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Everything posted by 12is12

  1. "what can possibly b gained by it?" 2 things: 1 - others would enjoy the guy Vinapu recommended. 2 - others would not hire a guy who fakes fotos or doesnt deliver on promises. I agree with u Reader that "our opinions r subjective", but instead of "all" I substitue "most". In most hires, satisfaction or lack thereof is subjective and chemistry may b dominant. In some cases, usually the worst ones, it's factually objective (re Forky's examples). These r the guys forum members should b warned againt, by name.
  2. Reader, please b thorough before accusing. I didnt introduce the term "crap" here; Forky did in his post 20 hours ago, which is why I initially used quotation marks. As always, it would b much better to address issues instead of venturing into personal criticism. In this spirit I repeat: I did NOT recommend "rating their performances". I urge all of us to write curt reasonable factual non-demeaning recommendations or warnings, such as: "I recommend Wit day and night" (Vinapu). X offered no sensual component. Y is highly recommended. Z promised to do something and then refused without explaining.
  3. But u didnt name the "craps". I wouldnt go to any crappy hotel or restaurant (or lawyer or handiman) with bad reviews. No reviewer gives them the benefit of the doubt, hiding their names. Patrons simply report their experience, without thinking "maybe they'll improve". Why r masseurs different? Why shouldnt we learn from your experience whom to avoid?
  4. Bravo Vinapu, for giving an example. Do all the nay sayers find anything wrong with that? Forky, I agree with ur observations but not with ur conclusions. U r a good kind generous person, giving a disappointing masseur the benefit of the doubt (maybe he'll change, maybe it's personal chemistry). However, u r doing so at other patrons' expense. I would rather avoid any masseur u defined above as "crap". This is especially so with cheats, who promise and dont deliver or who fake pics. They deserve NO consideration.
  5. I think it's a great idea! Why not? U r welcome to encourage the masseurs to create a forum, where they could share info about clients that dont tip well. It would of course b less useful, because we come and go while they r the constant in the equation.
  6. I join the accolades for your valuable contributions. However, per my policy of (not full but) more disclosure, I'd like to add the question: why not share the names (no additional details) of the worthy and the disappointing? For example: in sauna X, John provides a service above and beyond; in sauna Y, Joe doesnt add any sensual component to the massage. OOH, no invasion of privacy, no indignities. OTOH, invaluable info for future patrons.
  7. PLEASE call a truce. Please.... Most of us here r interested only in shared info. If anyone dislikes anyone, why continue with bitter bickering? It doesnt matter who has the childish final word. Just IGNORE. Please.....
  8. Thx Andy for the report. How did u speak with the locals?
  9. Not a matter of "opinion". It's a fact an axiom, but standart common sensical conduct is enough to address the prblm
  10. This total top conduct u described is only at Binbin or also with apps street Marlow's guys?
  11. Guys, does all this fun action in various places happen only to relatively young tourists, or also to older not-neccesarily attractive ones?
  12. I'm asking bcs I've never been to a motel. Is it a better place to deal with such incidents? In my hotel there was security, who could be counted upon to forestall violence. Is that also possible in a motel, if a hustler grabs ur wallet?
  13. It IS groundhog day. Shan't repeat myself. I give up. Let the cheats continue to con others after they had done so to one, And let the worthy remain without their deserved accolades and potential additional income.
  14. In my humble opinion, this has less to do with sex reviews per se, and much more with extreme Political Correct PC culture.
  15. Reader wouldnt object to that.. However, apparently he and others wouldnt add "and Joe in that sauna was great", let alone post Joe's public foto and add that he works at sauna X.
  16. Example: "I met Jose thru his grindr public foto below. Good guy. PM me for more details"
  17. On the personal practical side, given that u r VERY experienced, it would be beneficial if u would share useful recommendations and warnings with some kind of contact info, even without fotos.
  18. It wasnt taken down or commented upon or warned against by management. Neither was the grindr foto of Jose recently posted by me in the DR forum. If and when management issues contravening guidelines, I m sure everyone will abide by them, including yours truly.
  19. How then do u explain Zack's foto posted above?
  20. Colmx , Alvnv: Of course I'm aware of that subsection. If u click on it u'll c it's poor offerings: during the last year there r only 9 posts, 7 of which deal with apps rather than with providers. It is a matter of fact that members here prefer to post reports on the countries/cities subsections. In these posts they also mention hookups with providers (good or bad), almost always WITHOUT adding the essential details (public foto and name) which would make the report beyond intrstng - also USEFUL. The very existence of that subsection (to which both of u referred me) proves that criticism of my suggestion (as flaunting privacy rules/norms) is totally unwarranted. Of course, members who want to abide by the organizational chart of this website could add a referral/link to their report in a country/city forum: "see full review in the apps forum". To wit, none do. I'd find such a procedure redundant and bothersome. I therefore urge all of us, in line with this website's rational (exhibited also by the existence of the apps forum) to add the public identifying details of providers - for the benefit of all here. (-:
  21. No Those apps exhibit profiles, sometimes 'marketed' by official or non-official providers. What I suggested here is that members who had met with those providers - post providers public name&fotos and add a short rcmndtion ("Zack is s really good btm boy") or warning ("X is a cheat and doesnt look like his fotos"). It's similar to a "reviews" section. It would immensly help us to identify quality guys, and help worthy providers get more clients.
  22. Turns out that Marc - who vehemently criticised my suggestion to share info about providers - examplified its benefits with Zack. BKK posted Zack's public profile pic, and Marc recommended him. That's exactly what I'm calling on all of us to do more: WITHOUT private info or pics; with public info that the provider himself posts.
  23. It's u who has a good heart! Ater all he has done/said and not done/said, to speculate that his intentions toward u might have been benign - attests to a saint-like heart.
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