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vaughn last won the day on October 10 2023

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  1. ST = Short Time - the guy goes back to your room and you do the deed then he leaves. LT = Long time - usually overnight and sometimes the morning LLT = Long long time - multi-day/night arrangements, i would say do this only when you know him and you have good chemistry. When in the bar and you have picked the guy you like and you're having your drink with him, ask if him 'you want to go short/long time with me', then he will usually respond with yes and price paid to him directly in the room after the time. The bar also charges a fee 'off fee' to take him from the bar and it will be added to your bill in the bar. I'm not in BKK atm, I can only travel to and from when work permits unfortunately.
  2. I get the feeling about being hesitant with the pressure, I'm also not a big drinker most of the time and I'm fairly introverted so I dislike having someone hovering trying to get me to make decisions. The first time I went a few years ago I was alone and very nervous, but after that first time it's easy. Sometimes I think we give the impression it's going to be relentless and confrontational, but it really isn't 99% of the time. It's just them trying to keep you there buying (any) drinks and hopefully getting you to take someone off. The mamasans don't care what you drink as long as you're not sitting on empty forever, most of the time I'm just drinking soda and lime (Schweppes Manao Soda). If the mamasan is asking you to pick a guy from stage and you either don't want to or haven't made a decision, just say "I will watch and chose later". Most of the time they get the hint and leave you alone for a bit while you decide to pick someone or pay your bill. The MBs are usually the least pressure in the bars i've found, it's after the ST or LT they'll send messages and try to get you back. You can avoid it by just not giving them your Line or Social Media. I still get a bit uncomfortable if the gogo is empty and I have a stage full of hopeful eyes looking at me, so maybe do a lap of the bars and look for one that isn't empty for the first time. If you go just before the show or during the show times it's more likely to have a crowd to sit and observe for a while. I'm under 50 and not there atm to intro, but i wish you well.
  3. I second that, I went back 3 nights in a row for it last trip. @vinapu yeah it's directly across from Dicks, small outdoor kitchen/bar.
  4. Interesting to see Khon Kaen being put forward as an option, i've never been there but have met a couple of very attractive guys from there. Has anyone here spent much time in Khon Kaen? any info on the gay scene there?
  5. depends who you ask haha, i'm still in my 30s but doing my part to continue the legacy of gay pattaya
  6. Can you share the youtube video? I can't answer any questions though, it was all before i was born
  7. For a very long time Australia has made it very hard for them to get visas to visit Aus, apparently there are changes in the works for relaxing the student and working holiday visas for them, but it would be hypocritical to expect them to give us visa-free when they had very little opportunities to step foot in our country regardless of what they allow for others.
  8. not looking to be contentious, but more curious. What was the racism your friend experienced in Thailand? I was under the impression Thais were pretty friendly to foreigners regardless of skin tone. I've witnessed some of the bar girls call out to a black guy calling him chocolate man, but i got the impression it was more endearing rather than as an insult. I can understand Japan, foreigners get rejected from venues and services or just ignored entirely, because we don't speak Japanese.
  9. My most liveable city/country list comes from Grindr's annual unwrapped recap. That said, i'm moving to Melbourne soon, so i'm ok with either list i guess. Denmark being so high on both (and after seeing those danish twinks) might mean i need to re-evaluate sometime in the future.
  10. nice report, sounds like a great getaway! I'm a diver and have Koh Tao on my list of places to visit, but i'm too reluctant to go alone because of the frequent deaths reported there. I just need to find a LLT MB that has his diving cert haha.
  11. I'd be interested to read a trip report if you get the time and want to
  12. My first thought was that maybe he had opened and then re-armed it while they were in the room, perhaps to get their fee or put a watch or wallet in, and one of them was able to see him enter the code. I can't imagine them sitting there punching in codes over and over to brute force it while he's in the room, most newer hotel safes make sound on the button press, it would be a risky game to try if that was the case.
  13. Moving was a discussion we were having, glad it didn't work out early and not after one of us moving to another country. Travel buddies is a risky business, i can imagine it would be worrying for MBs that go away with guys when they could end up stranded if things go south.
  14. I've never booked in advance, sometimes if i know i'm going back to see someone and i've got their Line already i'll let them know i'm coming at X time, but I don't attempt to reserve through the shop directly. Some shops do have Line accounts where you can reserve, other members might have some links. Massage shops will have the guys sitting out the front on plastic seats waiting for you to walk by, just walk up and if you like someone ask for massage with him. I'll sometimes stand there looking at the menu pretending i'm not just going to get an oil massage while i look at the available staff. Just make your selection clear, i had an unfortunate experience where I ended up with someone i really didn't want because I wasn't explicit in who i wanted. I was too shy to reject him when he got to the room so it was a looooong 60 mins. Afternoon or evening is when most staff are there, some might hang around earlier in the day eating lunch or whatever but selection is usually lower.
  15. 6 months, we lived in separate countries but travelled back and forth frequently. We had known each other for a couple of years and travelled together a lot before we got more serious in Dec/Jan. I don't want to go into too much detail, but we didn't work out and i walked away. back to my old ways
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