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Everything posted by floridarob

  1. Another pic of the live music side of Wateke....
  2. Just back from 2 nights there. I haven't been there since 7 years ago....where does the time go 😳 First night when I arrived had dinner with friends and back to hotel since I made for a long stopover in Mexico city to do some business transactions and arrived pretty beat. Second night went to Jardin Wateke, always been warned of how dangerous it is in that area, but never had problems there.....so far! Is 2 bars inside one, one side has live music and other side DJ.... lots of young guys with their older friends/boyfriends and some hustlers. Cute bartenders too.....didn't do much but drink there because I knew I wanted to go to Colorina, a show with very good looking strippers and "ficheros". A fichero is a guy that will hang and talk to you as long as you buy them a beer, 100 pesos for a pony beer (cuartito). Was a Wednesday night, so kind of slow, but I prefer it like that, less customers competing for the guys. Oh, you can also do a private 5 minute show for 120 pesos too or have a stripper have a drink with you for 600 pesos, $30usd, ridiculous. I had a nice skinny guy with a good dick that ended up coming back to my hotel for 40usd....was a good, fun night. I need to plan trips that include a stop in Monterrey more often. The 1st pics is Wateke, very much a dive bar but pretty big and fun The others are from Colorina, they don't care if you take pics or videos either....I should've taken more pics of the strippers, but was occupied with my fichero, lol
  3. That's how it starts.....that's how I became a bottom 😆
  4. Not really convenient to a good bus/subway line......when I went, there were always a few looking to hitch a ride back downtown. The bus lets off down a steep hill that you need to walk up..... I don't recall any of their suites having a shower inside either, maybe 1 does 🤔 Lagoa got a decent location, I like the location better than their old pace. Most of the guys visiting, rent or share a room nearby or in Republica....Fragata's old place was a block from good bus lines.
  5. more prevalent in the Thai forums...
  6. I don't eat before massage or sex, because I'm worried about it coming out the other end 😳
  7. 15 hour delay....to Dominican Republic. A/A pilot will have splaining to do 😬
  8. I've been through that several times in my life in different countries....is a nice experience. BUT can be frustrating at the same time while you're waiting/wanting to get laid and get back to your own bed. 🐷 When I visit where I'm from , I stay in a hotel. I don't like staying over other peoples houses, even family members, when I want to poop to get something to drink in the middle of the night, I feel awkward.
  9. As long as you don't speak like that too....could be more difficult to understand trying to listen for missing letters 😳
  10. I'm glad tetracycline antibiotics exist, but hesitant to use them. Long term use, the bacteria can become resistant. My GP (internal medicine specialty) was very concerned when he heard my Derm Dr recommended taking this, he asked me to think twice, said it's VERY hard on the good bacteria that we need. He felt better me using topical cream as a substitute. Take an antibiotic for the shortest time possible When including an antibiotic in your acne treatment plan, your dermatologist will prescribe it for the shortest time possible. Because acne takes time to treat, this usually means three to four months.
  11. Just re-read your post.....I'll wait for your report after. Very frustrating when someone you've been a client with all year, sometimes for many years, doesn't have time for you, because they're too busy or someone is paying more. Or you want to go to a cabin and there's a 1 1/2-2 hr wait.....the competition is between the clients, it's a seller's market that time of year....not many things get etched in my mind, that is a clear one that I won't forget, along with Acapulco is dead to me, lol
  12. Just another way for big Pharma to make money , Making you put things in your ass so they can sell you things to put down your throat. What sort of Terrorist state supports this.......Do you think it really works or are you just being a sheep!
  13. I mentioned this to Namazu the other day....he's like you, loves crowds. I hate most people 😉
  14. I know we're probably very different....it's etched in my mind to stay clear of Rio 2 days after Christmas until 3 kings day (Latin Holidays). Too much competition, prices are higher, lines in saunas for suites, guys trying to do as many programas as they possibly can (good for them, bad for me). First 3 weeks in Dec are my star dates to go almost anywhere. Kids in school, parents looking for Christmas stuff, in Rio is very slow....lots of guys need money for Christmas stuff..... flight deals are good, cruise deals are good, hotel deals are good, the only super crowded places are the malls, which I haven't been to in a LONG time New Years Eve in Rio is a blast....Once was enough for me, the other things negate the 1 good night.......
  15. Monterrey Mexico next week for a couple of nights.....Brasil for a couple of weeks in Feb. For the moment, searching all my ailments.....
  16. Gee, Thanks....I know what my hypochondriac ass will be doing for the rest of the day 🙄
  17. He said old Farangs, didn't specify gay. I'll repeat, have you seen the condition of some (most) of the old guys, particularly in Jomtien....look like death walking. I'm not a Dr,....but some of the guys look like they died last week and just don't know it. Reader, Someone like yourself, doesn't enter nearly into this category. You look healthy and active (not insinuating any sexual position preference 😉)
  18. Dr. John Campbell ( a nurse teacher) seems to have found his niche audience....and fulfill your narrative. Here is a good discussion, it's a little long, so your attention span won't allow you to watch the whole thing, plus it doesn't fit your narrative.....but it explains a lot and including why people have doubts about the vaccine. I'll bet you a cheeseburger you don't watch more than 30-60 seconds of it:
  19. Have you seen the guys he is talking about.....if you can't tell they are death walking, someone needs glasses. @MarcSingap from/lives in Singapore...he's mentioned before. I've had 5 MRNA shots, as have millions of people. @gayinpattayaThink about the processed food you/we are ingesting and what's in that, it's doing more harm to us.... talk about that. Or doesn't it fit your narrative??
  20. And generally less expensive.....inch per inch (or cm per cm)
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