz for a great dinner,Thanks to Scott for jumping off a bridge :rolleyes: thanks To JKan for cutting himself in half :frantics: and, Thanks to TmCal for wipping my drool off the bar at Eleven :hyper: Thanks to Expat for providing pop culture information dear to the hearts of teenaged girls :twitch: and thanks to al of the other attendees for showing up on a schoo night.

This is why I should wait till my fourth cup of coffee to post-sorry for the typos and mispellings!

I almost forgot to thank Totally Oz for his showing us how to train a caged pig

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This is why I should wait till my fourth cup of coffee to post-sorry for the typos and mispellings!

I almost forgot to thank Totally Oz for his showing us how to train a caged pig

Townie is a funny man but he is being very serious here. I did try to take that little piggie home but he was squealing too much for me. I hate a screamer. ^_^

(I wish I had my camera last night for a photo of my caged pig (his words) )

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Joining the chorus of "Thank you's". It was a fun evening, and it had been a VERY long time since I have met up with many of the fine gentlemen in the group. Special thank you to Totally Oz for a wonderful dinner and to Townsend for organizing.

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